Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 282 The Third Form

Thousands of knives fired in unison, colliding with the terrifying tentacles of the Black Sea.

Although only one of these countless blades is real, the others are also composed of mind power, so it is not an exaggeration to call them sword energy.

The tentacles of the Black Sea Fear are indeed excellent in flexibility and regeneration, but they are not very strong, and countless of them have been broken during this war.

At this time, facing the impact of the sword energy, it was also chopped to pieces, exposing a large space.

The sword energy then came closer and hit Hei Hai's fearful head.

However, this terrifying legendary creature did not dodge or evade. It stared directly at the oncoming knife rain. An invisible force of telepathy spread out and collided with Xu Dong's telepathy-turned-knife.

After regaining his sanity, Black Sea Fear can fully use its own abilities. The dark spiritual power that could not be used well before can now be used as a large-scale attack.

A legend is a legend after all. As long as its head is intact, the legendary level of mental power will not be reduced at all. Such huge mental power can crush Xu Dong's telepathic steel sword and scatter it.

The numerous steel knives in the sky turned into smoke and disappeared one by one, but one went in the opposite direction.

This is the only real knife, rotating inward like the drill bit of an earth drill.

Behind the steel knife was a flying velociraptor. His mind wrapped around his body, and together with the rotating steel knife, it turned into an extremely sharp shuttle. It forcibly drilled out of the terrifying mental impact of the Black Sea. Loophole.

Xu Dong was in the mental shuttle and continued to advance towards the head of Black Sea Fear. In the end, the mental impact of Black Sea Fear was just a wave. After Xu Dong broke through, there were no more obstacles.

But Black Sea's fearful reaction was also very fast, and once again set off a mental shock, in order to prevent Xu Dong from approaching, the body with black water structure also stretched out its black hand to grab Xu Dong.

But neither the mental shock nor the black hand could stop Xu Dong's approach. His telepathy shuttle was almost pervasive, and three consecutive waves of mental shock were easily penetrated. The black hand made of black water had no effect, and could not delay Xu Dong even half a minute. .

After all, it is still a legendary creature with superior intelligence, and the Black Sea Fear immediately had a strategy to deal with it.

Mental power and telepathy are essentially the same thing, and they can naturally be compatible with each other and cancel each other out.

In terms of quantity, the mental power of Black Sea Fear is dozens of times that of Xu Dong's mental power, but why can't it stop Xu Dong's attack?

Because of quality!

Xu Dong's mental power shuttle is a highly condensed mental power aggregation, and the front part also adopts a spiral drill structure with point breaking surface. All these factors add up to make the quality of Xu Dong's mental power stronger and harder. Black Sea is afraid of the thin and wide mental power impact. , can't stop it at all.

If you know it, you can target it. Black Sea Fear's wisdom is beyond imagination. When it understood the reason, it also adopted a point-to-point method to fight against Xu Dong's telekinetic shuttle.

Condensing the huge mental power into a beam of light, this thread of huge mental power went straight towards Xu Dong.

When this mental beam hit Xu Dong's mind power shuttle, it was defeated in an instant.

Black Sea Fear was very puzzled. He obviously followed Xu Dong's routine, but how could he be even more fragile than the shock wave just now.

It does condense the mental power into a bunch, but the condensation into a thread is not much stronger than the mental shock.

In fact, the comparison between Black Sea's fearful mental power and Xu Dong's mental power is like the collision of dough and steel needles.

The original mental impact was like flattening the dough and pressing it against the steel needle, and it was easily pierced by the steel needle.

Pressing it with flattened dough can at least affect the trajectory of the steel needle, but Black Sea Fear was smart enough to knead the dough into a line.

With the same aggregation, how can the line formed by kneading the dough be compared with a steel needle? The natural effect is worse than the dough that has just been flattened.

Xu Dong's telepathy shuttle broke through the fearful mental beam of Black Sea. At this time, there was no obstacle in front of him.

As long as he breaks through and blows away the fearful head of Black Sea, everything will be calmed down.

It's just that God doesn't go as planned, and some beings don't want to just admit defeat.

The sky was turbulent, and a ray of light from outside the star flashed and disappeared into Black Sea's fearful head.

A second later, Xu Dong also crashed into Black Sea's fearful head with his mind force shuttle.

The skin that the Red Scale Flying Dragon could not penetrate before was broken by the steel knife after a moment of stalemate with the Telekinesis Shuttle.

The half-edged steel knife is the sharpest man-made weapon in the world. Coupled with the penetrating power produced by the rotation, even the skin of the Black Sea's fear cannot withstand it.

When Xu Dong penetrated into Black Sea's fearful head, what he felt was not something like a normal brain or even internal organs, but something soft and cool, as if he was in jelly.

The extremely penetrating telepathy shuttle quickly passed through the back of Black Sea's fearful head, and then disbanded immediately. Xu Dong turned around, and his telepathy swept back instantly.

Millimeter level annihilation field!

The majestic power of thought surged out, threatening to completely obliterate this weird Black Sea Fear head.

The action was unexpectedly smooth. The fear of the Black Sea that he penetrated seemed to have lost all ability to move, and let the Great Annihilation Realm disintegrate its head.

Soon, the huge head of the Black Sea Fear turned into a pile of millimeter-level debris. These debris were so numerous that they even covered the sky and the sun.

Xu Dong's uneasiness not only did not ease at all, but he felt that a real disaster was imminent.

Sure enough, those brain fragments that he had disintegrated into millimeter-level pieces suddenly became uncontrollable by Xu Dong and became inexplicably restless.

When I used my telekinesis to explore it, I found that these tiny millimeter fragments were actually the heads of tiny nautiluses.

These millimeter-sized little heads quickly reached an agreement and began to attack in all directions.

The first person to bear the brunt was Xu Dong. He also reacted quickly. After discovering the true identity of these millimeter particles, he immediately wrapped himself with telekinesis and flew out as if he was running away.

But the horror of this little nautilus head was far beyond Xu Dong's imagination. The telepathy shield he originally used to defend himself was easily eaten by them.

The eating speed was extremely fast, and a large gap was opened in a short time.

Countless Nautilus particles rushed toward Xu Dong along the gap. At their speed, it might not take long for them to catch up with Xu Dong.

At this time, a blue super electromagnetic gun bombarded straight upward and rushed into the group of Nautilus particles.

If you just look at the appearance, you would think that the Nautilus particles were blasted with a large hole by the electromagnetic cannon. However, only a few powerful people present knew that the Nautilus particles were not damaged at all.

When the electromagnetic gun approached, they took the initiative to fly away from the surrounding area, leaving the middle position for the electromagnetic gun to pass.

As long as these nautilus particles are not damaged at the microscopic level, they cannot die.

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