Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 284 Heavy weakening

Under the pull of Xu Dong's telepathy, the Nautilus Dust, which had already maintained its balance, became disordered again, and the gradually decreasing electric shocks and sounds became more frequent again.

Along with the lightning and thunder, the boundless Nautilus dust cloud was also decreasing visibly with the naked eye. Xu Dong and Peter were overjoyed. This method was indeed effective. They didn't even need to take action. They just had to wait for the Black Sea to self-destruct in fear.

Just when they thought they were sure of winning, the little nautilus sprayed out black water from its head. The amount each one sprayed out was very small, but when accumulated, the amount of black water was considerable.

The black water wrapped around the millimeter-sized nautilus and fell to the ground. From a distance, it looked like the water covered the golden mountain and landed with a crash.

The appearance of this black water obviously broke the operation of the electrostatic field, allowing the fear of the Black Sea to escape.

At this point, it no longer dared to use the seemingly terrifying dust cloud mode. The black water continued to blend and condense, and finally formed a Cthulhu that was 130 meters high.

The body size is not the same as the 300 meters at its peak. One can imagine how much damage the electric field just caused to the Black Sea Fear.

The big nautilus stepped forward with its big feet made of black water, and appeared in front of Peter across hundreds of meters.

Peter raised his left paw and was about to swing it down, but was firmly grasped by the fearful black hand of the Black Sea, and the two entered a wrestling state.

Between the two of them, one was a legendary creature in a weak state, and the other was a top-level immortal species that had been fighting for a long time. It was hard to tell the winner for a while.

Since Xu Dong was held in his right hand, Peter could not use his right hand to attack, and was constantly attacked by Hei Hai's fearful right hand.

This is not over yet, its body is made of black water, not to mention one hand, it is normal to have ten hands.

After finding that there was no obstacle in his right hand, Black Sea's fearful body grew three arms again, and struck at Peter.

Xu Dong knew that he was the one who was dragging Peter down now, so he just pushed it from the palm of his hand and jumped down.

Peter looked down at Xu Dong in surprise, only to see that he had harnessed the power of his mind to float in the air, showing an expression of approval and encouragement to Peter.

This expression was so close before his eyes yet seemed like it was a lifetime ago. He couldn't help but think of the time when he and Domo were not enemies, when thirteen of them gathered together under the old dragon.

At that time, whenever Peter hunted a creature that exceeded the limit of his ability, the old dragon would show a kind and approving expression. This was the memory he missed the most in his heart.

Now time has passed, Lao Long died, and the twelve brothers also left one after another, leaving only Peter alone in this world.

How much it wanted to go back to the time when it was extremely happy and at peace, how much it wanted to see the old dragon's approving eyes and the longing expressions of its brothers.

At this moment, the fatigue of the long battle was swept away, and infinite power filled Peter's heart. He raised his empty right hand and punched out the three black hands that were stretched out.

With his left hand, he crushed the only remaining arm of Black Sea Fear. A blue light emitted from the sharp corner of his head. The killing move was ready. A super electromagnetic gun that was much thicker than before hit Black Sea Fear's head, directly on its head. A big hole was blown out of it.

The head that had been blasted with a big hole suddenly began to deform. It turned from the original nautilus head into black, thick black water like its body. After a while, the black water replenished and restored the head to its original shape.

This is? Elementalize?

Xu Dong couldn't help but think of the content in the animated novels he had read in later generations. As an almost absolute means of saving life, elementalization has always been deeply loved by animation novel authors.

If it is elementalized, it will be difficult to deal with. Unless the Black Sea Fear can be completely eliminated, it will not die at all.

This also explains why Xu Dong's Great Annihilation Domain did not eliminate the Black Sea Fear. Mastering the elemental Black Sea Fear can be reborn even if there is only a drop of black water left.

Looking at the fear of the Black Sea that has regained the shape of Cthulhu, Peter and Xu Dong couldn't help but ask the same question in their hearts, how to eliminate this existence?

No, it's not that it can't be eliminated. Although the elemental form is almost invincible, it is not truly invincible. Just like the current Black Sea Terror is slightly larger than Peter, and its corresponding power is about the same.

The strength of elemental creatures can almost be said to be linked to their size. The bigger they are, the stronger they are, and the smaller they are, the weaker they are.

As long as the Black Sea Fear is made smaller and smaller, its strength will become weaker and weaker, and it will be much easier to deal with it at that time. At worst, it will be sealed in a container and kept until the sea is dry.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong made up his mind to give this guy another hard blow.

When Peter and Heishui were confronting each other, Xu Dong controlled his telekinesis and rushed straight towards Heishui's body.

At this time, the Nautilus's attention was focused on Peter, and it didn't notice the little guy Xu Dong at all. Besides, its black water body was not afraid of any attacks at all.

Xu Dong entered the black water very smoothly. This black water was full of poison. Ordinary creatures would be corroded if they touched even a little bit. Xu Dong used his mind power to wrap himself up to resist the invasion of the black water.

In this dark place, Xu Dong flew upwards with all his strength, getting as close to the head as possible, because he felt that although the fear of the Black Sea could be elementalized, the head was probably the weakest part of the elementalization. If it could be further Annihilate it once, and with Peter's electrostatic field, he might even be able to cut it in half.

After roughly estimating the time and feeling that it was about the same, he once again used the millimeter level annihilation field.

Wherever the Great Annihilation Domain passed this time, the black water turned into black water scum. From the outside, it looked like a hole opened in the chest of the Black Sea Fear, and the things inside seemed to disappear out of thin air.

The Great Annihilation Domain has affected nearly a quarter of Black Sea Fear's body, completely turning his head and chest into a white hole. The other parts without these parts suddenly turned into a puddle of black water and fell to the ground.

Xu Dong knew that this was not over, it was not dead yet.

Sure enough, the black water scattered on the ground condensed into the Black Sea Fear again, but this time its size shrank by a quarter, and its height was already lower than Peter opposite.

Perhaps after seeing Xu Dong's demonstration, Peter also guessed the purpose of Xu Dong's behavior. His eyes suddenly lit up, and blue light emitted from the top of his head again. The railgun mercilessly bombarded the newly formed Black Sea Fear, destroying it. The black water scum dispersed.

Xu Dong gathered his telekinesis, used inertia to fall naturally, and landed in the black water again.

Xu Dong used the Great Annihilation Field for the third time. After using it this time, except for flying, he exhausted all his telekinesis power.

After this time, he completely became a melon-eater who could only watch the battle from the sidelines, sitting back and watching the final decisive battle between Peter and the Black Sea Terror.

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