Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 288 The more you eat, the stronger you become

But lifespan and time are sometimes not equated. Even though the Black Sea Fear has an almost infinite lifespan, Xu Dong shot down the blackbird in an instant, and no amount of lifespan would be of use.

Xu Dong, however, has a way to monetize this lifespan by suspending time and consuming the excess lifespan.

Xu Dong couldn't help but feel a pity. This time he only ate one mutated pronucleus, and his lifespan did not increase by a few years. If this body became an immortal species with a lifespan of hundreds of millions of years, there would be no need to suspend time like this. Used.

Even if it is only a life span of 10 million years, converted into a time pause, it can be stopped for 10 million seconds. What is the concept of 10 million seconds, which is equivalent to 2777 hours or 115 days.

After more than a hundred days of pause, the day lily has become cold. Whether it is attacking or escaping, it is an absolute bug.

Xu Dong, who now has a short lifespan, can only pause the blackbird one second at a time. The pause effect is much stronger than all pauses. Legendary creatures like the Black Sea Terror are much more suspicious than Hydra.

Pausing it at the beginning can often delay it for four or five seconds. Except for the one second of pause, the rest of the time is spent by Black Sea Fear thinking and being suspicious.

Of course, it didn't care about this later. As soon as the pause was lifted, it rushed downwards, but the time wasted before could not be made up. The blackbird Xu Dong sat down was almost pressed against the magma.

Faced with this situation, Blackbird simply refused to do anything, hugged Xu Dong and fell into the lava lake together.

It's betting its life that the blackbird can catch it before its head melts.

According to common sense, Xu Dong, an ordinary creature that is not even an immortal species, would melt instantly if it fell into the magma.

Even if it is an immortal species, it can resist for a while and then die at most, but Xu Dong greatly exceeded Black Sea's fearful expectations.

Xu Dong originally thought of using time to pause and fight against the black bird. After actually falling into the lava, the first thing he felt was boiling heat, and his whole body felt like it was burning.

But being melted by the lava did not happen. His body actually resisted the burning of the lava. After getting used to it for a while, he felt a burning sensation.

With the blessing of the phagocytic gene, Xu Dong's physical fitness is no worse than that of the immortal species, and he also has the rebirth cells of the Black Sea fear. After adding the two together, Xu Dong's tolerance is stronger than that of ordinary immortal species, and he can withstand The time is also longer.

In this case, Xu Dong couldn't just wait to die without doing anything. During the period of being burned to death, he had to fight off the nautilus heads that fell in together.

While Xu Dong continued to fixate the blackbird above him, he swam away like the exposed nautilus head. At this time, the nautilus head was larger than the previous one, and it looked a little sickly when soaked in the magma.

The danger in the magma lake is not only the scorching temperature, but also the metal toxins it carries. The nautilus head is not afraid of the high temperature of the magma. In other words, it would take a long, long time to kill the nautilus by high temperature alone, but the existence of metal toxins makes this The process is greatly accelerated.

Xu Dong pounced on the nautilus's head and lay directly on its head. The nautilus's head tried to resist a few times with its tentacles, but was bitten off and eaten by Xu Dong.

The tentacles themselves were not very tough, so Xu Dong bit it without much effort. The tentacles were not very soft, but rather chewy, and tasted a bit like brittle bones.

After tens of millions of years, I didn't expect that the taste of the Black Sea Fear would be different. I tried to pounce on the Black Sea Fear's head and bite its scalp, but I couldn't bite it open.

Also, the skin of the scalp, which even the claws of the red-scale flying dragon cannot cut through, can only be penetrated when the steel knife turns into a drill.

Although Xu Dong's teeth had the bite force of a pseudocrocodile, their hardness was definitely not as good as the claws of the red-scaled flying dragon. After biting three or two times and failing to penetrate, Xu Dong simply gave up and focused on the nautilus's tentacles.

Anyway, it’s all meat, and eating it can increase your physical strength. The tentacles still swelled after eating the semi-permanent meat. Xu Dong couldn’t help but think of the sight meat mentioned in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which will never be eaten up. Meat.

After eating such tentacles, Xu Dong could feel his ability to withstand high temperatures increase.

The Black Sea Fear was really frightened this time. How could there be such a creature? You must know that the recovery of the tentacles also consumes the energy in its body. If Xu Dong keeps eating, it will not be able to hold on.

But the problem is that the energy transmission cannot be interrupted. Its energy supply is not the parts of the tentacles, but the regenerated cells. The regenerated cells help it continuously resist the invasion of magma and repair itself. It dare not and cannot remove the energy.

As long as there is still energy supply, the tentacles of Black Sea Fear will inevitably repair, and after repair, they will be eaten by Xu Dong. The energy will be transferred to Xu Dong's body in a different direction, making it weaker and weaker, and Xu Dong will become stronger and stronger.

The only thing this nautilus head can hope for is that the black bird in the sky will come down quickly and become one with itself.

But when Xu Dong's time was suspended, the blackbird wouldn't be able to get down for a while.

In terms of Xu Dong's remaining lifespan, he actually only had twenty seconds. Including Blackbird's hesitation, it was only half a minute at most. This half minute was the key to deciding the outcome.

In order to speed up the energy consumption of the nautilus head as much as possible, Xu Dong was not afraid, not only eating what was stretched out, but also constantly stuffing the surrounding tentacles into his mouth.

Because both of them are in a magma lake, they will inevitably eat the magma together when swallowing.

Xu Dong didn't pay attention at first, but as he ate, he suddenly discovered that there was nothing wrong with the orange magma. Instead, his body's heat resistance was increasing. However, because the tentacles of the Black Sea's fear also increased heat resistance, he Didn't care.

Later I was shocked to realize that these phagocytes could actually eat magma? So awesome?

Just like a fire-based dragon-slaying magician who can eat crystals, lightning and other strange things, Xu Dong's phagocytes can eat magma, or the trace elements contained in the magma and the terrifying amount of heat energy. .

In this case, Xu Dong was not polite and began to gradually increase the intake of magma. After all, this stuff was too toxic. He was afraid that if he accidentally ate too much, it would directly corrode his body and pierce his intestines.

As the magma was gradually absorbed, Xu Dong's body shape also began to change, from the original cyan skin to gradually turning red. The biggest change was the regeneration of his lower limbs.

After all, Xu Dong is not an infinite trash can that can hold countless garbage. His body has its intake limit. If he consumes too much, his body cannot bear so much energy.

Therefore, in order to consume excess energy, Xu Dong began to channel energy into his lower body to promote the regeneration of the originally broken lower limb.

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