Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 290 The Source of Fall

But Xu Dong just swallowed the tentacles of Black Sea Fear along with the magma. When he just swallowed the nautilus head, Xu Dong had already mastered how to swallow as little magma as possible and eat the tentacles at the same time.

Compared with the fear of the Black Sea, Xu Dong is more experienced in magma.

After a brief moment of surprise, Black Sea Fear once again launched a storm-like attack, its tentacles constantly hitting Xu Dong, denying him a chance to get close.

Xu Dong did not fight with the Black Sea Fear on the magma lake. He dived into the orange magma and swam towards the bottom of the Black Sea Fear.

Suddenly, a huge force pulled the fearful tentacles of the Black Sea and pulled it into the magma.

It's rude to come back without reciprocating. Since Black Sea Fear dared to pull him just now, he also let Black Sea Fear feel the taste of the magma.

Now Xu Dong's power is surprisingly great, and the Black Sea Fear is incomparable. It was just pulled into the magma.

After they were both immersed in the magma, a big eye protruded from the crater and looked down.

This was Peter who was tricked by the fear of the Black Sea. After seeing no figure in the lava lake below, he guessed that they all fell into the lava and died.

To be on the safe side, Peter decided to block the way for the Black Sea Terror to come out again and keep it suppressed in the magma.

After a certain distance, the sharp corners above the head began to glow with blue light. When the blue light turned into dark blue, the terrifying electromagnetic gun was fired out, directly hitting a location below the top of the mountain.

With the bombardment of the railgun, the rocks on the top of the mountain suddenly cracked and fell towards the mountain. Peter prepared to use the rocks to completely block the volcano so that the Black Sea Terror would never come out again.

At this time, Black Sea Fear, which was in the magma, broke free from Xu Dong's shackles and swam upward. Xu Dong chased after him desperately, but still could not catch up.

Black Sea Fear emerged from the magma lake and was about to fly towards the sky, but a big rock fell directly on the head of Black Sea Fear.

The tough outer skin blocked the impact of the boulder and bounced it to the side. Although its body was not injured, the potential energy of the boulder really impacted Black Sea Fear, making it a little dizzy.

Xu Dong took the opportunity to re-seize the Black Sea Fear and control it to continuously move towards the place where the boulder fell.

How could the fear of the black sea after being dizzy be able to overcome Xu Dong's strange strength and telepathy. Under Xu Dong's control, he once again met a huge boulder with his head.

This boulder was even larger than the one just now, and it almost smashed Black Sea Fear into the magma before being bounced away.

When the fear of the Black Sea surfaced again, he hit his head against a stone again and successfully opened his own head.

Although its outer skin was tough enough, it couldn't withstand the continuous falling rocks from high altitude. Under such horrific blows, Black Sea's fearful head naturally cracked open and green blood flowed out.

Of course, Xu Dong also felt uncomfortable. Although there was the Black Sea Fear as a barrier, part of the potential energy of the fall was still transmitted to Xu Dong due to the close contact with the Black Sea Fear.

Moreover, rocks would hit his head from time to time. Although he had consciously tried to avoid it, there were so many falling rocks that it was inevitable that some would fall on his head.

Fortunately, they were all small stones, which would only hurt him if they hit him, and they could not break Xu Dong's defense.

When the rocks gradually filled the entire magma lake, Xu Dong was not prepared to be buried with the fear of the Black Sea. Before, his body was half disabled and his mental power was exhausted, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​perish together. Now his body has mostly recovered and his mental power is sufficient. Let him fly again. In this case, Xu Dong certainly wouldn't want to die.

But when he flew out of the magma lake, a dozen tentacles wrapped around his newly repaired right leg.

The fear of the Black Sea barely recovered. Seeing that Xu Dong wanted to leave, how could it let the culprit who caused it to end up in this field leave? Since there was no hope of escape, it would pull Xu Dong and bury it together in the magma lake.

This time the roles were reversed again, Xu Dong was the one who wanted to escape, and the fear of the Black Sea became the one who wanted to support him.

Xu Dong was also experienced in dealing with tentacles. He turned around 360 degrees, opened his teeth and bit down on the tentacles.

The fragile tentacles broke off immediately, and the part wrapped around his right foot naturally became Xu Dong's dinner.

But after biting off these tentacles, Black Sea Fear stretched out a dozen more tentacles to grab Xu Dong's body. It knew that these tentacles that could be broken off with one bite could not stop Xu Dong, but as long as it was dragged to the top of the mountain, It is considered a success if all the rocks are smashed down.

When Xu Dong was tearing apart the tentacles, he had to always pay attention to the stones falling from the sky. When he was not paying attention, he was hit in the back by a huge stone.

Xu Dong couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, and his body was pressed down by the stone. Black Sea Horror looked obviously happy when he saw Xu Dong, and he was obviously very happy that this guy was in the same situation as him.

But as the old saying goes, laughing first is not victory. When the Black Sea was scared and happy, a big stone hit its head without any bias, and pressed it into the magma again.

Xu Dong broke free from under the stone and did not fall into the magma lake. After seeing the fear of the black sea being pressed down, he immediately flew towards the sky.

With constant dodging, it dodged pieces of falling rocks. Black Sea's fearful tentacles tried to extend towards Xu Dong, but were knocked down by the rocks.

The Black Sea fear roared, venting its unwillingness. Why should a legendary creature, the top existence in the world, be buried in magma? Is it wrong for it to want to escape the control of nature?

During the Triassic mass extinction, as a new legend, it was unwilling to fight for these ants.

The Terror of the Black Sea was not a legend that was cultivated honestly. It was just a low-level nautilus. It got lucky and ate a bead of some kind and became a legend directly.

There is a special term for this among humans: nouveau riche.

The Black Sea Terror was the legendary upstart, but it didn't take long before he encountered the tragic Triassic mass extinction.

It was only then that he discovered that there were so many legends in the world, and it was also then that he learned the horror of mass extinction.

The legendary creature that is invincible in front of ordinary creatures has become vulnerable to natural disasters. How can its fragile body compete with natural disasters.

The upstart's psychological defense is fragile. In order to save its life in such a dead situation, it chose to seek refuge with that person. It has since separated from the natural legend sequence and became the master of the Black Sea.

The Triassic mass extinction battle lasted for 600,000 years. All the legendary creatures accumulated over tens of millions of years were killed and injured, and only three legendary veterans survived.

Their sacrifice resulted in the vigorous growth of the earth's creatures and the vigorous development of the Jurassic. At the same time, the glorious legendary era also came to an end.

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