Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 255 The world in the fog

Xu Dong finally entered the fog, where he was surrounded by a vast expanse of white and couldn't see anything. It was as if he had returned to his time as a flying dragon, when he broke into it alone and obtained the plant's bug ability, chloroplast.

Fortunately, he now has powerful telepathy. Even without using his eyes to see or his ears to hear, he can still perceive things around him, which allows him to easily avoid the elusive branches.

If the big tree only had these attacks, it would be impossible to block the attacks of so many immortal species. He would like to see the big tree's explosive attack and frost attack.

Recalling my past experience, the crown of this big tree seemed to be an ecological circle. It used to be home to countless creatures, but now there is not a single one. Could it be that they were all eaten by the intelligent tree?

Is it really possible? With the personality of a mad dog like a living plant, isn't it normal to eat animals that dare to live on one's body?

According to the exploration guidance of his mind, Xu Dong kept heading towards the inside of the big tree. During the flight, neither the branches waving everywhere nor the leaves as sharp as blades could touch Xu Dong at all, until a strange smell spread all around. Come.

Smelling this familiar smell, Xu Dong couldn't help but be startled. He seemed to have forgotten something very important.

What does this smell like? ! The smell that can make all living things weak and incapacitated.

Sure enough, a strange smell entered Xu Dong's nose with his breath, and it was this smell.

Xu Dong's body suddenly lost all strength, his mind went blank, and he fell down.



Two sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground were heard one after another. When Xu Dong's consciousness returned, he immediately wrapped himself with telekinesis to complete the defense. Then, telekinesis reached out and swept around, and he immediately discovered an animal that had landed not far away.

At this time, Xu Dong's telekinesis was no longer able to draw the rough outline of an object. Basically, whatever object he could scan with telekinesis was the object.

Not far away from him was the white Sun Flame Divine Dragon that came in earlier than him. It showed no sign of waking up.

Xu Dong walked over slowly. He didn't know if this guy was dead. If he died, he would just eat to regain his strength.

Arriving in front of the White Sun Flame Divine Dragon, I used my telekinesis and found that he was not dead yet, but just fell into a coma. Why didn't he wake up yet?

Could it be that the weak smell of the big tree has strengthened? This is far longer than the three seconds before.

Suddenly, an object he had never seen before appeared in Xu Dong's telekinesis detection range. This kind of thing was a round ball, floating in the low altitude. It was not clear whether it was an animal or a plant, or not even a living thing at all?

The round ball floated slowly towards Xu Dong. Xu Dong curiously took a photo of it, and when he got closer, he saw that it was a yellow ball of light.

What is this ball of light? Can it be eaten?

Xu Dong stretched out his hand to touch it, but as soon as his paw touched the outer edge of the yellow ball, the ball suddenly exploded.


The blazing flames burst out. It was really unimaginable that this small ball of light could explode with such powerful energy. The blazing flames swept across all directions and quickly enveloped Xu Dong and the White Sun Flame Dragon.

When the light faded away, Xu Dong sat down on the ground. It was too dangerous just now. If he hadn't reacted quickly and stopped immediately, using his telekinesis to resist, he would have been burned into cokes.

This is probably the reason why the Immortal Seed outside was injured by the explosion. In the fog that blocks the line of sight, the light ball floating in the air is like a ghost, floating silently to your side. When it is discovered, this thing will explode directly. Open, such power, even the Immortal Seed cannot bear it.

For example, the Sun Flame Dragon next to him had its wings blown off. At the critical moment, this guy actually woke up and wrapped himself with his wings, finally avoiding the deadly flames.

Although its life was saved, it was seriously injured. The wings on its back had been completely reduced to ashes, and the back facing the explosion was completely carbonized. However, as long as it did not die, with the resilience of the Sun Flame Dragon, it would be able to survive in a few years. Recover as before.

The white Sun Flame Divine Dragon lay on the ground and groaned in pain, but Xu Dong stepped directly over it and continued to move towards the roots of the big tree.

The purpose of his trip was to destroy this big tree so that he could go back and continue to develop the tribe, but he didn't have the time to waste it here.

Before Xu Dong walked a few meters, several more light balls appeared in the telekinesis detection.


Xu Dong, who was on guard, would not be stupid enough to touch it with his hands. He would just use his telekinesis to bombard these light balls remotely and detonate them in advance.

But the strange thing is that the invincible power of thought cannot detonate these small balls of light.

They will run wherever they push with his mind power. Even if Xu Dong wraps them up with his mind power, the light balls can keep breaking free like small fishes in the water.

Under such circumstances, none of these light balls exploded. It seemed that they would explode after touching the entity.

This was not simple. Xu Dong used several strands of telekinesis to wrap around the rocks on the ground, and used the rocks to hit the exploding ball of light in front of him.

Sure enough, these light balls will explode only after touching the entity. They are simply ambushed artifacts. I don't know what this thing is.

After this move, a dozen light balls in front exploded one after another. Although the explosions were far away from Xu Dong and could not reach him, the hot airflow still blew here.

Due to the high temperature and heat generated by the explosion, the surrounding fog was much thinner and the visibility was also higher.

But this little visibility was soon filled up again by the fog coming from all around, and the line of sight was once again compressed around the body.

On the way forward, by hitting the light ball with a stone, Xu Dong came to the thick trunk of the big tree without any danger. As long as this trunk was cut down, this plant crisis would be over, right?

It's just that it's too strong. Even if you use a steel knife to chop it for a few months, you may not be able to cut it off. After a few months, almost all the animals on the continent will be dead.

If there was no way to cut it, he could only use fire. When it came to using fire, Xu Dong couldn't help but think of the white Sun Flame Dragon that was injured by the explosion before. He didn't know if it was still there.

Just as it was about to turn back, a sound came from above its head. What had hit it?

Xu Dong quickly dodged, and when the thing fell, he realized that it was a Sun Flame Dragon.

It's just that this Sun Flame Divine Dragon is already dead, and its body has been broken into pieces. No matter how strong its vitality is, it is impossible to survive this situation.

After detecting it with telekinesis, I found that the body of the Sun Flame Divine Dragon was completely rigid. It was not the rigidity of a zombie, but the rigidity of freezing.

The frozen Sun Flame Dragon was smashed from a high altitude like an ice cube, and naturally it could only be broken into pieces.

Is it the second strange attack seen on the outside casualty?

So where did this attack come from?

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