Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 267: One Cavalry Against a Thousand

Xu Dong has wanted to taste the flying octopus before. Although these guys don't look as beautiful as jellyfish, they have a lot of meat. Thinking about the charcoal grilled octopus and sizzling squid in later generations, Xu Dong's saliva can't help but flow down. .

Unexpectedly, they fell down before I even caught them. How could I miss this opportunity?

The power of thought surged out to collect the grilled octopus that had fallen from the sky. A large number of grilled tentacles curled up, and the pink-flesh octopus dish was placed in front of Xu Dong.

Rather than roasting it, it's actually better to say it's stewing. The temperature of the white dragon's flame is too high. These octopuses are cooked by the transmitted temperature. So many octopuses fell but not many creatures were eaten.

On the one hand, the two sides were fighting fiercely and had no time to eat octopus. On the other hand, both sides were actually accustomed to eating raw meat and were not interested in cooked food, so a strange scene appeared on the battlefield.

At the forefront of the battle between the two armies, at the junction of the ocean and the land, on the beach covered with blood and corpses, Xu Dong sat on the empty shrimp shell and swallowed the grilled octopus one bite at a time.

The octopus meat was chewy, tender and crispy, and Xu Dong was very satisfied with it.

After finishing this batch of octopuses, he felt that his size had grown again, but his mental strength had not recovered much, and it was still 50% of its previous size.

Next, he continued to hunt the big lobster. Xu Dong raised his hand and pulled a hard shrimp over. There was no chance for it to resist. As soon as the great annihilation field opened, the head and the carapace of the whole body of the hard shrimp were crushed. Just leave a piece of transparent tail meat.

Xu Dong's level of mind control has gone a step further. Now he only keeps the edible shrimp meat and crushes the rest.

Halfway through this end, Xu Dong actually obtained a component again, but unfortunately it was not the ejection nerve that Xu Dong wanted.

[Acquisition component: Omnivorous nature of the hard shrimp]

Hmm~ This thing seems to be better than the ejection nerve for Velociraptor. If you become omnivorous, you don't need to be afraid of plant crises. You can just eat these tree people.

Putting the components aside, Xu Dong continued to eat the tail meat of the shrimp. He felt that the energy in his body was a little too strong and he couldn't eat it for the time being.

Ingesting a lot of energy today made Xu Dong's body length reach 20 meters. This length did not have the desired effect. If he wanted to better integrate the energy into his body, he had to fight, fist-to-fist hand-to-hand combat. .

Xu Dong sat up from the shrimp tail and moved his body, preparing to fully appreciate the power of this body. Being taller but unable to fight is just puffy and fat. Xu Dong doesn't want to become a fat man whose fighting ability is not as good as that of a chicken.

A deep diver went around the side of the shrimp shell. Xu Dong rushed forward and stepped on the deep diver under his feet. He raised his fist to strike, but found that the thing had already been stepped on by him. Broken.

As expected, he couldn't control his body with soaring physical properties at all. Xu Dong decided to explore his body's performance bit by bit and master his powerful body perfectly.

The kick was so powerful that it even caused a sonic boom, and the air flow staggered several deep divers on the side.

The deep divers who were directly kicked by Xu Dong had been torn apart and scattered among the group of deep divers.

Xu Dong clenched his fists and wanted to yell, I'm going to hit a hundred of them!

Unfortunately, he couldn't speak and could only roar.

As a result, its long roar was too terrifying. The high-decibel sound actually stunned several deep divers, and then he was drowned by the surrounding deep divers.

He was a little worried at first and almost couldn't hold back the use of telekinesis. But later he found that these deep divers with five scum could not even break through his defense, so Xu Dong let go and started killing everyone.

With his current strength, he could kill the deep diver with one punch or one kick. However, this was not fun. Xu Dong summoned a small pine tree from the shore, held the trunk of the tree, and kept moving against the tide of monsters. The sea is quite close.

With the tree trunk as a weapon, it can knock away countless deep divers by swinging it at will. If it hits it with a stick, it will be a bloody mess.

Green blood has spread all over Xu Dong's body, and pieces of meat are constantly splashing on Xu Dong's body and falling down again.

To be honest, it's quite fun to drive Wushuang, but the deep divers are too smelly, with a smell of dead fish and rotten shrimps, especially their green blood, which makes the smell even stronger.

But now that he was deep among the deep divers, with the water reaching his knees, Xu Dong could no longer care about these feelings.

In front of him, it was the group of shrimps. The green shrimps were a little surprised to see Xu Dong. They didn't expect that there were animals that could rush to them, but they quickly calmed down and shot. thing.

The shrimp closest to Xu Dong pulled the trigger, and the subsonic air cannon was fired at Xu Dong. After a long battle, the shrimps were not perpetual motion machines and could not fire the sonic air cannon forever.

Now the nerves in their shrimp claws are twitching and their muscles are sore. Subsonic speed is the limit that can be reached today.

But Xu Dong is no longer what he used to be. He is now at the peak of his body. His strength, agility, spirit, and reactions are all extremely active. After identifying the direction of the launch from the pointing of the shrimp claws, he jumped left to dodge the air cannon. .

Jian Xia was surprised to find that there was actually a land creature that could dodge the air cannon. When it wanted to load the second cannon, Xu Dong had already moved forward and opened a hole in its head with a small area of ​​annihilation. The thick iron tree penetrated like a knight's spear.

One branch after another, one needle after another, pierced the big lobster's skull, smashing its brain into pieces.

A Jian Xia was eliminated neatly, and the pine tree used as a weapon was completely destroyed, but nothing happened. Xu Dong took a fancy to another piece of equipment, Jian Xia's pincers.

If we follow common sense, the claws of ordinary shrimps must be harder than their shells. The shells of hard shrimps are so hard, so their large claws must be even more powerful.

The output of telekinesis crushed the shell of Jian Xia's arm. Xu Dong held it and hit it directly on the head of Jian Xia.


The skull that had already been pierced by Xu Dong and inserted by the pine tree suddenly appeared cracks under this blow.

Yes, the strength is enough. With his current physical fitness, it is better to use blunt weapons than sharp weapons such as steel knives.

Holding the prawn claws with both hands, Xu Dong was like a ghost. With a sweep of the claws, a wave of water was thrown out of the sea water, and the deep diver was thrown hundreds of meters away.

Xu Dong jumped up with both feet, raised his shrimp claws high and slammed them towards the hard shrimp in front of him.

The Jianxias, who hadn't paid much attention to it at first, suddenly panicked and turned their heads to Xu Dong.

Jian Xia, who was directly below Xu Dong, had no time to lift his weapon and was directly hit in the head by Xu Dong's heavy pincers.


There was a dull crash, but neither the shrimp claws in Xu Dong's hands nor the skull of Jianxia below were broken, but the impact caused by the blunt blow directly shattered Jianxia's brain, and he died.

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