Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 276 The white dragon descends from the sky

This white crystal fell from the sky, and through the flames wrapped in the outer layer, a dragon-shaped outline could be vaguely seen. It was the white dragon that had been injured and left before.

I saw the white dragon curled up, with its back bent, its head leaning on its abdomen, its hands and feet wrapped around it, and seven pairs of feather scale wings on the outermost side covering its whole body, completely turning into an oval crystal.

Xu Dong had to lament the vitality of the Sun Flame Dragon. He had been hit by a sonic air cannon before and was sprayed with venom. After only half a day, Bailong had already returned to join the battle. This recovery speed, even in He can rank first among the Sun Flame Dragons, second only to Xu Dong.

But Xu Dong is different from them after all. His Chlorophyte is a first-hand equipment, so it is normal for it to have stronger performance. However, it is very difficult for Sunfire Shenron's second-hand equipment to have this effect.

The white crystal stone fell, and flames appeared due to air friction. In the flames, the white dragon's body also turned orange-red.

After easily defeating the three-headed dragon's attack, it hit it directly on the head.

Even if the three-headed dragon temporarily raised its wings in an attempt to resist, it was all in vain. The white dragon hit its wings, burning them, and then continued to hit the three-headed dragon's head, carrying the enemy with it. General Fang fell into the black water together.

Today's black water is no longer very high due to volcanoes, the sun, etc. After the meteorite White Dragon fell, the black water that was only more than ten meters deep was quickly pushed to both sides, leaving a semicircular gap in the middle. Hollow belt.

The white dragon and the three-headed dragon smashed into the exposed ground, and soon a deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters was created. The huge heat and impact swept across all directions, and the black water that was originally surrounding it was smashed. Pushing outward, with the circular pit as the center, a tsunami wave was set off.

This added fuel to the fire to the sea monsters who were already suffering from the hot water. The huge impact disrupted the water surface for hundreds of kilometers and made the water flow chaotic. The sea monsters in it were fighting each other under the turbulent water flow. They were hit by rocks and hit by rocks, and their heads were bruised and bloody. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

The black water sea monster further away was also affected. Although it was not as severe as the one within hundreds of kilometers, it was obviously still somewhat difficult.

The battlefield between Black Sea Fear and Continent was dozens of miles away from the earthquake source, and was affected by the second-level shock wave. Such an impact caused the black water under Black Sea Fear's feet to surge, but of course it did not have much impact on the two battlefield protagonists.

This level of chaos and impact of the sea water is not even as huge as the ones they stir up on their own.

But it has a great impact on the black dragon minions who are constantly harassing them in the air. The shock wave not only affects the black water, but the air is also an excellent conductive medium.

The four Sun Flame Dragon Kings on the front line of the white dragon's landing point were first burned by the sky fire brought by the white dragon. After landing, they were blown away by the shock wave for hundreds of miles. Some fell into the water, and some hit them. Shanshi all suffered serious internal injuries.

Fortunately, they are top-notch immortal species with amazing physiques that can withstand such an impact. Coupled with the same strong recovery power, they can recover in a short time.

Xu Dong, who was also on the front line, immediately covered his whole body with telekinesis. When the shock wave swept over, Xu Dong, covered with telekinesis, was as if he was in a zorb, being hit everywhere.

The elastic power of thought alleviated the damage caused by the shock wave. After a while of bouncing around, Xu Dong finally crashed into a ravine smoothly.

Generally speaking, except for the excessive consumption of telekinesis and some internal injuries from the impact, Xu Dong was the one who suffered the least damage at the scene.

Although the remaining mental power may not be used in the Great Annihilation Domain, it is still no problem to maintain normal flight.

After the impact, Xu Dong rushed back to the scene immediately. At this time, the ground was no longer black water, and the earth was exposed, with something on it.

There was a pit hundreds of meters wide and hundreds of meters deep, with gray smoke rising from the pit.

The smoke and dust were much smaller now, and Xu Dong could clearly see the situation in the pit.

At this time, there were two huge black objects in the pit. Their shapes could still be vaguely seen from the outside. When the white dragon landed, it still curled up into an oval to protect itself, so the stone-like oval black object in it was The object should be the white dragon.

The three-headed dragon was much more miserable. Its three heads were completely gone, most of its wings were destroyed, and most of its body was also lost. It could be said that all that was left of the three-headed dragon was its lower body covered with black dust.

Not leaving any time to chance, Xu Dong stretched out his hand to get some body tissue of the three-headed dragon to see if he could extract anything.

As a result, as soon as his telekinesis touched the lower body of the three-headed dragon, it completely turned into ashes, leaving nothing behind.

This made Xu Dong's stretched-out right hand extremely embarrassing. Bailong's meteorite fell from the sky was a bit too powerful.

In fact, it's not that big. Xu Dong also used this trick back then, using sonic impact to break the hard shell of the Thunder Beast.

The price was that Xu Dong had half of his body broken. You must know that he was actually considered a top immortal species at that time. He was not at level ninety-nine, but he was still at level ninety.

Even this cannot withstand justice from heaven. Judging from the appearance of this fall, Bailong's body is actually ignited with flames, indicating that both the height and speed of his fall are higher and faster than Xu Dong's before. .

Such an impact is not only impactful, but also terrifyingly high. It is normal for a level 99 immortal species to be smashed into ashes.

It's a pity that Xudong's components failed again. Well, why do you say it again?

Xu Dong turned his head and looked at another black thing. He didn't know what happened to the white dragon. The three-headed dragon had turned to gray, so it was probably about the same, right?

But with the movement of his mind, the dust on the oval black thing dispersed, and what appeared in front of Xu Dong's eyes was still the white dragon huddled in a ball.

As Xu Dong's telepathy touched him and he felt the land and air, Bai Long's tightly held body also loosened and he lay down on the ground.

Judging from the telekinesis detection, this thing is not dead yet. When it was hit so high, the three-headed dragon was turned into ashes, but it didn't do anything at all? What kind of freak is this guy?

Of course it's impossible that nothing happened at all. It's just that Bailong's diamond body is too hard, which makes it look like there is no damage. In fact, the body is already a ball of paste.

But even a ball of paste can't kill Bailong. After the transformation of Tai Chi Tu, Bailong has taken a step further with the already stronger vitality of Sun Flame Dragon. His physique, vitality and resilience are up. up.

Originally an Antarctic Dragon King who did not like fighting, White Dragon could be said to be the weakest among the six Dragon Kings, barely reaching the level of the Immortal Seed. Now he can be regarded as the strongest Dragon King.

Of course, this is only in terms of physical fitness. In terms of combat experience, Bailong is still a scumbag.

Wait, you ask why there are only six dragon kings?

Australia is still connected to Africa.

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