Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 295 Reincarnation

It rained heavily on April 8, Year 8126 of the Red Dragon Calendar.

After the episode of young Gerzan, we continued to climb up. This time, we did not encounter any strange species. The group of nine people successfully traveled a long way up, getting closer and closer to the cave that Chief O'Hara mentioned. .

I'm a little excited. This may be a great discovery that shocks the world.

But we didn’t expect that the weather in the mountains would change at any time. The originally sunny weather suddenly became overcast. By the time we approached the cave at the top of the mountain, it was already raining heavily.

Gasang said that there were no caves here originally, but a long time ago, it was said that a great wizard from the Yama tribe received divine revelation in a dream. A holy dragon with seven-colored light descended from the sky and brought her here. The great wizard came from This nearly closed cave was discovered.

When he woke up the next day, the great wizard came here with his tribe, opened up this cave, and discovered murals from ancient times. The great wizard believed that he had been inspired by the dragon god, so he changed his tribe's name to the Holy Spirit. The Dragon Tribe lists Kalahar Mountain as a sacred mountain and enshrines it in the image of a white dragon, guarding it from generation to generation.

I immediately asked about the Holy Dragon Tribe, because it might be related to a discovery that I had never paid attention to.

Gasang shook his head and said: As you can see, Kalahar Mountain is now an abandoned mountain without any jurisdiction. The Holy Dragon Tribe is just a legend passed down by our Yama Tribe. Even the oldest member of our tribe The high priest also admitted that even the high priest who established this tribe when she took office had never seen any trace of the Holy Dragon Tribe’s existence.”

I was a little disappointed. A long time ago, when I first entered the path of paleontology, I saw a lifelike painting in the Red Dragon King's Court Museum, which depicted a snow-white flying dragon, which impressed me. What was profound was the strange seven pairs of wings on the back of this white dragon. I once asked my instructor, can these wings also fly?

The instructor told me that this was a painting by an unknown artist eight thousand years ago, called The White Dragon Comes into the World. It was just like the Ascension to Heaven or the Gods and Demons picture painted on the coffin by the owner of the tomb in archaeological discoveries. It’s just the fantasy of the ancients.

I didn’t pay much attention after my doubts were answered, but unfortunately, a fire broke out in the museum a few years later, and many precious collections were burned. Countless archeology and paleontology experts were heartbroken because many of the museum’s collections were unique. Not even a replica.

It is precisely because of this incident that museums in various countries have begun to use reproduction exhibitions, and the originals are kept in safe places.

As expected, the painting White Dragon Coming to the World was burned in the fire. However, according to rumors, the fire was very strange. Maybe there was some secret event behind it, but I was just a student at that time and had no qualifications at all. Know the inside story.

By the time I became famous and became a mentor, this matter had long since been shelved and no one would talk about it anymore.

Today, I actually heard about the White Dragon again in Gasang’s story. To my surprise, the legendary Holy Dragon enshrined by the Holy Dragon Tribe is the White Dragon with seven pairs of wings.

Later, during my paleontological excavations, I also discovered a creature with strange wings. Although the number of wings was not as many as that of a flying dragon, the shape of its wings was surprisingly similar, so I named this creature a Long-Squamosaurus.

Of course, there is still considerable controversy in the paleontological community as to whether the wings behind the long-scaled dragon are wings, and whether it can fly. I can be regarded as the leader of the flying group.

The flying dragons I saw yesterday had this kind of wings. They could not only glide, but also hover and fly freely in the sky. Unfortunately, they could only be described in words and accompanied by pictures to prove it.

I heard that someone in the Purple Dragon Kingdom in the north invented a tool that can perfectly reproduce natural scenes on pictures. It seems to be called a camera. It would be convenient if we had such a thing.

Following Gasang into the cave, we began to pat the rain off our bodies. Fortunately, we had prepared raincoats, but although our clothes were not wet, it was still very cold.

As for Gasang, who didn't have a raincoat, he didn't wear much clothes. Despite his strong physique, he was the most indifferent among us. As expected, the primitive people living in the jungle were physically strong.

A bonfire was lit with matches, and the nine of us huddled in the small cave.

This cave is not spacious, but rather narrow, but it seems to have been artificially widened so that all of us can fit in. The cave should be wider inside, and at least nine of us can squeeze in it.

It is really hard to imagine that if there was a powerful Holy Dragon Tribe, how could they perform sacrifices in such a small place.

Teacher, look! Yossala pointed her finger at the cave wall and exclaimed. Her cry successfully attracted our attention.

When I looked up, under the light of the fire, there was indeed something on the roof of the cave.

I held the torch and shined it towards the low ceiling of the cave. The marks on the ceiling were very shallow, as if they had been washed away by the years, but I could still vaguely see that it was a lying four-legged animal. .

After getting closer and taking a closer look, I found that the outline of this four-legged animal was very similar to that of a common velociraptor, but its body was a bit bloated. It should have still had color on it, but due to time, the color could no longer be seen.

In front of it, there is a circle. I wonder what it represents? Prussia joked: Could it be that the dragon swallowed the sun?

I think it is very likely that they are the ancestors of modern velociraptors, but it is hard to believe that the ancestors of velociraptors can actually reach the level of carving murals. This must be at least to the level of primitive dragon people.

Although it is impossible to conduct a depth test, based on my experience, this mural should have existed for a very long time, at least not less than the time when the Red Dragon people existed. Could it be painted by early dragon people, or even primitive dragon people?

Because it was raining outside, the sky was dark and I couldn't see clearly. I had to wait until the rain passed and the sky cleared to see what it really looked like.

Although you can't see clearly, it doesn't prevent you from rubbing them. These are precious research materials, and you may make amazing discoveries by then.

I don't like stealing historical relics from other races in the name of this research. It's unethical. But since the Shenglong tribe has disappeared, and the nearest Gasang tribe doesn't care, I plan to chisel these murals when the weather clears tomorrow. Come down and take it back, this trip is considered complete.

With Yosela's help, we successfully made rubbings of three murals. The rain outside still didn't stop, but it was still night. I placed the rubbings one by one on the open ground and waited to dry. I also fell asleep. I will take a look tomorrow to see what these murals are.

In the same cave, 17000 years later, a recorder and a researcher collided by coincidence. What will be the result?

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