Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 289 Same starting line

What is this? Rebirth of a severed limb? Is there such a good thing?

Xu Dong ate even more vigorously, and the speed at which the nautilus head replenished its tentacles could hardly keep up with Xu Dong's eating speed.

Absorbing all the energy in this head within thirty seconds seems to be an impossible task, but with the help of the magma lake, its energy is like a flood that cannot be stopped.

The black bird falling from the sky was already very close to the magma lake. Xu Dong had no time to weaken it anymore. He wanted to try to eat the main body of the nautilus's head, trying to eat it before the black bird landed.

He opened his big mouth and bit into the tough brain skin. This time, it was not the feeling that he couldn't bite through it. The strength of the nautilus brain had dropped, and not just by one or two points.

With Xu Dong's enhanced strength, the dagger teeth from the Himalayan Ichthyosaurus finally penetrated its brain this time.

Xu Dong spent a lot of effort to tear off a small piece. The outer skin of the brain was like cowhide and extremely difficult to chew.

Although it is difficult to chew, the energy contributed cannot be compared with the tentacles. This is the core center of the Black Sea's fear, and it is also the place with the most energy in its entire body.

Just eating this piece of brain would be enough to eat a dozen tentacles.

Xu Dong continued to tear at the nautilus's brain. Now it was extremely weak and did not even have the strength to resist, so it could only let Xu Dong do what he did.

The blackbird was getting closer and closer. Xu Dong could see its claws flowing with black water, but Xu Dong only ate three pieces of brain.

Unable to wait like this any longer, Xu Dong put his head into the nautilus's head and sucked it in like a milk tea.

White, black, cyan, all kinds of brain organs were drank by Xu Dong.

When Xu Dong took the last bite, the blackbird's claws finally arrived. As long as it touched the head of the nautilus, it could be sucked into the body. At that time, Xu Dong would be left alone to wait in the magma with his eyes closed. die.

At this critical moment, Xu Dong did the opposite, using the nautilus's head as a pedal, leaping forward to meet the blackbird's claws.

The result was not what Xu Dong expected. How could the black water that had become soft in the volcano resist Xu Dong's surprise attack? It was directly drilled into Xu Dong's body.

There is no use having light penetrated into the body. As long as the black water is still there, the key head will not appear. As long as the head does not appear, the Black Sea Fear will never die.

But there are exceptions. As long as Xu Dong can wipe out all the black water in a large area, he can still kill the black birds.

After crashing into the black water, Xu Dong did not stop at all, and his mind power spurted out and flew directly upward.

After eating the nautilus head in the magma, Xu Dong's telepathy recovered somewhat, enough for him to use the Great Annihilation Domain again.

But at this moment, there is no need for the Great Annihilation Domain. These troublesome black waters should be handled by professionals.

Xu Dong directly crossed the black water and came to the top of the black bird. When the black bird turned back, the majestic power of thought surged out with only one purpose, pushing the black bird to the magma lake below.

The blackbird who was caught off guard was indeed hit and was pushed into the magma lake by Xu Dong.

As soon as it entered the magma lake, the black water around the black bird quickly faded away, and a nautilus head twice as big as before appeared in the magma.

The nautilus head that Xu Dong had used as a stepping stone floated up again, right next to the black bird, so naturally, the two merged into one again and merged into a whole.

Now it can be said that all the clones of Black Sea Fear have gathered together again and turned back into Black Sea Fear. However, the reappeared Black Sea Fear has fallen into the dilemma world set by Xu Dong. As long as it is destroyed, all this will be over. .

Xu Dongyu used his telekinesis to float above the magma, and looked at the black sea fear below that wanted to escape from the magma lake. Whenever it wanted to fly into the sky, Xu Dong used his telekinesis to slap it back.

Hei Hai was frightened and furious, and stretched out his tentacles to attack Xu Dong, but Xu Dong did not refuse anyone who came, and directly compressed the tentacles into a long strip, and then used his mouth to devour him.

The excess energy he had swallowed before could only be used to repair his lower limbs. However, due to time constraints, the repairs were not complete. Repairs such as the digestive tract and the like were completed in order to better absorb energy, legs and tail. Before he could finish it, the hope of becoming a whole again fell on the big guy below.

The tentacles are not very tough, so Xu Dong can easily swallow them and turn them into energy.

Being weak also means that it does not have much energy and cannot repair much of the body.

It can be said that the energy gained from swallowing three pieces of brain skin and the organs in the brain was more than that of eating so many tentacles before.

However, this is only the body of Black Sea Fear. The energy of a single tentacle is slightly more than before, about 1 to 1.5, which can still supplement Xu Dong's energy.

Black Sea Fear is irritable at this time, because it is trapped here by Xu Dong. If Xu Dong cannot be moved away, sooner or later it will be worn to death by the continuous magma.

It now misses the legendary body that it once was. If it had not fallen, it would have been fine sleeping in magma for millions of years like the continent.

But now, no matter in terms of body mass or internal energy, it is just an ordinary immortal species. Although the immortal species can stay in magma for a period of time without dying, it is not immune to high temperatures and toxins like the legend.

Then there was only a fight. The tentacles of Black Sea Fear turned into raindrops and smashed into the sky. Xu Dong's telepathy could no longer pack them up and eat them as before, and the recovered telepathy power was not enough to support the confrontation with Black Sea Fear.

Xu Dong's idea was to jump into the magma lake again. Since he couldn't defeat it with a long-range attack, he would use close combat to deal with this black sea terror like he had just dealt with the nautilus head.

But when he actually arrived at the Black Sea Terror annex, Xu Dong realized that the two were completely different. The previous Nautilus's head was sick in the magma lake, and its tentacle attacks were weak, but the Black Sea Terror was full of energy, and every time its tentacles hit it, it could Causing Xu Dong's pain.

Xu Dong braved the blow from the tentacles and swam hard to the side of Black Sea Fear. He grabbed two tentacles with both hands, opened his big mouth and started eating everywhere.

In terms of consumption, it depends on whether the energy he replenishes can make up for the damage suffered by the blow.

Xu Dong's body is very strong, stronger than the ordinary immortal species. The ordinary immortal species would have been beaten to pieces by the dense tentacles of the Black Sea Fear, but Xu Dong's skin was not broken, and it could only be said that it phagocytes. YYDS!

Since he can't be beaten to death, Black Sea Fear directly tied him up and immersed him in the magma lake. The high-temperature toxins couldn't kill him, so suffocation would do.

But in fact, before it could reach far, the tentacle was bitten off by Xu Dong and eaten.

Hei Hai was frightened. How could he dare to eat in the magma without fear of having his intestines pierced and his stomach rotten?

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