Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 257 A different world

Although he didn't understand the meaning of Xu Dong's cry, the smart white dragon understood what Xu Dong meant.

Suddenly, a transparent venom spurted out, shooting straight into the white area.


A violent explosion sounded, and the tree's energy field rippled, but it did not break.

But this at least gave Xu Dong hope, so more frost particles were photographed by Xu Dong and covered in the previous place, turning the originally transparent energy field completely white.

If the white color of the energy field is caused by the accumulation of frost particles, then the ice condensation effect around the white area means that the energy field is really affected by temperature.

Feeling that it was time, Xu Dong gave orders to the white dragon again. The experienced white dragon also sprayed out flames sensibly. A huge amount of venom hit the white area. The unprecedented violent explosion even caused the mountain to shake.

The crown of the towering tree swayed violently, and during the swing, countless pseudo-legendary creatures that came to participate in the battle were shot down, constantly hitting Xu Dong and the others.

Of course, the vibration was only short-lived, and soon the mountains and trees stabilized again, but the energy field was like ripples in the water where stones were thrown, but it did not break.

So hard?

Xu Dong didn't expect that the energy field could still hold up under such an offensive, but it seemed that it had reached its limit, and he was just short of the final touch.

It just so happened that Xu Dong had the sharpest weapon in the world today, a half-edged steel knife.

With a wave of his right hand, a sound suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a white line penetrated into the center of the ripples at lightning speed, a place that had withstood the destruction of ice and fire.

The extremely sharp steel knife hit the center of the energy field at high speed, but it did not break like the previous stone, but instead penetrated.

Just a click sound was heard, and cracks appeared in the energy field.

Bai Long looked at this scene in surprise. He didn't expect that this seemingly impeccable protection could be broken. He also didn't expect that there were such sharp weapons in the world.

Under the influence of Xu Dong's telekinesis, the steel knife continued to move forward. There were more and more cracks in the energy shield, and finally there were even signs of breaking.

The big tree didn't want to face these two guys directly, so it had to struggle for a while, so a faint smell overflowed. Xu Dong noticed it immediately and immediately retreated hundreds of meters, but still did not give up. Steel knife control.

Bailong watched Xu Dong retreat with helpless eyes. When it wanted to retreat as well, it was already too late. This smell that was neither fragrant nor smelly had already entered its nose, and his mind suddenly recalled that he had been made weak by this thing before, and his mind was blank. scene.

Bai Long turned around, but before he even took a step, he fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Xu Dongke had more experience facing the big tree than all the creatures present. Even the smell that could make people lose their strength was the fourth time he had experienced it. Naturally, he was more prepared and retreated immediately.

At this time, the steel knife and the energy field were in a stalemate, and the smell continued to spread. He raised his left hand to control the unconscious white dragon and threw it towards the steel knife.

Why use white dragon instead of stone?

Although the White Dragon is a flying race and generally weighs much less than land animals, a top aerial overlord like it, with a wingspan of fifty meters and a body length of twenty meters, weighs at least five tons.

There are no stones of this weight around, so it would be more appropriate to use a white dragon as a hammer.

The five-ton heavy thing hit the steel knife hard, shaking the energy field, and the steel knife entered again.

Like hitting a nail with a hammer, Xu Dong smashed Bailong against the steel knife again and again.

Finally, after the fifth blow, the steel knife was completely smashed into the energy field, and the white dragon also fell in. A big hole was made in the originally indestructible protective shield. Without the protection of the protective shield, the big tree would face the Attacks from the outside.

Faced with such a life-and-death crisis, the towering tree immediately went crazy. Its branches, trunks, vines, and roots were fully mobilized, attacking everywhere like tentacle monsters. The subjugation team in the canopy fell several times in number, and most of them were corpses. , only a handful of them still have a glimmer of life, it’s really a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Faced with such a scene, Xu Dong controlled himself and rushed towards the big tree at the fastest speed.

He held his breath when he passed the powerless energy on the way, and quickly walked through it to the hole of the energy mask that was smashed open, and entered the inside of the big tree without stopping at all.

From the outside, the transparent energy cover appears to be the protection of the big tree, protecting the main trunk of the tree from invasion by foreign objects.

But after Xu Dong went in, he realized that he was wrong. It was a big mistake. He should have seen it long ago.

When I was still a red-scaled flying dragon, I encountered many giant animals that could mimic form when passing by this big tree. Since the host has the ability to mimic form, why can't the big tree have the ability to mimic form?

When Xu Dong entered it, he realized that the energy field he had just broken was not an energy field at all, but the bark of this towering tree. It had successfully deceived the eyes of all living things with its ability to mimic.

Those who came here were all pseudo-legendary or extraordinary species, and these two types of species have one characteristic, that is, they are smart.

After a smart creature has tried several invulnerable defenses, it will no longer spend time on the trunk of a big tree. Instead, it will attack the canopy in the sky at a distance, thus avoiding the weak trunk from being targeted.

In addition to the perfect mimicry ability, the innate defense ability of the bark of the big tree is also key to setting up such a scam.

The bark of this old tree protects the inner trunk watertight. Even if it is bombarded by flames, chopped by claws, and smashed by stones, the bark cannot be shaken at all.

Generally, smart Immortals would try it a few times at most, and when they see that nothing can be done, they head towards the top. Only Xu Dong was focused on attacking this seemingly unsolvable protective shield.

When Xu Dong used the principle of thermal expansion and contraction and hit it with a sharp object, not only the bark of the towering tree was opened, but the trunk was also smashed through, allowing him to directly enter the most important and fragile tree of the tree. Inside the cave.

This is a world that is completely different from the outside world. There is no sun here. Except for a little light that can shine through the broken opening, it is pitch black.

In this dark world, Xu Dong can still use his mind to scan and identify everything around him.

The first thing that was scanned was his steel knife and the unconscious white dragon. Unexpectedly, so many heavy blows didn't wake it up. It seems that the smell of the big tree is really an artifact of later generations.

Xu Dong took the steel knife, bypassed the white dragon, and cautiously moved forward using telekinesis.

The space inside the big tree was very huge, but it was not empty. Soon Xu Dong discovered something strange.

Round and square, it is impossible to establish an association in Xu Dong's mind and restore what it is by just relying on the power of thought, unless there is fire.

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