Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 258 Black and white tree heart

Although it is possible to detect the surroundings through the power of mind, it is still not as convenient as eyes. In this environment, even the night vision of some animals cannot actually see clearly.

Fire is still needed. There is no flint here. The best way to get fire is naturally the stunned white dragon.

I tried to use telekinesis to wake up the white dragon, but unfortunately it had no effect. I just used the white dragon as a hammer to hit it, let alone wake it up.

It was probably because it threatened the life source of the big tree and the smell it emitted was several times more potent than before, which was why Bailong was unconscious for so long.

But even if it doesn't wake up, Xu Dong still has a way to take out the venom. Just like in later documentaries, he used his mind power to clamp the left and right jaws of Bailong and squeeze out the venom by stimulating the injector.

The poisonous liquid that appeared in the air burned quickly and illuminated the nearby area. Xu Dong used his mind to absorb it, found a thick and long tree trunk on the ground, and lit it to serve as a torch.

With the flames, it is indeed much clearer, and things that were completely invisible before can now be seen.

He brought the round and square object to the fire and observed it with his eyes. It turned out that the rough shape of the object should be a cube, but only half of it was a hemisphere. The other half of the cube was a hemisphere.

That is, the splicing of half a cube and a half sphere. The half cube has a metallic luster and feels very solid, while the half sphere is somewhat like glass, but seems to be elastic.

Xu Dong looked carefully and found that he couldn't see anything, so he threw it on the ground and planned to pick it up when he went out. Now he would explore the dark space in the heart of the tree.

After continuing to walk forward for a while, no matter whether it was the telekinesis detection space or the place illuminated by the torch, there was nothing. Could it be that the big boss of this plant turmoil was so tight that no equipment exploded? This is too cheap.

But soon Xu Dong wanted to take back his thoughts, which meant that Cao Cao was about to arrive.

A pitch-black creature rushed toward Xu Dong, but was easily subdued by him. In front of Xu Dong, who had telepathy, few creatures could actually pose a life threat to him.

Even those top immortal species that are close to 100 meters away, Xu Dong can escape completely if he wants to.

He controlled the torch and approached the controlled creature. It had wings on its back and looked a bit strange. It looked a bit like a black cat, but it had the characteristics of a mouse. Could it be that the loose mouse was an intermediate stage in the evolution of the cat family?

After controlling the snarling black cat, Xu Dong continued to walk forward. As a result, one after another black cats launched surprise attacks on Xu Dong. Unfortunately, they were controlled by telekinesis before they even got close.

After a while, dozens of black cats were floating behind Xu Dong.

In the darkness, Xu Dong felt that he had gone very far forward, but he still had not reached the end.

Logically speaking, although the big tree is thick and has a large internal space, it is normal, but it cannot be so big that you can walk for so long without touching the tree wall, right?

Unless, he was actually spinning, which would explain why he didn't reach the end.

If you want to get rid of this lost situation easily, then don't follow the routine.

Xu Dong just floated up and flew straight into the sky with hundreds of black cats behind him.

As for how the number of black cats behind Xu Dong increased to hundreds, it can only be said that they were really persistent in attacking Xu Dong, and continued to deliver food.

Flying up into the sky is much more obvious. It's going in one direction, and at least it's impossible to get trapped.

During the flight, Xu Dong thought he had an illusion. When he took out the torch, his eyes looked upward again. Yes, it was indeed light.

In this space as dark as the universe, the light was too obvious. If Xu Dong hadn't brought a torch, he would have noticed the projected light.

It would be easier if there was light. Xu Dong flew straight towards the light source.

Soon we came to the location where the light was projected. It couldn't be said to be a small hole. The circular hole was even several times larger than Xu Dong.

In order to prevent being ambushed, Xu Dong casually threw a black cat in.

As a result, I soon heard the painful meowing from inside. The sound was like lying on the bed and listening to the old cat in heat downstairs. It was really high-pitched and noisy.

The presence of sound means that even if there is danger inside, it is not an instantaneous danger. At least the black cat exploring the path can still make a sound.

Xu Dong then threw five more black cats in, and after waiting for three seconds, he also rushed in.

Use five black cats to attract the attention of possible creatures inside, and then rush in yourself, minimizing the risk.

Entering the light source, Xu Dong was immediately stung by the strong light and couldn't open his eyes. Fortunately, he still had the power of mind to detect the surrounding area, allowing Xu Dong to avoid possible dangers at any time.

The black cats brought in all screamed one after another, and Xu Dong was also a little panicked. He didn't know where the hidden attacker was hiding, but he didn't even detect it with his telekinesis.

But when his eyes gradually adapted to the light, Xu Dong discovered that these wailing black cats were just rolling and wailing, but there were no attackers. These guys had simply stayed in the dark for too long and couldn't adapt to the strong light.

Yes, I was completely battling the air just now.

Xu Dong threw the hundreds of black cats to the ground and began to explore the space.

If the space in the center of the tree just now was a dark universe, there would be nothing but darkness in the north, south, east, and west.

Then this place was a vast white space. Except for the black hole he got in, the rest was completely white.

This big tree is doing Tai Chi here, black with white, white with black.

Floating in the air and flying forward, the white space is not much smaller than the black space, and it is also difficult to distinguish the north, south, east, and west. Will a group of white cats sneak up on him?

Oh, what did you say?

Sure enough, white creatures began to attack Xu Dong one after another, but they were not white cats, but a group of white moths. They were very big, thirty or forty centimeters long. They were considered big among all the bugs, but It is still too weak to be considered a threat.

This time Xu Dong did not wait to control hundreds of moths, but only controlled a dozen or so large white moths before he began to fly towards the sky.

The moths we encountered this time were also in the air, and they attacked Xu Dong one after another as he flew upward.

Although the black cat in the dark space also has wings, they are more of a decoration and cannot fly at all.

Soon the number of white moths behind Xu Dong exceeded hundreds again, and black light appeared in front of his eyes again, which was particularly conspicuous among the white.

Although he had a bad premonition, Xu Dong decided to give it a try and threw the moth into the black space. The same whine was heard, but the buzz of the white moth was not as noisy as that of the black cat.

When Xu Dong flew into the dark space, he also found no enemies and was still filled with endless darkness.

Abandoning the white moth, after traveling for a while, he was attacked by dark creatures again, this time it was still a black cat.

Xu Dong's uneasiness became more and more serious. In prehistoric times, you should not create a Tai Chi world or a Möbius strip.

This kind of thing is a dead end.

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