Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 293 New World in the Fog

It was foggy on April 6, Year 8126 of the Red Dragon Calendar.

Although Gasang is brave, in the face of firearms, it is just a matter of one shot.

Since the advent of the era of great development, the Red Dragon kingdoms and orc tribes have widened the gap with other species to a large extent. If I use a current popular word, it is Sir, times have changed!

In the primitive land of North America, when the Yamasaur people were still using stone tools in a primitive way, it can be said that as long as they have enough bullets, no large creature will be their opponent. This is why they have the confidence to go to North America with only a few people. reason.

I ate wolf meat today. The taste of these gray wolves is not very good. The meat is very dry and not delicious, but it is good to eat wolf meat here.

Since knowing that we have these powerful weapons, Gasang has moved forward much faster and is no longer as cautious as before.

The fog is still as dense as ever. According to Gasang, this fog comes from the Kalahar Mountains. As soon as you walk near the Kalahar Mountains, you will encounter the fog, which is considered a mysterious phenomenon.

When we walked all the way through the fog and finally arrived at the foot of Mount Kalahar, something unexpected happened. There were completely two worlds inside the fog and outside the fog.

The outside world is densely forested, and various creatures can give me a sense of déjà vu. I can roughly judge which creatures are related to modern creatures, but the ecology at the foot of the mountain is an eye-opener for me.

There are no woods here, only low grass. There is nothing strange about the lack of trees. What is strange is the creatures in this mountainous area.

As soon as the fog came out, I saw a very familiar animal, a cat.

But this kind of cat is very strange. It is not a ferocious predator like European cats, but, how should I put it, a very, very cute little guy.

It had black hair, was small, and had big watery eyes. When they saw it for the first time, the three girls in the team all exclaimed.

It didn't matter that the other two exclaimed. Yosela, who only had eyes for paleontological fossils, also became interested in this cat.

Looking at the little stars in the eyes of these three ladies, I felt that I had better not engage in capturing behavior, otherwise I might be complained to death by the ladies.

The three girls took out their own mouths and fed them to the black cat. The little black cat was not afraid of people at all, and he smiled and accepted the food handed to him without any hesitation.

After eating, it made meow and meow calls, which to me should be a call to call its companions.

Sure enough, not long after, a small group of black animals emerged from the low plants. They were all cute little black cats. They rushed towards the team. The bodyguards immediately raised their guns and were about to attack the group of black cats. emission.

Unexpectedly, it was Gasang who stopped them. Gasang said that these black cats did not have any malicious intent. The Yamalong people would give food to the black cats after they came to the holy mountain, so these black cats are very close to people, but if If anyone dares to harm them, the black cat will turn into a terrifying predator.

In this strange land, we chose to believe Gasang’s words and let these black cats roll and flop over.

The group of kittens stopped after they came to our feet. They were doing all kinds of cute poses, rolling, rubbing their legs, and meowing. Yosela and the three of them had long since fallen, and they couldn't help stroking their hands. Kittens.

As for us old men, we couldn't do anything to this group of kittens. We could only hand over the food we bought.

Fortunately, these black cats are not afraid of meat and vegetables, and all the gray wolf meat they killed before went into their bellies.

They were eating meat at our feet, acting cute, having fun, and meowing, until a long whistle came from the distance. The group of little black cats thought they had received some instructions and immediately got up from the ground. Run towards the direction where the whistle came from.

The three Yoselas were still a little reluctant to leave. I asked Gasang about the situation. He said that this is the breeding race of black cats. No one has seen what they look like. The older generation of Yamalong people call them , Mekari, means the ghost hiding in the dark, that is, the ghost.

I secretly wrote down this name in my mind. If you can raise and command a black cat, it must be an intelligent creature, an undiscovered intelligent creature. If it is announced, it will be far more powerful than the Lake South Monster or the giant Waganzhai. The mysterious discovery of a lizard.

Unfortunately, I am not a fan of occult science, so I can only record this situation truthfully.

The next part of the trip is mountain climbing, which will cost Prussia and I our lives. In Asia, cable cars have been set up in almost all the mountains, making it almost impossible to walk such a long mountain road again.

When we climbed to a height of more than 500 meters, we collapsed on the rocks. Prussia panted and joked to me: Scott, if you didn't come to me, I was preparing to climb Kili, the highest peak in the world. Mount Majaro, now it’s too much to just climb Mount Kalahar, let alone Mount Kilimanjaro.”

(At this time, India had not yet hit the Asian continent, and peaks such as Mount Everest had not yet been formed.)

I could only laugh at this.

After a day of crawling, we finally reached less than halfway up the mountain. It was in our eyes that Gasang's pace was hindered. Otherwise, with his physical strength, he would have spent the night in the cave tonight.

I’m too tired today, so that’s all I can write. That’s it.


Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, April 7, sunny.

Even after a good sleep, I still had back pain and my old bones could not withstand such exertion. However, when I got up from the tent and saw the beautiful scenery below from the mountainside, I felt that everything was worth it.

While we were admiring the beautiful scenery, Gasang suddenly shouted.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw him holding a bow and arrow and loudly threatening some big birds.

When we got really close, we realized that this was not a big bird at all, but a flying dragon? !

The body is red, and the seven pairs of wings on its back are also red. There is a sharp horn on the top of its head. Judging from the body structure, it is a four-limbed reptile.

Although this image is different from the traditional dragon image in our movies, various characteristics indicate that this thing is a dragon.

The red flying dragon flapped its wings and floated in mid-air. Gasang and it were shouting at each other, competing with each other at their respective voices.

The red dragon took a long breath and used all his strength to let out a deafening roar. The sound shook our eardrums and made our heads swell. When I braced myself again and looked up into the sky, the red dragon's figure had disappeared.

I asked Gasang for information about this creature. There are very few of this creature. Their tribe has only seen it here. The old people call it Geerzan, which means fire demon.

The person he had just confronted was a young Gerzan, and it could still be intimidated away. But if he encountered an adult Gerzan, it would be a tough fight.

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