Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 275 Legendary Battle

This was the highest-level decisive battle that Xu Dong had ever encountered so far, at least since he came to this world. He did not want to miss it under any circumstances.

He stopped escaping and used his telekinesis to levitate dozens of kilometers away. With his eyesight and the size of the two legends, he could see clearly.

Countless tentacles danced in the fear of the Black Sea, and the distance between the sea and the mountain seemed to be non-existent. It stretched out towards the Ten Thousand-footed Millipeda, and the Great Millipede showed no sign of weakness. The large pincers outside its mouth were like sickles, easily cutting the stretched out tentacles.

Its ten thousand legs are not just decorations. When the upper body is raised, the appendages become weapons. Malu wields its sharp knife-like appendages, cutting off all the terrifying tentacles of the Deep Sea Terror.

But not long after it was cut off, the tentacles grew again, just like before they were cut off.

In the collision between soft and hard, it will be impossible to tell the winner for a while. The huge size also indicates that these two guys have sufficient physical strength and health tank to support a protracted battle, and there is no need to care about the fighting time.

Xu Dong looked at the tentacles that were constantly being cut off, and couldn't help but feel a little moved. This kind of legendary flesh and blood was a treasure, and the probability of developing components, or even special components, was much higher than that of ordinary creatures.

Just when he wanted to get closer so that his mind could grasp these scattered tentacles, a creature had already tested it for him.

A group of fleeing red-scale flying dragons tried to fly past the sides of the two battlefields. They were still nearly ten kilometers away from the real fighting point, but even though they were so far away, they did not avoid being affected by the battlefield.

The tentacles that were easily cut off by the mainland were a lingering nightmare in the eyes of other creatures. After the first red-scaled flying dragon was bound by the tentacles, the remaining red-scaled flying dragons changed their positions and accelerated their speed. , unable to get rid of the tentacles.

Soon, this group of red-scaled flying dragons that just passed by were all caught by the Black Sea Fear, but it did not crush them directly to death.

The feather scales on this group of red red-scaled flying dragons soon began to turn black, and their amber eyes also turned red. When the transformation was completed, these flying dragons completely transformed into black dragons and began to fly fearfully around the Black Sea.

They do not have the venom of the Sun Flame Dragon and cannot spray flames. Their sharpest weapons are claws and they can only fight in close proximity.

These black-scaled flying dragons launched an attack on the Malu on the top of the mountain. The Malu didn't care about the group of insects flying in the air. They focused all their attention on dealing with the fearful tentacles of the Black Sea. Only the same legends can cause damage to the opponent. harm.

These black dragons made a huge turn and came to the back of Malu. Their sharp hooks slashed at the shell on its back without leaving even a white mark.

Non-legendary attacks cannot even break through the basic defense of the mainland, let alone harm it. The fear of the Black Sea also has no hope in these black dragons. As long as they can cause even a little bit of harassment effect, it is worth it.

In the war between legends, it is difficult to kill instantly. After all, you have strong attack and I have thick armor, and the vitality is still smelly and hard, so it is really difficult to kill.

Therefore, it is necessary to accumulate advantages little by little, and then gradually expand this advantage into a victory, and the final game will determine the outcome.

Terror of the Black Sea will not only continue to make dark creatures, but also make more.

So those flying dragons suffered. After tens of millions of years of reproduction, the number of red-scaled flying dragons on the earth was very large, and the number in Asia, the home of flying dragons, was even more numerous.

Here, no matter how powerful and big your land creatures are, how sharp your teeth are, or how thick your armor is, as long as you are spotted by the red tide, it will be food. It can be said that the true overlord of the sky is also the overlord of the land.

If you look at it from this aspect, the red-scaled flying dragon is simply superior to the pterosaurs. After all, the pterosaurs can just pick up the unwanted carrion of other dinosaurs on the ground, or sneak attack on small animals, but there is no such thing as the arrogance of the flying dragons.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of thousands of flying dragons, which are the ones that can escape the fastest and die the least under the flood. With their number, Black Sea Fear can clearly capture a bunch of them.

In just a few hours, there were hundreds of flying dragons flying around and harassing the Malus. There was really nothing the Malus could do about these things.

Just like the flies of later generations, they are not as harmful as mosquitoes in terms of damage, but they are very annoying. If you want to swat them, you can definitely swat them, but if your experience is wasted on these flying dragons, they will definitely be attacked by the Black Sea Fear.

At this moment, it is very envious of the fearful tentacles of the Black Sea. They are long, flexible and can regenerate. When attacking, they can be distracted to catch the flying dragon.

The millipede cannot do that. It is an arthropod, and its carapace is very strong. It wraps itself into an iron can. Although this kind of iron can has powerful defense, it is very inflexible, and its appendages are short and cannot be used at all. There is no way to defend the front and attack the back at the same time.

This is the strategy of Black Sea Fear. This guy started out as a small nautilus and has been able to survive so many disasters until now because it is cunning enough. It also proves that even in legends, wisdom is very important.

While Xu Dong was watching the play, a thunderbolt suddenly flew from the distance and flashed past his eyes, which shocked him.

Turning around, he saw five giant dragons fighting in the air, four of them were the Sun Flame Dragon King, and one was a three-headed flying dragon that looked exactly like Ghidorah.

This flying dragon that resembles Ghidorah also has three heads, a pair of wings and a pair of claws.

It is holding a Sun Flame Dragon King on its right claw, and golden lightning is brewing in the mouth of the head in the middle, and it is about to spray towards the unlucky Sun Flame Dragon King.

Naturally, the other three Sun Flame Dragon Kings could not let their kind be killed. The four of them were a bit weak against the three flying dragons. If they were allowed to kill one, then the three of them would have no choice but to escape.

The most powerful among them, the Asian Dragon King, spurted fiery flames from his mouth and sprayed it towards the head of the three-headed flying dragon.

But the leftmost head of the three-headed flying dragon opened directly and swallowed the oncoming flames. Not only did it not suffer any damage, it actually burped and separated some gray smoke.

The other two Sun Flame Dragon Kings took the opportunity to attack the claws of the three-headed flying dragon. Under the pain, the three-headed dragon finally let go of its claws, allowing the captured dragon king to escape.

The situation has returned to a one-on-four situation, but the battlefield has shifted several hundred kilometers to the northeast.

When they were in a stalemate, a white crystal fell from the sky rapidly, even exceeding the speed of sound.

The three-headed dragon in the melee was controlled by the four Sun Flame Dragon Kings and was unable to leave. By the time it noticed the flaming white crystal falling from the sky, it was already too late to avoid it.

Since you can't hide, then confront him head-on.

The three heads of the three-headed dragon, the rightmost one spits fire, the middle one sprays lightning, and the left one sprays ice, the three attacks hit the crystal falling from the sky.

But apart from causing the crystal to lag slightly for a moment, it didn't have much effect. The crystal was so hard that the Thunder Fire Ice didn't damage it at all.

The six eyes of the three-headed dragon looked at the white crystal stone that was getting closer and closer in horror, and let out a wailing mixture of fear and unwillingness.


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