Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 266 Lobster Dinner

The system that had not bubbled up for a long time showed its presence in a timely manner.

[Acquired component: Shell of the Hard Shrimp]

The shell of the shrimp is indeed very hard, but the problem is that it does not match the body of the amniote at all. The armor of the sauriformes and the archids is formed by forming bones under the skin. So far, I have never seen an arthropod shell that can overlap. of.

Creatures in nature have made countless attempts over hundreds of millions of years, and have pointed out all kinds of skill points, but no amniote has ever pointed out the shell of an arthropod. Doesn't it mean something?

So this component looks beautiful, but in fact it is useless. What Xu Dong wants more is Jian Xia's right pincer ejection nerve, so that Xu Dong can be installed on the Velociraptor and become another powerful weapon of the Velociraptor.

After eating the hard shrimp shell, there was nothing left, but fortunately, the shrimp meat of this big lobster was extremely delicious. In addition to being delicious, it could restore Xu Dong's physical and mental strength, which was comparable to the meat of the longevity species.

Wait, although these giant shrimps stand on the opposite side of nature, it does not mean that they are not immortal species. Regardless of size or strength, the hard shrimps are not weaker than the immortal species.

The weapons in their right hands can kill the Sun Flame Divine Dragon with one shot, which means that ordinary Immortals may not be able to defeat them.

Xu Dong now has a big appetite. Although the shrimp is big, it doesn't have much meat. He quickly ate the whole big lobster, and there was a second one not far away after finishing this one.

As a result, he couldn't even draw the second component after eating two, but it allowed Xu Dong to recover half of his mental power. The effect was really amazing.

Half of Xu Dong's mental power was enough to use the millimeter-level annihilation field. He spotted a big lobster in the sea and pulled it over with his telekinesis.

Jian Xia, who had already aimed at a Sun Flame Divine Dragon, was about to pull the trigger, but found that his body suddenly lost control and flew towards the shore involuntarily.

The panicked lobster soon discovered that he was flying closer to a dinosaur. No matter what happened, he had to shoot first.

So Jian Xia mercilessly aimed his right pliers at Xu Dong and pulled the trigger.

Of course Xu Dong also noticed this move. Facing this sonic air cannon, telekinesis would definitely not be able to block it. Even if it could be blocked, it would be a huge drain and some losses would outweigh the gains.

Xu Dong doesn't need this. Although he can't dodge the sonic air cannon, he can dodge the lobster's claws.

Originally, the speed at which the pliers were fired was not very fast, not to mention that after being controlled by Xu Dong's mind power, the speed at which the pliers changed direction was as slow as a snail.

Xu Dong noticed the direction of Jian Xia's right pincer and directly dodged the air cannon. Without this shrimp pincer, Jian Xia was like an upright ape without bullets, turning into a scum with no combat power.

The Great Annihilation Realm opened, and millimeter-level disintegration force permeated the body of the shrimp, crushing the seemingly invulnerable shrimp shell into crumbs. Xu Dong just smashed the shrimp alive.

Seeing that the strong shrimp was wiped out, Xu Dong immediately stopped the output of telekinesis. It only took less than a minute to turn the strong shrimp into shrimp powder, but Xu Dong's telekinesis consumed at least 20%. The energy consumption of this skill can be imagined. Know.

The Great Annihilation Realm is only as powerful as it is strong, and there are almost no existences that it cannot destroy. However, there are also some disadvantages, that is, it is too powerful, and it can crush the hard shrimps with their shells and meat into dregs.

Xu Dong couldn't even eat meat if he wanted to, and there was no hope of recovering his mental strength.

That's right, you don't need to annihilate all the hard shrimps, just grind off the shrimp heads and you're done. Most of the shrimp's meat is on the butt anyway.

As soon as he thought of it, Xu Dong attracted a hard shrimp with a wave of his hand, dodged its air cannon, and opened the great annihilation field, directly grinding the shrimp head into millimeter-level powder.

The tail full of shrimp meat fell on the beach, and the death of the headless shrimp was inevitable.

With this change, not only the time to open the Great Annihilation Realm is halved, but also the telekinesis required is only half.

Although this group of shrimps put most of their energy into anti-air attacks, it does not mean that they cannot see the decrease of their kind.

If there was only one shrimp, the shrimps would not pay attention to it, but the disappearance of another one immediately aroused the vigilance of the shrimp group. They looked around warily, and except for the place where the white dragon roasted to death, no body of the same kind was found.

The Hard Shrimp is not an ordinary deep diver. It is much larger than the half-murloc, and it is difficult to hide as long as it is on the battlefield.

Now there is no sign of the same kind, which is simply too weird.

Soon they no longer had time to pay attention to the scene on the sea. The white dragon in the sky showed its power.

The Sunfire Dragon and Mothman in the White Dragon team have been continuously eliminated, and their number now is less than 30% of what they were when they were brought here.

Although the white dragon is a little dazed and can't even figure out where it is, it doesn't mean that it can't see the form clearly.

Whether it's a big tree, a deep diver in the sea, or a giant lobster, it all gives it a feeling of disgust, and you can tell at a glance that it's not a good thing.

As for the Mothmen following it, they would follow it wherever it went. Although Bailong didn't say it, these annoying followers still had some status in its heart.

The Sun Flame Dragon who joined later was a member of the same race that he had not seen for many years. No matter which one they were, they all occupied some place in Bai Long's heart.

Now that so many of the nasty giant lobsters and flying octopuses had been killed, Bailong was undoubtedly extremely angry.

Bailong usually has a good temper, even a bit like a good old man, but when he is angry, he is even more terrifying.

At this time, the white dragon's original white body has turned yellow, and one can imagine the temperature inside its body.

Yellow flames spurted out, and this time they swept across a larger area than the previous flames. Half of the sky was dyed red with yellow, and the temperature from the light could cook the flying octopus.

Pieces of grilled octopus fell down. These were not hit by the flames, but were scalded to death by the scorching temperature. The unlucky ones who were hit didn't even have ashes left, and completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

At this time, Xu Dong was sitting in the shrimp's tail and eating a lot. He moved the shrimp shells behind the barbecue shrimp, blocking the shrimps' sight with their bodies.

Of course, according to the physique of the Velociraptor, he couldn't eat so much, but don't forget that Xu Dong now has the temporary power of the golden lion, devouring genes.

This ability is bound to food. The more you eat, the richer the food energy will be, and the faster your strength will grow.

In the past, due to lack of food, Xu Dong could not eat too much. Now that he has joined the battlefield, he naturally indulges in eating and increasing his strength to the limit, so that he can better control the situation on the battlefield.

After eating this hard shrimp, perhaps raw meat is indeed more nutritious than cooked meat. After eating this shrimp, Xu Dong's mental strength actually recovered by 30%, which was more than any other shrimp before.

In addition to replenishing his mental power, Xu Dong felt that his body size had also become larger. He only used 10% of his telekinesis to kill the hard shrimp, but recovered 30% of his power after eating the meat. In other words, not only was there no loss, but it would also make the shrimp stronger. He is getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Xu Dong’s new dish, grilled octopus, arrived.

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