Big waves were coming from the sky towards the mainland. All the creatures on the land were frightened when they saw this scene. No creature dared to stay for a moment under the power of nature. For the sake of their own lives, they all ran with all their strength.

When Wanlong was running wildly, Xu Dong also controlled the power of his mind to fly in the air. As long as the creatures running on the ground were not careful, they might fall. As soon as they fell, they would be killed by the huge dragon tide. Stampede to death.

The sky is much more open, with no obstacles and no pushing. Even though the speed of telekinetic flight is not fast, it is far faster than the movement speed of creatures on land.

At this moment, several loud roars came from behind. Before Xu Dong could turn around, several fast-flying creatures flew over his head.

Their speed was so fast that the air flow in the air was turbulent. The turbulent air flow caused Xu Dong to stagger in flight and almost fell into the dragon tide below. If he fell now, his body would definitely be gone.

By the time they regained their composure, the people who had just overtaken the car had already turned into black shadows and could not be seen at all.

What kind of quality! Xu Dong spat at the bottom and expressed their dissatisfaction.

Obviously the sky is so wide, there is plenty of room for them to fly, but they flew towards where he was. If Xu Dong hadn't used his telekinesis to forcefully stop his falling body, ordinary flying creatures would have fallen and been trampled to death.

Looking back at the large tsunami that was still far away, I actually saw several huge figures behind the dragon tide. Is this Peter?

I saw three huge creatures running wildly between the dragon tide and the tsunami. They were very fast and were almost approaching the end of the dragon tide. Judging from the size comparison, it can be said that they can be crushed to death with one kick. Any creature in the Dragon Tide.

Among these three huge creatures, Morgan is the fastest one. This guy got down on all fours and resumed its former appearance of living on the bottom. It stepped on the water with four legs, splashing high water, and quickly headed towards the shore. Come.

Behind it is a big velociraptor, its legs are like the lizards in later documentaries that can float on water, running wildly on the water.

Peter, who was brought up by Xu Dong himself, fell at the back. Fortunately, he was still far away from the waves, so it was not difficult to escape to the mainland.

Soon the immortal Morgan beast caught up with the team. It dropped its forelimbs and trampled to death three dinosaurs that were lagging behind. Then its hind legs fell again and trampled to death several more dinosaurs.

It stepped into the dragon tide without any scruples, not caring at all how many creatures it crushed to death under its feet.

Soon, Velociraptor and Peter also stepped into the dragon tide one after another, and they were also merciless to the creatures under their feet.

For these top immortal species, ordinary creatures are completely different from them, just like humans don't care how many ants are crushed under their feet. Even the longevity species are just bigger ants.

Xu Dong turned his head, avoided the top of the tall tree in front, and flew towards the distance quickly with his telekinesis. In fact, he had this mentality. He had stayed in the primitive era for a long time, and he no longer had any respect for life, and he committed bloody killings. It's something that happens every day.

Huge waves with a height of 1,000 meters later also surged onto the land. After reaching the land, the waves could not replenish the waves. The height of 1,000 meters would gradually decrease, and eventually turn into floods that swept through most of the ancient Asian continent.

After all, it is not a real natural disaster. There is no way to completely cover the continent under the sea. We can only kill the living forces on the land as much as possible within the scope of the flood. At least the main resistance forces in front of them, the fear of the deep sea wants to completely eliminate them. .

After running for dozens of miles, the physical strength of terrestrial creatures gradually fails. Today's animals are not able to run for long periods of time. Not only do they have physical strength, they also have problems with heat dissipation.

The reason why this group of animals can escape so far is because the mutated pronuclei in their bodies have strengthened their physical fitness. At this time, the disadvantage of the extraordinary species is reflected.

Because there is no mutant pronucleus, a treasure that can continuously strengthen their physical fitness, some extraordinary species with physical fitness-related abilities can continue to run, while the rest have fallen to the back of the team, and it will not be long before they are overtaken by the black wave. .

The dark deep-sea fear at the top of the waves stretched its tentacles into the black waves, forcing the black waves to tilt forward and hit the ground faster.

From the perspective of the creatures on the ground, it was just a wall that was originally vertical. After reaching the land, it began to tilt forward. The tilt later became smaller than an acute angle, directly blocking the bright light in the sky, and it was photographed directly towards the head.

In such a terrifying crisis, the animal shrouded in the shadow of the black wave immediately squeezed out the last bit of potential in its body and charged forward violently.

The ones behind charged, and the ones in front naturally couldn't relax, so they had to rush forward together. This time, the speed was actually faster than when they first escaped. I had to sigh with emotion at the power of survival instinct of living things.

But the potential is not unlimited after all. After charging madly for a while, some creatures could no longer hold on. The price of stimulating the potential was the subsequent period of weakness. These creatures in the period of weakness lay on the ground and gasped, but they took one step. I can't walk anymore.

They also know that lying here is a dead end, but every cell in their body has lost their strength, their limbs are as heavy as stones, and they can't even open their eyes. In this state, they can only sit and wait for death.

When the black waves covered them, at least half of the animals in the dragon tide were already lying on the ground. Under the huge pressure of the waves, their extremely weak bodies were immediately killed on the spot.

And those creatures that rush out of the scope of the waves are not safe. After the waves fall, the flood will continue to wash forward until this huge kinetic energy completely calms down.

The flood was behind them, so these creatures that escaped the black waves did not dare to stop for a moment, squeezing the energy from their bodies and running for their own lives.

But some of them couldn't squeeze out a drop. In the end, they could only be overtaken by the black flood behind them, swept up in it, and became the rations of the fish soldiers and shrimp generals.

When the floods began to subside and no longer spread forward, less than 20% of nature's army remained. Such tragic casualties could not be called an extinction event.

Even among the surviving creatures, less than 10% still have fighting power. In other words, only 1% of the original creatures can continue to fight. Compared with the sea monster army, nature has lost its most reliable support. strategic depth and endurance.

However, will nature be completely overturned by a powerful attack so easily?

How can it be.

As the black water fell, the sky cleared up again and became cloudless. The blazing sunshine shone on the earth, quickly drying the wet ground.

At this time, if there are any spectators, they will comment: Nature, this time, played a trick to lure the enemy deeper at the cost of losing a large number of chess pieces.

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