Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 271 Extremely Cold Storm

Redonda Dragon King bit the eight-headed snake's tail. It is an immortal species in itself, and its superpower is the most popular ability of increasing strength. It thought it could hold off the eight-headed snake for a moment, but unfortunately it still underestimated the ninety-year-old snake. The big boss at level nine.

The eight-headed snake's speed did not slow down at all after being bitten, and it dragged Redonda Dragon King forward for thousands of meters without giving the other immortal species a chance.

The remaining two longevity planting dragons bit the eight-headed snake's tail one after another, trying to help Dragon King Redonda control the eight-headed snake, but unfortunately they entered the snake's mouth before they landed.

The big guy lifted its tail upwards, and Redonda Dragon King was thrown into the air. The eight-headed snake turned around, and all eight heads bit it at the same time, trying to eat it up.

Seeing this situation, the other Immortal Seed could no longer endure it and used a move specially prepared for enemies that were difficult to fight against.

Extremely cold storm!

Above the head of the eight-headed snake, the dark clouds in the sky began to gather and gradually twisted together, and the cold wind blew up, making the already cold environment even colder.

The cold wind gradually formed a spiral surrounding the eight-headed snake. As long as it could trap the eight-headed snake inside, it would be enough to completely seal it in the ice.

This move is an ability that it learned after facing the unstoppable laser beam in the King's Court of Swift Dragons. It has never been used before. This move is completely a surefire move, because it is just a primer, and the subsequent natural disasters and extremely cold storms will not Anyone can control it.

The reason why I refused to use it before is because once this move is formed, it is invincible. In other words, before it is formed, there is still a chance to escape. The extreme cold storm will not change positions with it, but will only take care of itself in the same place. Run until finished.

The eight-headed snake is not an idiot with no IQ. On the contrary, its IQ can be said to be higher than 99% of the creatures on earth. Faced with this terrifying power of heaven, it does not dare to attack it directly.

The eight-headed snake struggled to break free from the shackles of the storm and kept swimming out of the storm. This storm zone was not big. It only took a few seconds to break out of this small area. However, the temperature inside was too low, which seriously affected it. The mobility of the eight-headed snake.

It is estimated that it will take tens of seconds for the storm to take shape. Even if there is the influence of cold, it will take at least ten seconds for the eight-headed snake to rush out. Is it necessary to miss such an opportunity?

At this moment, a terrifying giant beast suddenly appeared and pushed the eight-headed snake back into the storm.

The eight-headed snake naturally responded mercilessly, wrapping its tail around the Dragon King, which had been mostly corroded, with only the heart, brain, limbs, etc. still retaining some flesh and blood.

The two giant beasts rolled into the extremely cold storm together, and the eight-headed snake was crushed under the Plant Dragon King, who had only a skeleton left.

If the Plant Dragon King was in a state of complete victory, it would still be possible to suppress the eight-headed snake. Now that the Plant Dragon King has lost 80% of its flesh and blood and has countless broken bones, how can it be possible to trap it.

The eight-headed snake's tail directly wrapped around the plant dragon king's hind limbs, and its eight heads bit the forelimbs. With such force, the broken bones could no longer hold up and were torn into two pieces.

The Plant Dragon King, who had only one breath left, could no longer hold on after this, and left this world that had inhabited it for tens of millions of years. There, he might be able to meet the one who raised them and taught them. Gou Zhidao's old Lei Dongda Long.

The eight-headed snake threw the body of the Plant Dragon King aside and rushed straight out of the storm. It was also a little anxious at this moment. If it didn't hurry up, it might really be trapped in the ice forever.

At this moment, there are still ten seconds before the storm is completely formed. Ten seconds is enough for the eight-headed snake to shuttle freely four or five times. No living thing can stop it from escaping.

In the distance, there is the frozen body of the immortal species Redondasaurus, with crocodile tears in its eyes.

Even if they sacrificed all the combat power of the Zhilong clan, would they still fail in the end?

But an accident occurred inadvertently. The body of the eight-headed snake that was originally charging outwards stopped motionless for two seconds.

When the stillness ended, the big guy looked around, wondering what happened?

Just when it was about to rush out again, its body stopped again, this time one second longer than the last time.

When it was able to move again, all sixteen snake eyes widened, not understanding what was happening to them.

After all, the eight-headed snake is a top-level creature that is infinitely close to the legend. It can only find that something strange has happened to itself. If it were an ordinary creature, it would not know that its time has been stopped. They don't even have the concept of time.

It's like a person is walking forward, but suddenly stops in the middle of the road, and then continues to move forward a second later. This walking person has no idea that his time has disappeared for a second, and just thinks that he has just lost his temper. Silly.

Although the eight-headed snake knew that something strange had happened to it, the extremely cold storm was about to take shape, so it didn't want to think too much. It was most important to escape.

But the same scene happened again. The eight-headed snake stopped again for three seconds. When it came to its senses, all eight heads screamed in grief and anger, and the storm was completely formed!

The eight-headed snake still didn't believe in evil and tried to break through the wind wall with its powerful body. In the end, it was blown back by the terrifying cold wind and fell down where the body of the Plant Dragon King was.

The furious eight-headed snake swung its eight heads and slammed into the bones of the Plant Dragon King. Its tail also wrapped around its lower body, smashing the King of the Plant Dragon clan into pieces, and was swept into the storm by the cold wind.

Xu Dong lowered his arms and kept his eyes fixed on the direction of the storm. It had just taken action. Although he did not have the courage to confront the eight-headed snake head-on, he not only had the courage to add insult to injury, but also had great courage.

Xu Dong thought it was a good deal to exchange eight years of life for one life of the eight-headed dragon.

Although it seems that the eight-headed snake is indeed trapped in the storm and difficult to come out, it is still a top-level immortal boss. Maybe there is some way to escape from the storm, so Xu Dong does not dare to look away now. Determined not to let the eight-headed snake have a chance to escape.

As the storm became more and more intense, the temperature around the eight-headed snake became lower and lower, heading towards subzero.

Generally speaking, creatures that have reached immortality will undergo drastic changes in their life levels. Not only will their lifespan be greatly increased, but their strength, speed, tenacity, etc. will also stand on top of the earth.

Theoretically speaking, the immortal species is actually invulnerable to cold and heat, but there is a limit. Like the ultra-low temperature in the storm at this time, the eight-headed snake will be unable to withstand it.

The first thing that started to freeze was the wound that had just been bitten by the Plant Dragon King, and it was gradually sealed.

Soon ice crystals began to appear on the tail, and continued to spread towards the body.

Ice crystals also began to appear on the eight snake heads. The ice spread rapidly from two directions and finally converged at the connection between the eight heads and the snake body.

At this time, in the extremely cold storm, the eight-headed snake was no longer visible, only a huge piece of ice stood there forever.

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