The Black Sea Fear is different from those legends who survived. It was a shameful deserter, but under the guidance of that existence, it killed a senior legendary continent, which shows that its strength is extremely terrifying.

But strength and mentality are not equated. Black Sea Fear has the world's most powerful strength, but does not have the corresponding psychological quality. This is why it has mental problems.

If it is a legendary creature that has experienced hundreds of battles, it will not be affected by various situations at all. Only an upstart like Black Sea Fear can reach its current situation after being hit hard by layers of attacks.

The sorrowful and angry Black Sea Fear roared, and the sound even shook the falling rocks apart.

But more rocks were about to fall. Faced with such a desperate situation, Heihai stared at the direction Xu Dong was leaving with fearful eyes, and the petal-shaped hole on his head once again emitted purple light.

Its penetrating beam is back, but not quite.

When it had a mental problem before, it consumed all the purple energy, making it impossible for subsequent enemies to use this most powerful attack. Now at the last moment of its life, in order to make it difficult for the guy who put it in such a situation, Black Sea Fear Forcibly used a penetrating light.

The purple light shot out instantly, shooting through all the rocks blocking the road, and directly hit Xu Dong's shoulder.

Xu Dong knew very well what would happen if he was hit by this purple light. Even if he cut off his arm, he would not be able to avoid being petrified. The only thing he could do now was to use time pause to pause the time on his shoulder.

But this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Xu Dong's time ability is obtained by trading one second per year. He doesn't know how long his life is, and he doesn't know how many seconds he can pause, but in the end, the only way is to stay alive.

He is not afraid of death. After all, death is just a change of body. But before he dies, he wants to go back to the King of Thunder Dragons to explain his unfinished matters and, most importantly, ensure the continuation of civilization.

After dodging countless rocks, Xu Dong finally reached the top of the mountain again. It took five seconds, which was five years of life. Looking at the purple marks on his shoulders, Xu Dong tried to stop time.

I thought that petrification would spread quickly. In the past, whether it was the mainland or the Sun Flame Dragons, they almost all turned into stone statues within three or four seconds. The difference was only in size.

But at this time, the purple mark that hit Xu Dong's shoulder slowly became petrified like an older man. Judging from the speed of the spread, it was estimated that Xu Dong's entire body would not be petrified in less than ten minutes.

How is this going?

It turns out that this penetrating light is a special ability given to Black Sea Fear by that being. Black Sea Fear has the absolute defense of the shell, but no corresponding attack methods. As the first legendary creature to surrender, it was given this terrifying petrified light. , forming a combat system with the powerful defense of Black Sea Fear itself.

Since the penetrating ray is given, the purple energy it uses is very special. Black Sea Fear has to save it for a long time if he wants to use it. The energy he originally saved has been squandered, so the penetrating ray he barely emits now is still powerful. Less than one-tenth of what it was before.

It is precisely this coincidence that Xu Dong will not turn into a stone statue for a while, which gives Xu Dong a chance.

Stepping out of the collapsed mountain, Xu Dong once again connected with nature through mycelium, as if it showed his needs. He needed a large number of mutated prokaryotes.

Perhaps in order to reward the hero who solved the fear of the Black Sea, nature did not ignore it.

The seawater under the volcano is receding rapidly, revealing countless corpses submerged in the seawater, including many long-lived species.

Xu Dong knew that this was the mutated pronucleus given to him by nature.

Then he was not polite, and quickly fell into the pile of corpses. Not only did he dig up and eat the mutated prokaryotes, he also ate the flesh and blood.

After possessing this large supply of mutant nuclei and flesh and blood, Xu Dong paused the petrification of his shoulders while recovering from his injuries and telepathy.

The scale of this battle was too great, and the number of casualties on both sides was countless, leaving Xu Dong with an almost inexhaustible supply of corpses.

Supplemented by this large number of corpses, Xu Dong's lower body finally fully grew out, and his telepathy was basically restored. Now it's time to return to the royal court.

It's just that this is the east of ancient Asia, and the Royal Court is in North America. It will take at least more than half a month to get back to the Royal Court at his speed. Even if it is fifteen days, it will take at least 1.29 million years of Xu Dong's life. Life span, this is somewhat difficult.

The lifespan limit of longevity species is only a few thousand years, which is far away from one million years. If you want to exceed a few thousand years, you have to break through and become an immortal species, but it is not that easy to achieve longevity species.

Taking this step is a matter of life and death. If you survive, you will have eternal life. If you fail to break through and die, you will lose thousands of years of life. Xu Dong can't afford to gamble now.

Time, time, what he lacks most now is time.

Helpless, Xu Dong could only turn to nature again to express his willingness to return to the royal court.

If Xu Dong were the CEO, he would definitely be dissatisfied with this employee who made various demands, but Xu Dong couldn't care less about nature's distaste. The process of civilization cannot be interrupted. Once it is interrupted, it will be difficult to continue.

In the end, nature did not reject him, and soon two ordinary Sun Flame Dragons flew from the sky, and they would carry Xu Dong to North America.

After all, they are a race created by themselves, and Xu Dong is very familiar with their speed. From Asia to North America, they can fly from Asia to North America within 24 hours without rest at their ultimate speed, within eight hours.

Eight hours, 28,800 seconds, which is a life span of 28,000 years, is still too slow. Unless he arrives within one to two hours, Xu Dong's lifespan will not last long enough to return to the royal court.

After reporting this situation to nature, the two Sun Flame Divine Dragons got up and flew away, but no other creatures came.

Could it be that nature is angry and is going to just leave him here to die?

Indeed, his request was a bit outrageous. The distance from here to North America would be no less than 10,000 kilometers, and he had to arrive within two hours, and the slowest speed would be 5,000 kilometers.

Five thousand kilometers per hour! Three times the speed of sound, a speed that even Xu Dong's body had never reached before. It can be said that almost no living thing can reach such a speed.

Of course, there are other ways besides this, that is to help Xu Dong relieve the impact of petrification, but judging from the reaction of nature, it should not have a way to deal with the penetrating ray, otherwise the first main force of the continent would have been destroyed long ago. Got rescued.

It seemed that the idea of ​​returning to the royal court before death was in vain. Xu Dong released the time pause on his shoulder and was about to close his eyes and wait for death when a familiar chirp suddenly came from the sky.

That's it!

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