Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 270 Hydra VS Dragon Plant

The huge plant dragon met directly with the Hydra. The five heads of the Hydra opened and roared, and the remaining four spit out snake apricots and looked evilly.

Faced with Hydra's provocation, the Plant Dragon King opened its large mouth, which accounted for one-third of its body, and responded with a dull burp sound.

The two giant beasts finally collided together. The nine heads of the Hydra bit the Dragon Plant King, but unfortunately all of them were in vain. The Dragon Plant King's ability was misleading and successfully confused the snake heads of the Hydra.

Taking advantage of the middle door being wide open, the Zhilong King pounced directly, biting the base of one of the Hydra's necks with his bloody mouth.

In the animal world, the mosaic anklet family seems to have focused all its skill points on bite force, and its position at the top of bite force in ancient and modern times is unshakable.

With the size of the Plant Dragon King, how terrifying is its bite force?

The big mouth was closed, and the cone-shaped dagger teeth were like buckles, biting firmly on the Hydra, causing the deep-sea monster to be in great pain. The nine snake heads attacked crazily on the back of the Plant Dragon King, but they were all covered by it. The subcutaneous osteogenesis is blocked.

The two forelimbs of the Plant Dragon King were lying on the erected body of the Hydra, and its sharp claws were inserted into its body in order to fix its body and exert pressure so that the Hydra could not break free.

But Hydra is not a vegetarian after all. Each of its nine heads is a weapon. Facing the huge and hard-bodied Plant Dragon King, it once again spits out venom with a fishy smell.

The power of these venoms is even more terrifying than sulfuric acid. The black water diluted by sea water can turn living things into a puddle of corpse water, let alone direct spray.

The yellow venom sprayed on the outer skin of the Plant Dragon King, and the dragon skin immediately emitted white smoke, quickly corroded and burned black, revealing the white subcutaneous bone inside.

The subcutaneous bone formation is more resistant than the dragon skin. Even though it is also emitting white smoke, it is still strong and tenaciously blocks the venom from the Dragon King's body.

King Zhilong knew that his body could not endure the long battle, so he pulled back his head, which accounted for one-third of his body, and the body of the snake bit by it was torn apart, and a snake head was torn off with it.

The snake head that was torn off by the Plant Dragon King screamed and fell to the ground. Green blood flowed from the wound. The original moss and lichen on the ground shrank rapidly under the water of the green blood, and finally withered completely and turned into fly ash.

The land near the sea should have been very moist, with plenty of water in the land. However, under the water of green blood, the land actually became dry and cracked, showing a scene that only occurs in drought.

Of course, the green blood also splashed onto King Zhilong, and even entered the esophagus along the big mouth.

The corrosiveness of yellow venom is more severe than that of black sea water, but the green blood is even more terrifying than the yellow venom. Even subcutaneous bone formation cannot completely resist the corrosion of green blood.

Soon the flesh and blood of the Zhilong King's head became pitted with corrosion. The huge head was half bone and half rotten flesh, making it look particularly ferocious.

Hydra, oh no, it's Hydra now.

The eight-headed snake tightly held the remaining head of King Zhilong and surrounded it like a snake. The whole scene was like a giant python fighting a crocodile that appeared in later generations.

The eight-headed snake's body continued to tighten, and its terrifying strangulation power continued to strengthen. It was so strong that the body of the Plant Dragon King kept making crack sounds of bones breaking.

The Plant Dragon King is now unable to even cry out, because its head is tied up with the snake's head and cannot open at all, and it is about to be strangled on the spot.

The pseudo-legends of the Zhilong clan could no longer sit on the sidelines, and one by one they were ready to rescue their ancestors.

The eight-headed snake raised its three heads and looked at the little things coming towards it, its amber eyes full of teasing.

Yellow venom spurted out, and the pseudo-legend who thought it could be easily solved was actually frozen into ice while still in the air and shattered into a pile under the sonic attack of an extraordinary Air-headed Crocodile.

Even though there are no top immortal species among them, there are still many extraordinary species. Extraordinary species are definitely the biggest variable in the ecology, because these things do not follow common sense at all.

The strength of ordinary pseudo-legends can be seen from their body shape. Even if some creatures are gifted and their bodies grow extremely huge, in general, the longevity species must be larger than the longevity species. This also makes it easier for the creatures to seek advantages and avoid them. harmful characteristics.

The strength of the extraordinary species cannot be seen from the appearance. Maybe its superpowers are very powerful and can even kill immortal species alone, but its body shape is no different from ordinary dinosaurs.

And some have amazing growth potential, like Xu Dong's Devouring Gene. As long as you eat enough, your body can reach the strength of an immortal species without the need for a mutated pronucleus.

Relying on their unique extraordinary abilities, these combat forces of the Zhilong Clan were able to break through the venom attack of the eight-headed snake in one fell swoop, and were extremely close to its true form.

The eight-headed snake can already feel the surrounding air getting colder. As a temperature-changing animal, although it is not afraid of the cold, it does not like the cold either.

The cold environment made the eight-headed snake no longer in a good mood, and the joy of defeating the Plant Dragon King was also washed away. It looked at the unconscious Plant Dragon King, and directly loosened its restraints, preparing to let these little guys take a look, what? Is truly powerful.

The current Redonda Dragon King opened his mouth and sprayed out a huge water column. The water column was quickly frozen into ice cubes and turned into a giant ice column that slammed into the eight-headed snake.

One of the eight-headed snakes shook its head and broke the icicle into pieces. Ice shards were scattered all over the ground. All eight heads emitted venom, and they inevitably ended up being frozen into ice.

The problem is that the water column on the side of the plant dragon turns to ice, which increases the attack power. The venom of the eight-headed snake relies on the corrosiveness of the venom. After being frozen into ice, the corrosiveness is completely eliminated.

Without the venom, the eight-headed snake still has a strong body. Its head is no longer raised, but tilted forward to speed up its swimming speed.

The size of the ten pseudo-legendary plant dragons was far inferior to that of the eight-headed snake. The eight heads had already launched an attack before the huge snake body even got close.

The two snake heads stretched out like lightning, biting the two plant dragons into their mouths at once, and the other three heads turned into hammers, smashing the three plant dragons away at once.

The remaining five plant dragons escaped the attack of the snake head, but one was accidentally crushed by the snake's body and was crushed to death.

As soon as they made contact, more than half of the ten pseudo-legendary plant dragons were killed or injured. Faced with such a tragic situation, the new Redonda Dragon King directly bit the eight-headed snake's tail. Its special ability is not that special, it is just stronger. .

What it wants to do is not to wrestle with the eight-headed snake, it only needs to stop this fast-moving big guy for a moment, and that is enough.

At this time, the other immortal Leidongda dragon, which was carrying a heavy burden, was the one that King Zhilong took to the King of Swift Dragons. It was brewing a terrible natural disaster that it could not control.

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