Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 260 The plants subsided, but the war did not end

In the violent explosion, the thousand-meter-high mountain shook. Fortunately, the creatures that could climb to the top of the mountain to participate in the siege were considered strong. The casualties caused by this explosion were not large.

The towering tree on the top of the mountain was completely blown to pieces, and countless trunks, broken branches, needles, and petals fell like raindrops on the top of the mountain.

Under the last struggle of the big tree, most of the gray emerald fruit was saved and fell everywhere.

These fruits are very large due to the energy injected into them. Even the smallest ones are two meters long. The largest emerald fruit, the one where energy was first injected into the tree, is even ten meters long.

In this miserable scene, several strange beings were born, and they appeared on the now empty mountain top.

The first thing that appeared was a group of white lights. The light on them gradually faded away, and they were a group of creatures with two pairs of white wings and upright bodies.

They are nearly two meters in size, have a human-like body but have six limbs, and are covered with hair.

Neck, no, they have no neck at all. The head is directly connected to the body. There are two tentacles on the top of the head, which makes it feel like an enlarged version of an upright moth.

The one at the front of the moth group is a female dragon with seven pairs of feather scale wings, an upright body, and a dragon head and body.

The most eye-catching thing is naturally not its uneven figure, but its diamond-like body structure, crystal clear, like a supreme treasure.

This diamond creature is the former White Sun Flame Dragon, and somehow it became what it is now.

After seeing the white dragon, the former white mothmen seemed to have seen a god. They knelt down and worshiped the white dragon one by one, with their whole bodies touching the ground, showing their piety.

Perhaps because it was difficult to accept the changes in his body, the white dragon flapped its wings and flew into the distance, disappearing into the sky in almost the blink of an eye.

Bailong's current speed is astonishingly fast, and may have reached Xu Dong's previous extreme subsonic speed.

After the white dragon flew away, those white mothmen also flew up one after another and followed the white dragon. For some reason, the white dragon had this bunch of devout believers inexplicably.

Naturally, the black cats would not change even after the moths changed, but their changes were beyond Xu Dong's expectation.

Mothman grew larger and became more human-like, but Black Cat did the opposite and became more kitten-like.

The previous black cats were at least about one meter in length and had some traces of mice on their bodies, but now these black cats are similar to the British Shorthairs of later generations, with a naive look on their faces.

Xu Dong grabbed one from the ground. These little guys lost their previous ferocity and were all soft and cute. Even if Xu Dong held it in his arms, they did not struggle or resist at all.

This is outrageous. It's basically the opposite extreme of Mothman.

Just as Xu Dong was petting the cat, a crisp click sound came into Xu Dong's ears.

He immediately turned around and faced the direction of the sound. After detecting it with his telekinesis, he quickly discovered that the source of the sound was the largest emerald fruit.


A black fist punched out from the emerald fruit. The huge emerald fruit began to crack and soon broke into dregs.

A dark-skinned woman nearly ten meters long stood up from the debris. Her body was like a black gem, black and translucent.

Its whole body is covered with dragon scales, its two ears are pointed and long, and its pair of green eyes reveal a natural atmosphere.

This is? Elf?

Xu Dong felt that this world was so crazy, even the elves came out, and it was still so dark.

After the black elf stood up, the surrounding emerald fruits burst open one after another, and black elves jumped out of the fruits one after another, but their size was far less huge than the first female black elf.

The little black elves who were originally at Xu Dong's feet couldn't move their eyes away after seeing the black elves. Each one flapped their wings and flew toward the black elves in a cute meow manner.

Even this one in Xu Dong's hand quickly broke away from Xu Dong and flew towards there.

Seeing this scene, Xu Dong couldn't help but feel funny, this group of little black cats had no idea.

The ten-meter-tall female black elf picked up the three little black cats and walked to the old tree where only a big crater was left. She started singing a song that Xu Dong didn't understand. Not to mention, it was pretty good.

Soon all the black elves gathered around to participate. The singing spread throughout the countryside and even reached the mountains thousands of meters high. This was simply incredible.

Countless injured creatures on the mountain and down the mountain forgot their pain in the singing and fell into sleep peacefully. The tree people who were constantly attacking around them were no longer violent. They actually turned around and left one by one, as if the war was really over.

Is the war over? not at all.

But the war with plants is indeed over.

Xu Dong didn't know how he knew, but he just knew that the living plants had failed and surrendered. They would no longer continue to kill and take revenge, but would become nature's most loyal assistants and devote their lives to maintaining ecological balance.

And the feedback given by nature is also very simple.

Xu Dong was surprised to find that in the place where the black elves gathered to sing, where the big tree used to be, there was only a big pit left. A green seedling just pushed through the hard rock and broke out of the ground.

The tree will eventually be reborn.

The war with the plants is over, but the war is not over. Xu Dong had doubts before. It was clear that Peter also participated in the expedition, but he did not see it. Even if it died in the battle, why was there not even a larger plant on the battlefield? Can’t even see the immortality species?

Now the answer is revealed. Looking at the direction guided by nature, it is to the east, the prehistoric Pan-Ocean full of mystery.

The end-Jurassic extinction is not well-known in history, and it is not even given the name extinction.

It is precisely because the cause of the extinction at the end of the Jurassic is a mystery. The only speculation in later generations is that the global climate change caused by the ocean regression event caused the replacement of the second and third dynasties of dinosaurs, obliterating the giants in their heyday. Tyrannosaurus also obliterated the dominance of Allosaurus Bruteosaurus.

Now that I think about it, the real reason is still from the sea, and Xu Dong has to go and see the specific situation.

The strange event that occurred inside the big tree this time, the Tai Chi ball, is unknown whether it is an object left by an alien civilization or a super-ancient civilization.

This thing contains the power of yin and yang, and it is exactly the Tai Chi picture under the stars that Xu Dong saw.

After exploding the big tree, the huge energy was successfully divided into three parts. It turned into the energy symbolizing Yang and merged into the Mothman and the White Dragon. The Yin attribute energy merged into the Black Cat and the Black Elf. Specifically, the White Dragon, the Mothman, and the Black Dragon... Xu Dong didn't know what kind of energy the elf black cat had.

What he knows now is that his ability does not belong to any of Yin and Yang, but transcends Yin and Yang.


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