Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 285 The final struggle

After falling into the black water that had not yet reassembled, Xu Dong once again used the Great Annihilation Domain. He had already made up his mind to fly aside to watch the show after consuming all his telekinesis power this time.

When Xu Dong was about to use it, he was counterattacked by the Black Sea Fear. After experiencing the Great Annihilation Realm twice, it also learned its lesson and formulated a method to deal with Xu Dong.

Countless small particles of nautilus emerged from the black water and surged towards the sky, directly colliding with Xu Dong's Great Annihilation Domain.

Xu Dong's Great Annihilation Domain can only be broken down into millimeter-level units at most, but these small nautiluses themselves are only millimeters in size, just like the fish that slipped out of the fishing net, these small nautiluses just passed through the Great Annihilation Domain. Launch an attack towards Xudong.

When Xu Dong came into contact with them for the first time, his lower body was eaten by them. Later, he saved his life with his strong physical fitness and recovery power. However, if he was bitten and eaten by them again, he would definitely die.

Xu Dong immediately interrupted the Great Annihilation Domain and used his remaining telekinesis to escape quickly. Just when the little Nautilus wanted to pursue them, a railgun shot over again, passing through the little Nautilus and hitting the black mass. water.

Although this did not produce any benefits, it at least slowed down the pursuit of the little nautiluses and helped Xu Dong buy time to escape.

Xu Dong looked at Peter gratefully. The child he had raised was now able to stand alone and was truly qualified to become the guardian of the world.

After a fleeting split, the Black Sea Fear reunited into the image of Cthulhu. This time, because Xu Dong did not cause much damage, the Black Sea Fear's body shape was almost the same as before.

Peter's feet were on the ground, with his head facing forward. He pushed hard and made a savage collision. With its body length of more than 90 meters and its weight of nearly 10,000 tons, the power of the charge was also extremely impressive.

When running fast, weight is kinetic energy. The heavier the weight, the greater the kinetic energy. Peter used this huge body to crash into the black water. The venom corroded its outer skin. The top immortal species' physique determines how Peter can resist. Lived in Blackwater for a long time.

The kinetic energy generated by the collision hit Dark Fear, knocking it back dozens of steps. The black water all over its body was also shaken away, making it smaller than before.

Just when Peter continued to prepare for another collision, the Black Sea Fear changed again and turned into four quarter-sized black birds. The black birds flew in the sky and launched surprise attacks on Peter from time to time.

The Black Sea Fear obviously also saw Peter's shortcomings, which is that he can't fly. Being unable to fly means being restrained by aerial creatures. Four black birds took turns harassing Peter, causing Peter to fire railguns repeatedly, but he was defeated by these flexible black birds. The bird ducked easily.


A black figure rushed towards Peter quickly, but was slapped down by it, but then another black figure came and caught it in the eye.

For a top-notch immortal like Peter, his skin should be very strong, but the claws of the black bird directly scratched out three bloody marks.

Blood spurted out, and the red blood was mixed with dirty black, which hindered Peter's own recovery ability and made it impossible to open his eyes.

Peter, who had only one eye left, lost his sense of direction and distance, and was even more unable to dodge the blackbird's attack. Xu Dong's telepathy was almost exhausted at this time, and there was no way to provide support.

Wait, it's not really impossible. As long as you squeeze out the power of flying and control the steel knife to rush to the rescue, even if a sharp weapon like the steel knife can't cause any harm to Heishui, it can still interfere with it from the side.

If you want to use the power of flight to control the flying sword, you have to find a safe and open place to land. Looking around, there is only one place that is most suitable, and that is the crater drilled out of the mainland.

Now that the volcanic eruption has gradually subsided, it was originally brought out by the mainland. After it drilled out, the earth automatically repaired the wound.

Falling into a clearing without magma in the crater, Xu Dong was finally able to release the telekinesis he used to fly and use the rest to control the steel knife.

The consumption of operating the steel knife is very small. Compared with Xu Dong's weight of nearly one hundred tons, the steel knife is much lighter, and Xu Dong can control it for a longer period of time.

A blackbird attacked from the blind spot on Peter's left side, but was pierced by a small steel knife. When he saw the steel knife, Peter immediately turned sideways and shot the blackbird with his right hand. It became black water.

But it was useless. The black water quickly returned to the shape of a black bird, but it did not join the siege of Peter. Instead, it turned its attention to Xu Dong on the top of the mountain in the distance.

The wings dripping with sticky black water flapped and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

Xu Dong secretly thought something was wrong. He didn't expect that he would attract Black Sea's fearful attention after just one move. He was only half a body now, and he couldn't even escape unless he used telekinesis.

If you want to escape, you have to run as fast as possible. The speed of telekinetic flight is not fast. If you don't leave early, you will be caught up by the black bird soon.

But, do you really want to escape?

Xu Dong turned his head to look at the red crater, and a bold idea came to his mind.

But I don’t have much mental power left. Can I complete this idea?

Yes, as long as there is calculation use, it is enough to complete.

So, do whatever you want!

When the blackbird approached, Xu Dong did not dodge. He grabbed a piece of lava rock with his mind and threw it at the oncoming blackbird.

The hot lava rock smashed into the black bird's body, and the high temperature quickly heated the black water, causing the black water on the black bird's body to boil.

But the boiling black bird intensified its attack. When Xu Dong used his telekinesis to shake the black bird away, a drop of black water dripped from his body.

The black poisonous water immediately made a sizzling sound when applied to the body. It was poisonous and hot at the same time. The combination of the two made the poisonous water even more terrifying.

The Blackbird changed direction and attacked Xu Dong again. This time Xu Dong didn't hold back any more, all his mental power surged out and wrapped around the Blackbird, throwing it down the volcano with a throw over his shoulder.

But just throwing it down the volcano is not safe. Blackbirds can fly. As long as they don't fall into the lava lake, they can still fly up.

The remaining telekinesis is not enough to press the black bird into the magma, so its ability to fly must be cut off.

The steel knife was summoned again and shot into the blackbird's wings. When Xu Dong let go of his mind to control the blackbird, it immediately wanted to fly up, but it felt wrong when its wings were flapping, and it couldn't fly at all.

There is a rapidly rotating steel knife in one of its wings. Although the steel knife is not big compared to the black bird, it disrupts the movement of the black water and makes its right wing unable to fly at all.

The black bird, with only one wing left, was unable to sing. Although it kept flapping its wings, it continued to fall.

Xu Dong also added fuel to the fire and kept throwing rocks down. With the two combined, the blackbird finally fell into the lava.

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