Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 259: Good luck, big tree returns home

After traveling in the dark world for a while and entering the white world again, Xu Dong just cycled through the black and white world, unable to find a way out.

The Möbius strip-like world made Xu Dong a little irritated. It would be okay if there were boundaries, and the situation would be broken violently, but the problem is that there is no boundary in this cyclic black and white world, whether it is pitch black or vast white, It's hard to find a way out.

When Xu Dong was at a loss what to do, Bai Long finally woke up from the coma. When he woke up, he felt pain all over his body, as if he had been hit by something heavy many times.

There was darkness in front of him, which made Bailong very uncomfortable. The Riyan Shenlong clan is the son of the sun, loves sunlight, moisture, and air, and hates dark environments.

In order to let himself see clearly, Bailong opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of venom on the ground. The venom burned as soon as it came out, illuminating a small area around him.

Being in the light finally gave Bailong some peace of mind. In this place where the flames shone, he discovered a strange object.

Half of it is square and half of it is round. I picked up this strange thing and looked at it carefully, but I couldn't see anything.

Creatures with intelligence always have curiosity and destructive desires that are inconsistent with biological instincts. Looking at the other side of the half ball, the white dragon raised a sharp claw and stabbed it.

As soon as the hook claws touched, the hemisphere was slightly dented, as if it had elasticity, which aroused Bailong's interest.

It tried harder to poke the hook into the hemisphere, but the thing was so tough that it couldn't be poked open.

Bailong used all his strength this time, and with a pop sound, like popping a water balloon, his hook finally penetrated into the hemisphere.

However, this move immediately triggered a drastic change in the inner space of the big tree. The darkness in front of him quickly disappeared, and Bailong lost consciousness in an instant.

Xu Dong, who was in an infinite loop, felt that the world was spinning, the space around him had undergone earth-shaking changes, and he lost consciousness in the chaos of black and white.

When he woke up again, he found that he was looking at a starry sky, and the position he was in was a flat land intertwined with black and white.

The sky is round and the place is round?

No, the flat ground under your feet is not square at all, but a Tai Chi diagram, right in the center of the spherical starry sky.

Yes, what Xu Dong is stepping on now is a slowly rotating Tai Chi diagram. On it, there are many familiar creatures. In the white area, there are thousands of white moths, and in the black area Yes, there are nearly a thousand winged black cats.

In addition to these two familiar species, there was another creature that he threw in, the white Sun Flame Dragon.

All creatures regained consciousness. The white dragon climbed up from the ground and looked around in surprise. Above his head were countless stars that had existed in the sky since ancient times, shining on the Tai Chi diagram forever.

But soon this balance was broken, and a huge hook broke through the starry sky and poked in. Through the cracked hole, Bailong couldn't help but be stunned.

Because outside the hole poked by the hook, there was actually a huge it.

The huge hook was inserted straight into the Tai Chi diagram. The balance of the small world was destroyed, and the world began to tremble, followed by a huge boom.

The small world of Tai Chi Ball exploded!

The majestic energy filled the entire tree in an instant, swelling the already extremely tall tree into a Bobabu tree, and it was still expanding.

After all, the big tree has wisdom. Even if it doesn't have wisdom, the creature's survival instinct will prevent it from giving up treatment. If this terrifying energy continues like this, it will explode.

For now, the only way to save its life is to vent the energy inside.

The big tree currently has two vents. One is the hole opened by Xu Dong. Unfortunately, it has been repaired. It cannot open an hole for itself.

Therefore, the only outlet left to vent all the energy was the Emerald Fruit.

The emerald fruit, just like the archaea under the lake that breeds legendary energy balls, uses its own energy to feed back to nature.

The rules of the universe are that if you want to get something, you have to give it, energy is conserved, sustainable development is maintained, and an ecological closed loop is formed.

You can't just think about getting and give nothing. This is impossible to survive under the rule of nature.

Therefore, the emerald fruit is the sacrifice of the big tree. It is the feedback of the energy absorbed by the big tree for hundreds of thousands of years, and it has such a magical effect.

Now that the energy in the body is directed into the emerald fruit, this energy is not comparable to the previous energy.

One jade fruit cannot bear the infusion of such huge energy, so if one doesn't work, just two, if two doesn't work, then ten, if ten doesn't work, then one hundred...

The pseudo-legends who surrounded the big tree were surprised to find that the big tree actually blossomed!

Every tree trunk and branch has flowers blooming. The creatures have never seen flowers and don’t know what they are. They only know that the canopy of the big tree, which was originally full of green needles, has now turned into a strange black and white. Something turned the tree crown into black and white.

Logically speaking, it is almost impossible for black flowers to appear in nature. According to later research, it is found that there are two main reasons for the lack of black flowers:

First, if the flower grows black, it means that it absorbs the heat of all colors of light, and the delicate flowers can be easily burned.

Second, because the black flower reflects too little light, pollinating insects may not be visible at all, unable to attract insects to pollinate it, and the race cannot continue.

But this is an adjustment made by plants in later generations after learning lessons. It is the result of natural survival of the fittest. However, in this era before flowers, the big tree has no idea what impact the black flowers will have, so according to the energy of the body, it will The trees full of emerald flowers turned into this color.

But, it’s still not enough!

The energy in the big tree is so abundant that even if the tree is full of flowers, it doesn't consume much.

So the big tree took the second step and got results.

Among these black and white flowers, there are gray fruits. They are different from emerald fruits and more like pine cones. They are wrapped layer by layer and take the shape of a ball.

Among the fruits of these big trees, the original emerald fruit is the most unique and the largest.

When the trees are full of flowers and fruits are falling, the tree's means are completely exhausted, and it has no means of channeling the energy in its body.

Finally, in a horrifying explosion, the big tree that may have been the culprit of the plant crisis, or maybe just a thug, finally came to an end.

The huge explosion did not cause much damage to the pseudo-legends and extraordinary species. When the big tree bloomed, they retreated far away. When the big tree was full of fruits, they had reached the ground and started running wildly down the mountain.

But the big explosion triggered a chain reaction, causing the mountains to vibrate, causing some creatures to fall down and sacrifice their lives for this war.

But neither nature, the big tree, nor any sentient being could have guessed that after the big tree exploded, several unprecedented new races were born in this world.

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