Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 268 Increase the stakes, increase the stakes

Blunt weapon attacks do not require any wounds on the shell, as long as there is enough impact, it will be enough to kill the enemy.

With Xu Dong's own strength and the heavy and hard shrimp claws, one blow would be at least extremely powerful.

The Jian Xia who received Xu Dong's blow immediately fell down and died, and at the same time as it died, the air cannons of other Jian Xia would also attack.

With a movement of Xu Dong's mind, the body of the dead Jian Xia was lifted up, just in front of the air cannon. A dozen or so subsonic air cannons exploded, sending Jian Xia's body flying far away, completely killing this kind of creature. The meat and entrails inside the shell were pureed.

Although this move successfully blocked 90% of the air cannons, the remaining two did not hit the Jianxia corpse because they were launched late.

Facing the only two air cannons left, Xu Dong's shrimp claws swept across and hit the air cannons.


The air cannon exploded, and the huge impact made Xu Dong's arms numb. He could no longer hold the weapon stably, and the prawn claws were thrown away.

Fortunately, Xu Dong blocked the attack. After stabilizing his body, he ran forward with both legs.

This is the first time that the shrimps have seen an existence that can catch the air cannon head-on. Although the air cannon just fired is not in perfect condition, it is not something that ordinary people can catch.

While all the shrimps were stunned, Xu Dong had already moved forward, rushed in front of a hard shrimp, held its large pincers, and used the power of annihilation to grind off the hard shrimp's arm.

Xu Dong took hold of this new weapon, lifted it up, and knocked the shrimp into the air, then fell backwards into the water.

This time, the strength was not enough and the shrimp was not killed, but Xu Dong didn't care anymore. He rushed directly into the pile of shrimps. His hard shrimp claws protruded from left to right and kept waving, beating the group of shrimps to pieces. In a hurry.

Because Xu Dong was too close, the Jianxias did not dare to fire any more air cannons and could only deal with Xu Dong with hand-to-hand combat.

But Xu Dong was too agile and surprisingly strong. A strong shrimp clamped Xu Dong's weapon with its claws, but was thrown over his shoulder by Xu Dong.

From this point of view, Xu Dong's current power is still higher than that of Jian Xia. Facing such terrifying creatures, the only thing Jian Xia can count on is their shell.

Because of close combat, the shrimp claws cannot be opened and closed. This makes Xu Dong unable to directly hit the shrimp to death like he just did. He can only attack the shrimp continuously, forcing them not to attack the sky. offensive.

Yes, Xu Dong is here to delay time. Without the cooperation of Jian Xia below, the octopus in the sky would be defeated by the white dragon. In front of it, no matter how many octopus there are, it is no different from takoyaki.

The rain of octopuses fell on the world, which greatly dampened the morale of the enemy camp.

In order to recover from the failure of this local battlefield, the being who plays chess with nature had to step up the game again.

If anyone is watching chess, they will definitely shake their heads and sigh. They know that the situation on the local battlefield is unfavorable but they refuse to cut off the strong men. Instead, they have to invest more troops in it.

This is just like future generations facing falling stocks and wanting to invest more in the hope of raising the stock price. In the end, they will only lose everything.

The capacity of the entire battlefield is limited, and both sides have their own chess pieces. The advantage of nature is that it owns the entire chessboard, so it can move people continuously.

The opponent is different. The deep divers who appear to be all over the mountains and plains cannot cover up the disadvantage of their military strength. Therefore, they need to carefully arrange the trend of each battlefield, rather than go to one of the battlefields.

What seemed like a light move from the upper level turned out to be that the sea level in the distance suddenly rose. As the waves continued to rise, the seawater began to flow downwards, and a huge green head emerged from the water. It looked like a snake's head. There is no difference between them. The length of the snake head alone is at least ten meters long.

That's not all. Soon, snake heads began to appear one after another. Soon there were nine snake heads sticking out of the sea, followed by bodies. The strange thing was that there were nine snake heads, but only one body.

Hydra body?

All of a sudden, names like Hydra, Hydra, Xiang Liu and so on appeared in Xu Dong's mind. Is there such an outrageous thing on the opposite side?

The Hydra broke through the sea surface, raised its upper body, straightened its nine snake heads, and looked at the creatures on the continent with cold eyes, as if looking at dead things.

The part of this big snake just above the surface of the water is more than seventy meters high. This is just the height. If the length is calculated, it is at least a hundred meters. Only legends on earth can handle such an existence.

But it's a pity that the earth seems to have no legends at present, and it basically relies on a bunch of peak immortal seeds to hold the place.

After the Hydra floated, it immediately sprayed yellow venom from its mouth. It was still some distance away from the battlefield. The venom was not intended to attack nature, but to pollute water sources.

The yellow, turbid and smelly venom spurted out from the nine snake heads like a fountain and fell into the sea water. Soon the sea water changed color, from the original dark blue sea water to black, and continued to bubble. .

Xu Dong, whose feet were submerged in the water, saw the black turbid water spreading towards this side. He immediately jumped into the air and used his mind power to pull four dead shrimps that had not had time to eat and flew towards the shore.

During this period, the shrimps also wanted to attack Xu Dong, but they were blocked by the corpses of four shrimps.

Xu Dong felt relieved after landing on the shore. He turned around and looked at the battlefield of Hydra. All natural creatures that touched the seawater were like stepping into sulfuric acid. In a matter of seconds, they completely turned into corpse water and melted into the turbid water. In the sea water.

The poison of Hydra is too powerful. Anyone who touches it, even if it is already on the shore, even if it is splashed by water, will not be spared. Such poisonous water cannot be touched at all.

On the contrary, it is a deep diver from the enemy camp. Not only does the Jianxia not look any different in such poisonous water, it actually looks more ferocious.

Just like the carpet of insects and the rotten land of the undead, they are his arsenic and my honey.

The deep diver and the hard shrimp were submerged in the water. The turbid poisonous water was rich in strange nutrients, which quickly restored their injuries.

After a while, Jianxia, ​​who could only use subsonic air cannons, could fire sonic air cannons again.

The sea monster army, which had recovered as before, launched an even more violent attack on the shore. The creatures in the natural camp lost a large part of their combat power in the seawater.

Those who can escape are those who never entered the water or ran fast. If you think about it, you will know that all brave creatures are often the first to rush, and the weak can only follow behind them.

Now the wave of poisonous water has swept away the bravest and most powerful group to death, while the remaining group with weaker combat ability can only resist on the shore.

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