Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 274 The confrontation after 50 million years

This is a rare good weather, with blue sky, white clouds and high sun, which is very suitable for going out for an outing.

But at this time, there was no place suitable for outings on the earth. The black water on the ground had submerged a large area of ​​land. The land that was originally lined with green trees and full of vitality was already dead.

Countless fish-like and human-like monsters roam freely in the black water. If they find a creature, they will pull it into the water and eat it up.

The sun shining in the sky is getting hotter and hotter, and the climate is getting hotter and hotter. The drought-tolerant sauromorphs can still bear it, but those deep divers, shrimps and octopuses who have always lived in the water can't. We can no longer live in this kind of climate.

Under the scorching sun, it didn't take long for the floodwater to be scalding hot, and the water was constantly evaporating. The seemingly endless floodwater might dry up in less than half a day, leaving behind a pile of dead fish and rotten shrimps.

The leaders of the Sea Monster Legion naturally do not pay attention to the lives of these inexhaustible soldiers. Their eyes are now focused on a few top immortals high in the mountains.

Xu Dong was sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the several giant monsters coming out of the black water in surprise. He didn't recognize the three-headed flying dragon, the hydra, and the big rotten fish, but the ridiculously large animal seemed familiar to him.

Isn’t this a fear of the deep sea? This guy didn't die in the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic? And also joined the ranks of the rebels?

At this time, the fear of the deep sea has turned into the fear of the black sea. He has completely fallen into the opposite of nature. He seems to have become the leader of the sea monster. It can be said that he has become famous.

While Xu Dong was marveling, Black Sea Fear did not pay attention to the old acquaintances on the top of the mountain, but focused on Peter and the others.

Originally seven versus three, the sea monster side did not have the upper hand, but now there is the legendary level of fear of the Black Sea. Even Peter and the others together are not enough to defeat it. Is it possible that the highest combat power of the natural camp will be defeated here? Is it destroyed?

How can it be? Nature is cunning and cunning. He has never seen any scene before. Xu Dong didn't believe that he would have no back-up plan.

Sure enough, the ground suddenly began to vibrate, and the vibrations became more and more rapid, as if something was approaching quickly.

Xu Dong's sixth sense was very keen, and he could easily detect that the source of the earthquake was coming from under his feet. Is the mountain under his feet about to erupt like a volcano?

It is not impossible for nature to use a large-scale volcanic eruption to take away the most threatening Black Sea terror and the three top immortal species around it. Even if it costs the lives of seven peak immortal species and countless innocent animals, it is very difficult. Cost-effective.

Nature has no emotions, only the weighing of pros and cons and ecological balance.

Xu Dong can't do much now. He's not a legend. He can't resist natural disasters. Facing possible natural disasters, it's better to sneak away.

Just when he wanted to use his telekinesis to leave, four Sun Flame Dragon Kings took the lead and flew towards the distance with a dozen Sun Flame Flying Dragons and hundreds of Red Scale Flying Dragons.

At this time, the creatures on the mountain and down the mountain didn't know that a disaster was coming, so they naturally found ways to escape.

Even Peter and the other three were running down the mountain one after another. As for the sea monsters, except for the fear of the Black Sea, the three-headed flying dragon had already flown up and chased the Sun Flame Dragon. The big rotten fish It also sank into the black sea, and the nine-headed dragon also chased in the direction where Peter and the others escaped.

Even if a natural disaster is approaching, these guys actually plan to hunt nature's top immortal species. They are really brave.

Xu Dong looked at the direction. The Sun Flame Dragon flew to the west, Peter III flew to the southwest, and Xu Dong flew to the north, which was the safest direction.

So he didn't stop and flew straight towards the north. He just glanced at the crowd inadvertently, which made Heihai's expression of fear change, as if he had seen something shocking.

But soon it had no chance to continue to be shocked, because the top of the mountain really exploded. This extinct volcano that had been quiet for tens of millions of years actually broke open again. Red lava spurted out from the top of the mountain, and the sticky magma It flows from top to bottom along the mountain wall.

This is the heat inside the earth, the blood of the earth, the consequences of changes in the tectonic plates. Except for legends, no creature can survive such a crisis.

The lava blocks that were ejected into the air were thrown to the ground within a hundred miles of the mountain like raindrops. The Black Sea overflowed the land, and the floods had surrounded the mountains, so the lava blocks that were ejected fell into the black water one after another.

The temperature of magma inside the earth is as high as over one thousand degrees Celsius. When the magma and lava blocks carrying such terrifyingly high temperatures enter the black water, the black water, which was originally diluted by a large amount of sea water and is not very toxic, begins to bubble again. And white water vapor evaporates.

After the high temperature was transmitted to the water, the temperature of the originally cold seawater skyrocketed, and it soon boiled. The sea monsters who had easily harvested land creatures suffered a disaster.

No matter it is the largest number of deep divers, shrimps, octopuses or some strange sea monsters, no one is spared, and they all turn into seafood in this black boiling water.

The disgusting boiling black water, with the half-human, half-fish, giant lobster and octopus floating on it, clearly told everyone that this was Nabe Dark Cuisine.

But this natural disaster may seem terrifying, but it is actually far less severe than the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic that the Black Sea has experienced.

That is, the level of an ordinary volcano erupting. Such a volcano is destructive to all living beings, but it is afraid of the Black Sea, and may also dislike the low temperature of the magma water.

Nature is well aware of the power of the legend, and there is no way it can be expected that this small volcanic eruption can wipe out the horror of the Black Sea.

Therefore, the volcano is just a sign. The real trump card is the red millipede that emerges from the crater!

After this giant continent, which was more than three hundred meters long and had over 10,000 appendages, climbed onto the land, the two pairs of sharp claws in front of it collided together, making a sound of gold and iron, showing off its power to its old friend in the sea. Power.

While Xu Dong was escaping, he did not forget to look back and pay attention to the battle situation. As a result, he saw the peak battle between the mainland and the black sea, the fearful Nautilus, the sky and the earth, the mountains and the sea.

These two were still comrades-in-arms during the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic Period. Fifty million years have passed and the Jurassic Period is coming to an end, but now they are separated and fighting each other.

Xu Dong didn't know how many legends from the past had survived. At least in this battlefield, only Dalu, Nautilus and Xu Dong still had long memories.

Although so many years have passed, Xu Dong still has not reached the level of legend, but it does not prevent him from being more resistant than legend, and his life is harder than legend. Only a person with such hard life as him is qualified to do something that has been meaningless for so long. Witness of the times

Witnessing the changes in the sea, the movement of the earth, the rotation of the stars, and the replacement of all things.

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