Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 256 Dashu’s counterattack

Xu Dong looked upward with his telepathy, but found nothing. So what is the thing that can freeze creatures?

At this time, several more explosive light balls floated outside the scope of his telekinesis. Xu Dong detonated them with ease, then turned around and returned to the position where he fell.

There, the white Sun Flame Dragon has not left yet, and is still lying on the ground as if recovering from its injuries. But unlike other Sun Flame Dragons that absorb solar energy, this guy is actually absorbing mist!

In other words, it is absorbing water. The chloroplast itself has the ability to absorb water and convert it into oxygen. During such absorption, the injury is actually recovering visibly to the naked eye.

The originally charred and carbonized back was filled with flesh and blood that continued to surge and grow. The charred dead flesh fell off, and the black area continued to shrink. It seemed that it would not take a few years, but maybe a few days to return to the original state.

This resilience is almost as good as that of Xu Dong. You must know that Xu Dong had immortality + chloroplast + rebirth cells at that time. Later, nature would directly cheat him.

Now this guy may have extraordinary restorative abilities based on his immortality, otherwise he wouldn't have such terrifying restorative powers.

Originally, I wanted to use my mind to control it and bring it to the big tree. Now that I think about it, I may not be able to defeat him. After all, Xu Dong has only eaten a mutant pronucleus and can only be regarded as a longevity species. Newcomers are different from guys like Immortals who have undergone whole-body transformation.

Coming closer, the white dragon lying on the ground absorbing the mist immediately opened its eyes and stared at Xu Dong, not knowing what he was going to do.

Xu Dong howled twice and made a gesture to ask the white dragon to follow him.

The White Divine Dragon is an immortal species and has wisdom beyond ordinary creatures, but it also has a vigilant heart. It is impossible for Xu Dong to follow him just as he said.

Seeing that the white divine dragon was silent, Xu Dong was at a loss. Although they were both intelligent creatures, how could they communicate despite language barriers?

By the way, you can use paintings.

Xu Dong summoned a sharp stone to use as a paintbrush, and carved a big tree and a dragon on the rock on the top of the mountain. The dragon sprayed flames and burned the big tree.

The painting is very clear. Xu Dong just wants this white dragon to spray flames at the source of this plant unrest, the towering tree, to end this crisis.

The intelligent white divine dragon obviously understood what Xu Dong meant. It nodded, stopped absorbing the mist, got up from the ground, and moved forward with Xu Dong.

With the protection of the telekinesis field, all the exploding light balls encountered on the way were dealt with by Xu Dong. The two dragons arrived at the big tree that filled all the sight like a wall without any danger.

Xu Dong turned to look at the white dragon and nodded towards it. The white dragon immediately understood and approached the tree, the venom in its mouth began to brew.

Soon, a transparent venom spurted out, and it began to burn as soon as it exited. After spraying for a certain distance, the venom that absorbed enough water exploded, and the scorching flames swept around, swallowing up the trunk of the big tree. .

This scene that looked like flames burning the tree trunk made Xu Dong's heart sink, because during his telekinesis detection, the flames stopped about twenty centimeters away from the trunk, and did not burn the tree at all.

Walking closer to the tree trunk and observing, the big tree seems to have turned on the energy field in later science fiction movies, isolating all fire attacks.

After asking the white dragon to stop attacking, Xu Dong tried to open the Great Annihilation Domain to disintegrate the big tree. As a result, his mind power was also isolated from the energy field of the big tree and could not break through the protective shield at all.

If energy is not enough, what about physical attacks?

Manipulate a large piece of stone and hit the energy field at high speed. The result is like hitting a wall. The stone breaks into several pieces, but the energy field is not damaged at all.

No wonder the towering tree cannot move. It has such a big flaw but has still not been broken by the crusade. Such a strong energy field is indeed difficult to shake.

We have to find a way to break the energy field, otherwise the plant crisis will not be solved, and there will be another mass extinction of life on earth.

Perhaps feeling that the protective shield was under attack, the big tree began to notice the ants at its feet, and the number of yellow light balls around began to increase gradually, floating towards the two dragons of Xu and Dong.

Although it was possible to detonate them all with stones, the number was increasing, and Xu Dong was unable to hit them.

At this time, the needles in the sky began to fall, like a rain of arrows falling from the sky. Normal needles naturally have no lethality, but the needles of the big tree are as sharp as iron needles.

The huge amount of needle rain is the tree's second counterattack.

With a movement of his mind, Xu Dong held up the rain of needles in the sky and fixed them all in the air. Then with a wave of his right hand, the rain of needles revolved around them, forming a whirlwind of silver needles.

The yellow light ball needs to be touched by an entity, and the needles are also entities. Use the needles to touch the explosive light ball, and use magic to deal with magic, killing two birds with one stone.

With the explosions of boom, boom, boom, the towering tree's two counterattacks failed one after another. What kind of counterattack will it use? Is it that kind of frost ability?

Xu Dong felt that the temperature around him was starting to drop. Was he going to freeze to death this time?

But the lowering of temperature cannot explain how a single creature freezes to death, unless the big tree can control the temperature in a small area.

In the atmospheric system, it is not impossible to independently create a unique temperature system. Human beings can create differences in internal and external temperatures through houses.

But humans create closed spaces to isolate the flow of air, which makes the indoor temperature different from the outside temperature.

But now Xu Dong's place is outdoors. How does the big tree make the temperature of his location different from the outside world?

There must be a medium that causes the difference, so there is something else that Xu Dong has not discovered.

Closing his eyes, his mind sank into telekinesis. Xu Dong soon discovered the difference between the place he was in and the outside world. There were some very tiny particles where he and the white dragon were.

This kind of particulate matter is so small that it is only millimeters in size, and it is white and cannot be detected at all when mixed with fog.

Xu Dong controlled some white particles and came to him. Sure enough, the temperature had changed. These tiny particles were the source of freezing the creatures. However, were they definitely sending weapons to Xu Dong?

The power of thought swept through, instantly gathering all the frost particles in the air together, creating an area in the air that was whiter and more solid than the fog.

After Xu Dong discovered this kind of white particles, he thought of a way to break the protective cover of the big tree, and controlled these white particles to attack the big tree, but they were also blocked by the energy field of the big tree.

Covered by more and more white particles, the originally transparent and invisible energy field turned white.

When the temperature dropped to about the same level, Xu Dong turned his head and looked at the white dragon beside him.

White dragon, breathe fire!

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