It wasn't until the eight-headed snake was completely sealed in the huge ice that Xu Dong looked away and looked at the head that had just been bitten by the Plant Dragon King. Although it was full of poisonous blood, it might be edible after processing.

But when he cast his sight over, he found that the area was now submerged in black sea water, and he couldn't see anything at all.

As the sea monster's attack becomes stronger or weaker, the sea water will rise and ebb with the tide. If the land creatures do not hold on, the consequences can be imagined.

I'm afraid the terrible scene in the movie The Day After Tomorrow wouldn't have reappeared. The entire world was submerged in the sea and all life on land was completely extinct.

The Velociraptor civilization that has reached the stage of primitive Homo erectus will also completely disappear. The Red Dragon clan has been attacking the barriers of civilization for generations and falling again and again. This time, Xu Dong will keep this hard-won fire of civilization no matter what. .

As the eight-headed snake was frozen, the battlefield situation changed drastically again. The natural army, which had been continuously retreating under attack, regrouped with the reinforcements and launched a countercharge towards the sea.

Today's sea monster army, the big boss Hydra is frozen, the flying octopus is all wiped out, and the hard shrimps also suffer heavy casualties. Apart from the endless stream of deep divers, there is really no fighting power to take action.

With the counterattack of land creatures, the deep divers were suddenly pushed back dozens of miles, and the sea retreated again, exposing a large area of ​​land.

This local battlefield involved a lot of energy and combat power of the Sea Monster Legion. Now, not only did they not make any achievements, but they lost a general in vain. The result was a crushing defeat.

Nature is now as stable as Mount Tai, and the long coast of Asia is counterattacking in full force. The white stones on the chessboard are greatly compressing the space of the black stones. Soon, this game of chess will be over.

Seeing such a situation, the existence on the opposite side was also a little broken, and it was going to stud!

In the depths of the sea, a dark sea area, the battle here is more anxious, fierce, and vast than on the coast.

Take out any one at random, and they are all over 70 meters tall, and there are even a few giants over 100 meters tall. Their every move can turn mountains and seas, and set off huge tsunamis.

It is obvious that the two camps are at war. The peak immortal species on the natural side is the thunder dragon Peter, the giant velociraptor and the Morgan beast. There are also four Sunfire Dragon Kings flying in the sky.

After the last Zerg war, it can be said that the top combat power of the natural side was swept away. Today's strongest combat power has grown up after the war, and the number is not too many.

The sea monster side has even fewer top powerhouses than the natural side. There are only three, namely a three-headed flying dragon with wings, a nine-headed dragon, and a dark, rotten fish-shaped sea monster.

With three versus seven, the natural side is stronger no matter what. The sea monster's shrinking defense was also shown on the scene. It feels like the natural side is guaranteed to win.

In fact, it cannot be seen this way. Although the sea monster side is passively defensive, the sea, land and air cooperate very well, and the defense is watertight. The natural side's top combat power has been unable to achieve results.

In terms of individual combat power, apart from the upright Velociraptor and Morgan Beast, which are infinitely close to the legend, there is basically no one with whom they can fight in a one-on-one duel.

Even Peter with the railgun or the Sun Flame Dragon King flying in the sky are no match for either of them.

The three-headed dragon flapped its wings and sprayed thunder and lightning, and it was able to fight four in the air with ease.

The nine-headed dragon in the water was also resisting the attacks of the three top immortal species, and the fish-shaped sea monster in the water was constantly harassing them, making it impossible to expand their advantage into a victory.

The reason why the sea monsters can hold on forever is, firstly, their strong individual strength, and secondly, their cooperation is very tacit, which is much better than the seven immortal species fighting on their own in nature.

As for the third place, it is the ocean environment, which is the home field of sea monsters. Except for the three-headed flying dragon, which is not good at swimming, the nine-headed dragon and the fish-shaped sea monster are all good swimmers, but none of the natural ones are good at swimming.

If the Plant Dragon King had not been injured before the battle, it might have been able to drag the fish-shaped sea monster in the water, so that Peter and the others would not always face underwater sneak attacks.

If the North American Dragon King had not been killed by Peter's cannon, the five Sun Flame Dragon Kings might have been able to defeat the three flying dragons and gain absolute air superiority.

Suppose there are thousands of them, but the actual situation is that they can't beat them. No matter how you look at it, they can't beat them. If Hydra hadn't been transferred away, they wouldn't even have this advantage. In the previous seven-on-four game, the natural side was completely defeated. With such pressure and beating, Riyan Dragon King almost fell to the ground.

As the two sides continued to stand in a stalemate, all the top immortal species on the natural side had a premonition of impending disaster in their minds, which made them no longer think about fighting and fled towards the land.

How could the three sea monsters let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and launch an attack directly behind the seven Immortals. They continued until all seven of them ran far away, and the sea monsters stopped chasing.

Because they know that even if they continue to chase, it will be difficult to kill any of the top immortal species. Each of these half-step legendary existences is harder than the last. The most important thing now is to wait for that one to come.

At the center of the battle, the seawater began to rotate, gradually forming a large whirlpool thousands of miles away. The huge whirlpool sunk downwards. In the center of the whirlpool, countless tentacles emerged from it, followed by a dark and round shell.

When this huge monster really emerged from the sea, the three surrounding sea monsters that were so majestic just now shivered in fear, fearing this terrifying existence.

If Xu Dong were present, he would definitely recognize this monster that was hundreds of meters long. It turned out to be the fear of the deep sea that he had a close relationship with before.

The current image of Terror of the Deep is not much different from the past. Apart from the fact that the body color has turned pitch black, it has not grown any humanoid body or bat wings. It is still the classic image of a conch shell and an octopus head.

The entire appearance is more like Gatanjeal than Cthulhu, but without the iconic pair of shrimp claws.

The nearly 300-meter dark sea monster stretched its tentacles into the sea. The sea was completely shrouded in darkness and became pitch black. The huge tsunami lifted the four sea monsters high on the top and attacked the shore.

The huge waves carried thousands of deep divers, shrimps, and octopuses and rolled bigger and bigger. When they were about to reach the shore, the wave height even reached thousands of meters.

From the perspective of the creatures on the shore, this is no longer a tsunami, but a wall of extinction that connects the sky above and the sea below. As long as it is pressed by this black wall, no creature can survive.

The creatures on the shore no longer dared to stay, and rushed inland one by one, setting off a mighty dragon tide.

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