In the desperate eyes of many dragons, the flaming meteorite actually stopped in mid-air. When the flames dissipated, what was revealed to the dragons were two figures suspended in the air.

One of them exudes colorful rays of light, which is so gorgeous that it makes the dragon intoxicated, while the other one makes the dragons involuntarily feel at ease. This is the return of their big leader!


Tietou, who thought he would definitely die, let out an excited cry. As soon as it started, all the velociraptors present raised their heads and screamed. The screams came one after another and continued. This was the joy of surviving a desperate situation and the return of the clan leader. of excitement.

Xu Dong controlled the power of his mind and slowly fell to the ground, while the white dragon did not stop, flapped its wings and flew in the direction from where it came. It also continued to finish the battle.

After Xu Dong returned to the royal court, the first thing he did was to evacuate the Velociraptors blocking the door and let Tietou guide them back to his home in an orderly manner. Xu Dong flew to the big lake to rescue those who jumped into the lake. The velociraptors in .

They jumped into the water to avoid the falling meteorites. In fact, many of them were not water-resistant. Fortunately, there were enough velociraptors jumping into the water, and not many drowned due to mutual help.

But soon the vibrations they caused attracted predators in the lake. The former predators of the Great Lakes were cooked by the sun beams of the North American Dragon King, but nature could not leave empty ecological niches without replenishing them, so soon the Great Lakes All kinds of creatures have been completed.

The top predator in the lake now is a plant dragon that came from nowhere. Xu Dong once thought that crocodiles dominated the waters. Later, when he met the plant dragon king, he realized that all crocodiles are descendants of plant dragons.

These plant dragons that dominated the waters wandered from other areas along the rivers, and soon settled here and became the local tyrants of the Great Lakes.

Previously frightened by the meteorite, the plant dragons hid. After discovering that the meteorite seemed to have disappeared, the group of guys became arrogant again and began to swim towards the location where the velociraptor jumped.

Velociraptors, animals that are larger than them, generally do not hunt, but if these guys jump into the lake and reach their territory, the plant dragons will definitely not be polite.

Hundreds of plant dragons swam toward the velociraptors from all directions. Xu Dong could see them clearly in the sky. Faced with such danger, Xu Dong immediately roared and told the velociraptors to swim ashore quickly.

The slope on the Wangting side is too high. It was originally designed to prevent predators from the lake from coming ashore. After being hit by the sun's beam, the water level evaporated several meters, and it has not recovered even now.

This makes the royal court even further away from the water, making it almost impossible to climb up. The only way is to go ashore from the lake.

After hearing this familiar cry, the raptors who fell into the water raised their heads one after another, and sure enough they saw the familiar figure, their leader, their backbone, Xu Dong.

After receiving Xu Dong's order, there was almost no hesitation. The velociraptors swam towards the shore one after another. Even those who could not swim were carried by their companions to swim together.

Xu Dong, on the other hand, set his target on the approaching plant dragons and must not let them get close to the velociraptor group, otherwise the casualties would be incalculable.

A large plant dragon with a body length of eight meters swam the fastest, two or three positions ahead of the other plant dragons. Xu Dong waved his hand and lifted the big plant dragon directly from the lake.

If he wanted to frighten the ferocious plant dragons, he had to use the most ruthless means to deter them. So Xu Dong directly tore the big plant dragon into four or five pieces under the gaze of all the plant dragons. Blood flowed out from its fractures and dripped. In the lake.

Using his telekinesis, he threw the broken body into the group of dragons. Xu Dong's actions obviously calmed the predators and bought time for the velociraptor to escape.

But this was only a moment. Under the stimulation of blood, the Zhilongs began to gradually lose their sanity, and their fear of Xu Dong also gradually faded.

Finally, these predators in the lake couldn't control their bloodthirsty instincts and devoured the big plant dragon, and then turned their attention to the velociraptor splashing in the water in the distance.

All Xu Dong could do was to lift a few plant dragons again, tear them into pieces and throw them into the water, letting the plant dragons satisfy their greed.

This method is used to continuously delay the advance of the plant dragons, but this also has a disadvantage. Unless all the plant dragons can be killed, it will not be able to stop them for long.

At this moment, the cry of a big man came from the shore. It rushed back with the hunting team and saw many velociraptors swimming towards the shore. When it looked far away, it saw Xu Dong in the sky, the acting clan leader. It suddenly became excited, but it controlled its emotions very well and ordered the velociraptors to go into the water to pick up the tribesmen.

With the help of the big guy, the Velociraptor that fell into the water came ashore faster, but the Phytosaurus was still a threat. Of course, the Velociraptors were not afraid of these guys on land, but in the water, it was difficult to fight against them.

Xu Dong only has one, but he has to deal with so many dragons. It would be fine if he was in a state of complete victory, but the previous supersonic flight did hurt him. His body is still scarred, his ears are still buzzing, and his mind power is exhausted. It's even more exaggerated, almost less than 10%.

Such a disabled body can recover as long as he rests for a period of time, but he does not have much time to rest. The danger of dragon planting is imminent. If they are not dealt with or delayed, the raptors that fall into the water will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

The smart big guy obviously saw the situation at the scene. He jumped into the water and started to help the lagging Velociraptor rush to the river bank to help Xu Dong relieve the pressure.

At this moment, something happened to the time pause on Xu Dong's shoulder that he had been maintaining. He had a hunch that his life span was running out and the time pause was about to expire.

To make matters worse, he ran out of time. If that didn't work, he would have to give up on the Velociraptors and directly deal with the leaders Big Man, Iron Head, and Furious.

At this time, the white dragon that should have left appeared here again. It opened its crystal-clear dragon mouth and sprayed out blazing flames around the location of the velociraptors.

This flame is also strange. After being sprayed in the water for a while, it didn't go out. Instead, it became a barrier between the velociraptor and the plant dragon.

Such a barrier successfully made it impossible for the plant dragons to survive, and they could only sit back and watch the velociraptors leave.

Xu Dong looked gratefully at Bailong who left and came back to support him. Bailong howled and flew away again, leaving no trace of cloud behind.

After returning to the royal court, only Tietou and Big Guy were there. The other leaders had their own affairs and did not come back. Xu Dong had no time, so he could only teach Big Guy and Tietou their experience.

About how to breed, how to make pottery, how to finish stone tools, how. . .

Xu Dong didn't have time to wait for them to slowly understand, so he could only instill it in one gulp. It was up to them how much they could understand.

When the time was about to come, Xu Dong stood up, and the time pause just stopped. His life span was less than a year, and he could no longer pause it.

The stagnant petrification began to spread around, and Xu Dong was completely turned into a stone statue in just two minutes.

The big man and the iron head screamed. They stood up, clasped their hands, and wailed at the stone statue of Xu Dong to bid farewell to the passing of this generation of kings!

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