Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 292 Extremely Fast Luck

A white figure appeared in the sky. The diamond-like body emitted colorful light under the sunlight. Seven pairs of long white feather scale wings flapped slowly. The whole body was like an angel descending. The only flaw was that The head is like a faucet.

This is the Antarctic Dragon King who was seriously injured and retired from the battlefield. It is precisely because of its early retreat that it escaped the fatal penetrating light and became the only Sun Flame Dragon King to survive.

Now that all the dragon kings in the six continents are dead and injured, only the Sun Flame Dragon King, who is at the bottom of the ranking, is left. It can be expected that after the war is over, it will unify the Sky Dragon Clan and become the unprecedented Sun Flame Dragon King.

But judging from this guy's otaku personality, it's more likely that he will continue to go back to Antarctica and sleep there.

This guy turned into a meteorite from the sky and killed the three-headed dragon. Logically speaking, he should have been seriously injured, but he recovered in such a short time. Is this really what his own recovery power can do?

It was the same when he was hit by Jian Xia and Hydra before. He quickly recovered and joined the battlefield again.

Xu Dong looked at the Mothmen following Bai Long. Maybe they were not just followers, but maybe mobile wet nurses. After all, every time Bai Long was seriously injured, they were taken away by them.

Bailong just landed in front of Xu Dong and shouted at Xu Dong, as if to say Come up.

Now that the plane has arrived, Xu Dong no longer wastes time and reaches the back of the white dragon with his telekinesis.

Its body length at this time is nearly thirty meters, but it is still not as long as the white dragon. This guy was not this big before. When it was attacking the big tree, its wingspan was only more than forty meters. Now its wingspan is almost It was nearly a hundred meters away, already surpassing the four Sun Flame Dragon Kings.

Now it is also one of the top combat forces in the world. The war is not over yet, and there are still nine-headed dragons and big fish that have not been wiped out. Nature is actually willing to send this top combat power to him as a vehicle.

This time, he really accepted the favor of nature and Bailong. Although Xu Dong will continue to hide next time he turns around, it does not prevent him from helping when he can.

Lying on Bailong's back, his telekinesis turned into a seat belt and tied him tightly on it. This time, the speed was 5,000 kilometers per hour. This speed can be said to be sparks and lightning.

This speed is fatal to ordinary creatures. They cannot withstand the supersonic air friction at all. Even the immortal species cannot withstand such speeds, just like Xu Dong's former flying dragon body cannot withstand such extreme speeds.

Xu Dong's current physique is better than that of the Red Scale Flying Dragon at that time. It can even be said that he has reached the level of a top immortal species in terms of physical body. Maybe even Peter cannot compare with him.

In addition to Bailong's almost invulnerable diamond body, Xu Dong is almost invincible due to his confident legend.

It is this strong body that gives him the confidence to withstand speeds of 5,000 kilometers per hour.

But when he actually flew, Xu Dong really realized how terrifying supersonic speed was. The strong winds caused by air friction kept scraping Xu Dong's body. Fortunately, its physique was strong enough, otherwise its skin might have been worn away. Lost.

Then came the sonic boom, and the roar continued to explode in Xu Dong's ears. His ears could no longer hear any other sounds at this time. The strong air resistance made Bailong's body begin to vibrate, and a sound barrier appeared.

Soon the white dragons broke through the sound barrier, and white sound barrier clouds were formed around them. As the air pressure increased, the surrounding air was compressed, and the water vapor condensed into tiny water columns, which looked like clouds.

After that, Xu Dong could no longer open his eyes. The air friction was too terrifying. Although his body could bear it, his weak eyeballs would probably be blinded if he faced the high speed like this.

Only a being like Bailong, whose whole body is transformed into diamonds and even his eyes become diamond eyes, would not have any problems at such high speeds.

The huge sonic boom kept lingering in his ears, and Xu Dong had already adapted to it. He felt that his body had changed from the original cold feeling to burning. Was it on fire?

It is inevitable to catch fire at such a high speed. Although Xu Dong closed his eyes, he could observe the surroundings through his mind. At this time, the two dragons had turned into a flaming meteor flying from high altitude. The creatures on the ground could only See a white line.

After more than an hour of long-distance flight, Bailong suddenly began to slow down, as if he had been dipped in ice water for a long time. Even if he touched cold water, he would feel warm. Xu Dong quickly noticed the decrease in wind speed.

There is no need to show the way to the white dragon. The CEO of the Earth, Mother Nature, directs it remotely. Even if the white dragon flies around at will, it can directly reach the King of Swift Dragons in the end. Nature, which controls the entire earth's ecology, is so awesome.

After decelerating to a certain level, the white dragon flew directly downwards diagonally. Because it had to rush from the stratosphere into the troposphere, the air resistance was even greater. The velociraptor looked like a big fireball falling straight down towards the royal court.

The blade wolves and small dinosaurs in the animal pen became restless, and each of them wanted to escape from the wall or dig a hole to bury themselves. This is the instinctive fear of natural disasters.

The big guy who was hunting outside saw this and threw down the prey he got, and rushed home with the dragons. It was no joke that this thing fell, and he had to evacuate the tribe quickly.

At this time, Tietou, who was sitting in the royal court, had already taken the lead, using his horn to order all the velociraptors to run away, no matter where they were going, and leave the royal court as soon as possible.

Most of the velociraptors chose to jump into the big lake. Although there were many predators in the big lake now, under the approach of such a big sun in the sky, their instinctive fear made them stay away from the royal court.

A small number chose the land route, but were blocked at the exit of the city wall. Although the gate was expanded, it could not accommodate so many dragons passing through at the same time.

Tietou, who was standing on the city wall, looked up at the approaching fireball and the velociraptors still crowding below. Although he kept asking them to jump off the lake, the effect was very little. The velociraptors in the crowd could not move at all They couldn't hear Tietou's call, and they wanted to squeeze out of the city wall, but they were so crowded here, making it even more difficult to escape.

Tietou wailed in pain. If he could speak, he would definitely say: It's too late!

At this time, it only had to jump into the big lake on the edge, and it still had a chance to escape this natural disaster, but it was unwilling to escape. As one of the leaders of the royal court, when the tribe faced such a disaster, it chose to stay behind until at last.

This is its duty as the leader. If Xu Dong leaves and the big guy goes hunting, then it is the supreme leader of the royal court at this time. There are so many velociraptors below that have not escaped, how can it escape alone.

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