Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 283 Electric Lock Dust

Today's Black Sea Fear can be said to be immortal in the true sense. Neither Xu Dong nor Peter can cause fatal damage to it. On the contrary, as long as it is attached to the nautilus particles, it will be swallowed clean by it.

Xu Dong was overtaken by the Nautilus dust cloud before he ran very far. The Nautilus particles attached to his hind limbs. In just a moment, his powerful hind limbs and long tail were swallowed up by the Nautilus particles. , not even a single bone was left.

You must know that Xu Dong today is no ordinary creature. After absorbing so much energy, its physical fitness is extremely powerful due to the modification of the devouring gene. Even the top immortal species may not be his opponent in terms of physical strength.

But such a powerful body, after the Nautilus Particles caught up, was swallowed up without even the slightest resistance.

This can only show that the fear of the Black Sea, now reduced to millimeter units, is even more powerful than before.

This little millimeter-level nautilus always targets smaller units when swallowing things. No matter how powerful Xu Dong's body is, it can't stop the devouring of millimeter and finer levels.

Severe pain constantly impacted Xu Dong's brain, causing his telekinesis to fluctuate violently. Even his flight could not remain stable, and he staggered downwards.

Of course, the Nautilus dust cloud could not let Xu Dong go, and it also swarmed downwards.

But in terms of the speed of vertical fall, Xu Dong was much faster than flying with telekinesis. For a while, even the Nautilus particles couldn't catch up.

Peter, who was on the ground, somehow reached out his hand to catch this junior whom he had only met once, saving him from being crushed to death.

Holding Xu Dong gently, Peter fired a super electromagnetic cannon at the Nautilus dust clouds that were following him. Unfortunately, they were easily dodged. As mentioned before, these small Nautilus, which are measured in millimeters, unless they encounter To the attack of smaller units, otherwise it is simply invincible.

But Peter still didn't believe in evil, and the railgun fired like it was free, doing this meaningless attack.

It's not meaningless, at least such an attack does slow down the spread of the Nautilus dust cloud.


It hurts so much!

Xu Dong opened his eyes slightly. The scene in front of him was extremely unstable, as if he was watching a video that kept shaking. If he was dizzy with 3D, he would definitely vomit immediately.

Fortunately, Xu Dong was not dizzy with 3D. Through the shaky scene, he could clearly see the current situation.

Peter was firing the electromagnetic gun in vain to prevent the Black Sea from approaching, but the Nautilus dust cloud was still approaching. Faced with such an unsolvable existence, it seemed that the natural side was in danger this time.

However, no one knows what will happen in the next second of the battle, just like firing the electromagnetic gun in seemingly vain, but it is not a useless effort.

Peter was not a fool. He was born when the Velociraptor was still a dragon. When he grew up, the Velociraptor had already begun to move toward the dragon race.

In this stage of rapid development where the old and the new alternate, unprecedented miracles may happen at every moment.

Although it parted ways with Domo's Velociraptor Clan early on, as an enemy it still paid attention to the movements of the Velociraptors. It was this experience that allowed Peter to learn the skills of the barbarians to defeat them.

Even though Thomas passed away after this, the habit of studying still remained in Peter's heart.

As time goes by, watching the changes of the four seasons, the changes of the years, and the decay of the trees, the more I understand, the more I agree with Duomo's philosophy, and gradually understand Xu Dong's painstaking efforts in appointing Duomo as the clan leader.

It is indeed not as good at observing, understanding and utilizing the laws of nature as Dormo is. Only a Velociraptor like Dormer can truly lead the Velociraptor clan to reborn and no longer be controlled by nature.

The continuous firing of the electromagnetic cannon this time was actually restoring a scene he had seen before, a method that could crack or even kill these tiny nautiluses.

As more and more electromagnetic guns are bombarded, the electromagnetic force in the air increases, and the reaction between tiny particles intensifies, and the consequences are.




There were fires and explosions one after another. The fire was not big, just fleeting, and the sound was silent, just like an electric mosquito swatter swatting a mosquito.

If this happens only once or twice, it will not have a big impact on the huge Nautilus dust cloud, but this is not a rare situation. There are endless lightning flashes and explosions in the Nautilus array, and the pop sound is very fast. They were connected together, as if they were doing something indescribable.

In fact, the Nautilus dust cloud is constantly flashing sparks like a dark cloud, and each flash represents the death of a small Nautilus.

Peter caused an imbalance in the electromagnetic force within the field by continuously firing the electromagnetic gun. The small and large number of small nautiluses located in it were the first to bear the brunt. Continuous static electricity was generated among them, with the potential to sweep across them. .

As the millimeter-sized nautiluses become smaller, their body strength also decreases accordingly. After encountering the static electricity like tarsal maggots, they cannot even escape. How can they run faster than the speed of light? ?

With the constant triggering of static electricity, the millimeter-sized little nautiluses are no longer invincible and terrifying creatures that swallow everything, but are pitiful creatures being hunted down by static electricity.

Nowadays, there are only two ways to get rid of static electricity. One is to separate them as much as possible so that static electricity loses the chance to be triggered.

The second is to completely merge and become a whole again. In this case, the terrifying destructive ability of the dust cloud will be lost.

The Black Sea Fear did not think about it for too long. It chose the first one and separated each little nautilus. It had not enjoyed enough of such a powerful state. It would not return to it unless these two hateful little things were killed. original appearance.

But when he was about to order the little nautiluses to separate, he was surprised to find that they couldn't stay away.

In a field with abundant electromagnetic force, these little nautiluses exert a gravitational force on each other. This strong gravitational force makes it impossible for the little nautiluses to stay away from each other.

Seeing this, Black Sea Horror could only choose to merge into one body first, and then carry out the unfinished killing work.

But when it chose to merge, it found that there was no way to merge. There was not only gravity but also corresponding repulsion between the little nautiluses, which allowed them to only keep this distance at all times and could not escape.

But the good news is that with the fearful exploration of the Black Sea, we found that as long as we keep a certain distance, the appearance of static electricity will continue to decrease or even disappear.

And as long as the electromagnetic force in the field disappears, the Nautilus dust cloud will become a terrifying disaster.

Xu Dong lay on Peter's hand, resisting the pain and used his telekinesis again to keep Kankan's balance, reducing the static electricity generated by causing the little nautilus formation to become messy again.

The consequence of this is that static electricity comes again.

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