Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 261 Recession of the sea, the real culprit of the Jurassic extinction

Time is a very wonderful thing. It is formless, invisible, elusive, and cannot be penetrated. Even with the knowledge of Xu Dong's later generations, the essence of time was never clear.

Of course, Xu Dong does not need to understand the nature and principles of time, which is unrealistic for him. As long as he makes good use of the time superficial ability he has obtained, he can basically become invincible in nature.

The power of time obtained by Xu Dong is very simple, that is, pause. It can be thought of as a holding technique, which temporarily stops the time of the receptor. It is definitely an invincible control technique. Combined with Xu Dong's Great Annihilation Domain, it can almost do To the perfect sure kill.

As for the abilities of the white dragon and the black elf, although he doesn't know the specifics, Xu Dong can still see something.

The two sides of the Tai Chi diagram are black and white, which correspond to the two sides of yin and yang, and light belongs to yang and darkness belongs to yin. Although the speed of the white dragon flying away did not increase to the speed of sound, it can be seen that the light has successfully transformed its ability.

As for the dark elves, Xu Dong really doesn't know what abilities are linked to the dark attribute, so he can only take a look at the future world.

Now Xu Dong's destination is to go to Pan-Ocean in the east. I don't know what he will deal with this time, but it should be the final BOSS of this crisis. After defeating him, he should be able to go back and continue to develop civilization.

Flying to the east coast of Asia, the sea is receding at this time, and land is constantly appearing. What was once a shallow sea has become land. Looking from the sky, you can clearly see the traces of the sea retreat. Looking at the scale, this sea retreat The extent is beyond imagination.

Originally, the end of the Second Dynasty of Dinosaurs was supposed to be at the junction of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods six hundred years later. I don’t know whether the sea regression at this time was already there or whether the extinction at the end of the Jurassic was brought forward.

But no matter what, you have to deal with it.

Comparing the original coastline with the current coastline, the sea has receded by more than two hundred meters, and the corresponding sea level has also dropped by nearly five meters. This is obviously a terrible number.

Many people think that the increase in land area after the sea recedes may be a good thing. After all, the ocean accounts for about 70% of the earth's area, and less will not affect the overall situation.

This idea can be said to be completely wrong. The first impact of the recession is on the earth's climate and ocean currents. Life in the sea will inevitably die on a large scale, and the continent will also usher in an era of great drought.

Moreover, as the sea recedes, the crustal movement will become more intense, and earthquakes and tsunamis will occur frequently, which will definitely be a catastrophic disaster to the life on the mainland.

The normal phenomenon of sea regression actually belongs to the natural development of the earth. Every once in a while, the ocean will have sea level rising and falling movements. Of course, this period of time is only for the earth. In the short development time of human beings, it is estimated that there has not been a sea invasion or sea retreat. Occurs over a long period of time.

If it were a normal sea level rise and fall movement, all sentient beings would naturally not have to worry about it, but since nature has brought in countless combat forces, this means that this sea level retreat is not ordinary, and there is an extraordinary situation behind it. .

Or this time, like the last Zerg invasion, there may be alien intervention behind it.

Gliding at low altitude, Xu Dong saw the creatures gathering in twos and threes on the beach. Facing the sea in Asia, there was almost no place without pseudo-legends or extraordinary species.

This number is far more than those besieging big trees. It is obvious that in the eyes of nature, the sea retreat event is more serious than the plant crisis.

After Xu Dong flew for a while, he suddenly discovered an acquaintance, which was the little crocodile he had seen before. This guy was cut in half by the sun's beam and was still alive. He even came to participate in the battle.

Observing the appearance of the Plant Dragon King carefully, Xu Dong discovered that there were many fine mycelium in the place where it was cut before. It was these fungi that turned it into a complete individual again.

Around the Plant Dragon King, Plant Dragons are entrenched on the left and right. They occupy dozens of kilometers of territory. This is probably their defense line of Plant Dragons.

Continuing forward, Xu Dong did not see Peter. There were almost no giant creatures over sixty meters on this coast. The only one was the nearly half-disabled Plant Dragon King.

Where have these top immortal species gone? Why are the pseudo-legends distributed in the coastal zone? What is the enemy they will face this time? Xu Dong can be said to be confused.

But soon the enemy appeared. In the shallow sea, a vast black wave hit the shore. If you didn't look carefully, you would think it was the waves of the rising tide.

All the creatures on the coastline got up from the ground, and their resting state immediately changed to fighting state. They roared, roared, and threatened against the black waves.

Xu Dong looked carefully and saw that these black waves were simply dense groups of half-human and half-fish monsters.

Their bodies are dark green, and most of their bodies are made of slippery fish scales. There are high scaly ridges on their backs. Their bodies are human-shaped, but their heads are fish-like.

It has huge and protruding eyes, vibrating gills on both sides of its neck, and webbed hands and feet. Although it has a human shape and a fish head, it does not walk in the same way as humans or fish, but jumps like a toad. Jump forward.

Isn't this a deep diver? What is the situation, is it an invasion by the Old Ones, or is it convergent evolution?

Xu Dong does not believe that his world and Cthulhu are in the same world. After all, the core of the Cthulhu mythology is chaos and disorder, and the great steward of the earth, nature pays most attention to order. The two are simply incompatible. .

Regardless of where the stalkers came from, the main thing is to prevent them from landing on land.

You must know that what the stalkers are best at is not fighting. They are a group of scum with a combat power of only 5, and any long-lived species can beat them.

The most disgusting thing about them is their ability to assimilate. Although there are no humans on the earth now, who knows if stalkers can only assimilate humans.

When the half-fish monsters and stalkers came closer, the unpleasant smell made Xu Dong almost vomit. Fighting them was simply torture.

Pushing out with both hands, the huge mental power swept all the stalkers in front, pushing hundreds of monsters away in an instant.

The pseudo-legendary lizard-eating king dragons beside him looked at Xu Dong in surprise. They didn't expect that this little brother who had just arrived was so fierce. One dragon could do the work of a dozen of them.

The smart guy immediately made the wisest choice in this battle, hugging his thigh.

Xu Dong was speechless at the lizard-eating kingsaurs who followed him and followed his lead. After all, you are also the top overlords of the second dynasty of dinosaurs in history. Can you show some overlord courage?

But what is the use of Qi? Can it be eaten?

Even if they can dominate their own one-third of an acre of land, here, after two days, they no longer have any arrogance.

There are big bosses on both sides of the enemy and ourselves, so the poor, weak and helpless Lizard King Dragons can only ask the big gods for help.

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