Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 254 Arriving at the battlefield

While eating the roasted Yongchuan dragon meat, Xu Dong looked towards the southeast, which was the direction guided by nature and where the battlefield was.

Xu Dong had already guessed where he was going. It should be the place where he obtained chloroplasts when he transformed into a red-scaled flying dragon. The giant tree that covered the sky and seemed to be able to communicate between heaven and earth lived on a thousand-meter mountain.

If such a terrifying tree turned into a tree man, it would be really difficult to deal with, and it might not be any weaker than the legend.

After eating and drinking, Xu Dong continued to fly toward the southeast. During the journey, he discovered a Sun Flame Dragon with a wingspan of fifty meters. Was it also going to join the war?

The appearance of this Sun Flame Dragon is the same as other dragons, but the color is slightly different. Generally, the Sun Flame Dragon has black wings and a yellow body, but this one is completely snow-white. The white scales are even somewhat transparent under the sunlight. There are seven pairs of them. The white feather scale wings spread out like an angel.

It is the Sun Flame Dragon King living in Antarctica. Because it has been sleeping in the glacier all year round, its body color has become white and transparent over millions of years. This time, the iceberg that was completely sleeping suddenly cracked, and it just rolled out and fell. Into the sea.

After a series of mistakes, it didn't even know how it ended up in this strange place.

After waking up, the first thought is to go home, but the problem is that it doesn't know where it is, how to go home? I had no choice but to follow my instincts, and as a result, I flew thousands of miles southeast.

Xu Dong can be said to be the first creature it encounters after waking up. It is much smaller than it. It has no wings but can fly. It is really a strange creature.

Xu Dong naturally discovered the white Sun Flame Divine Dragon, but he didn't pay attention to it. The two just flew parallel to the southeast.

Soon a towering mountain came into view. Although I had witnessed the majestic shores of the mountain thousands of years ago, it had a different flavor when I looked at it again.

As the target gets closer and closer, the ground is no longer tree-lined, but gradually turns into wasteland, rubble piles, rivers and even lava.

Viewed from the air, it looks like the mountains are surrounded in the center, isolating them from the outside world.

Sure enough, is the towering tree the culprit?

When you fly to the foot of the mountain, you can see thousands of creatures at the foot of the mountain.

Among them are the three rogues: Ceratosaurus, Allosaurus, and Brutosaurus.

There are three straw bags: Mamenchisaurus, Diplodocus, and Brachiosaurus.

There are anti-armor warriors such as Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus.

Xudong's ethnic groups are also indispensable, including Thunder Dragon, Thunder Dragon, Black Thunder Dragon, Broken Dragon, Rock Dragon and so on.

There are almost no ordinary creatures among them. Even if they are not long-lived species, they are extraordinary species. Some can shoot flames from their mouths, some can make countless rocks pop out by putting their hands on the ground, and some can directly drill into the ground to make the earth... Broken, some bodies kept rolling on the isolation belt like wheels.

These seemingly inexplicable actions have only one purpose, which is to isolate the inside and outside and prevent the surrounding active plants from coming in to support the big trees on the top of the mountain.

Has the war progressed to the stage of besieging and killing the leader? Then why did he come here? After a few more days of hunger, the world will return to normal, right?

But since you are here, you can't fish openly and openly. Let's go up and see the situation first.

Xu Dong just flew up the steep cliff. On this thousand-meter-high mountain wall, there are actually creatures that have difficulty climbing. Even if it is an immortal species, it is quite difficult to climb such a towering mountain wall. .

It can only be said that the location of this big tree was great. The steep mountain with a height of 1,000 meters directly eliminated 99% of the opponents. After all, this is the Jurassic Period, and there are not many creatures flying in the air, and there are only red ones. A clade of lepidosaurs and pterosaurs whose extinction is unknown.

The rest of the terrestrial creatures, no matter how powerful they are, must first overcome the mountains.

Of course, the most important point is that the natural enemies of plants, insects, cannot reach such a high place at all, which directly makes the growth of the big trees on the top of the mountain unconstrained.

Xu Dong relied on telekinesis to fly and finally reached the top of the mountain after flying for more than ten minutes. After all, it was telekinesis. In terms of explosive power, it could compare with the speed of a flying dragon's wings, but its endurance was completely inferior.

What's more, flying upwards requires more mental power to get rid of the shackles of gravity.

After reaching the top of the mountain, the scene was unexpectedly calm.

The big tree that gave birth to the emerald fruit is now shrouded in clouds and mist. It is no longer the canopy of the previous tree. Even the roots of the big tree have disappeared. What appears in front of Xu Dong's eyes is a mist that is so thick that it seems to be substantial. .

In the area on the top of the mountain that was not shrouded in fog, there was a group of injured immortal species. Among them, Xu Dong saw two Velociraptors of the same species, which still retained their original form. The difference between them and the North American Velociraptors was the same as the difference between apes and Homo sapiens.

Faced with this situation, the white Sun Flame Dragon did not hesitate and plunged directly into the fog. Its body was slightly transparent. After being plunged into the white fog, it was almost invisible.

Xu Dong was much more steady. He obtained a lot of information by observing the injuries of the wounded. Many of the injuries on the wounded were caused by being beaten. Judging from the traces of the wounds, they should undoubtedly be tree branches.

This is a common attack method for tree people. They use branches to beat, and tree roots to tie up, and strangle the opponent like a snake. Of course, for a tree as huge as a towering tree, beating down the trunk is no different from a battering ram.

But among these injuries, Xu Dong discovered two different situations.

One is the explosion injury. In rare cases, it can be said to be caused by the extraordinary species of the same camp. After all, there is the Sun Flame Dragon.

But judging from the circumstances of these injuries, blast injuries were very common, indicating that Dashu at least mastered a unique blasting ability.

The second type is frostbite. Although many immortal species have escaped, many parts of their bodies have become dead. Judging from the frost on their bodies, the big trees have also mastered the ability to freeze.

how did you do that.

You must know that water and fire have always been opposite attributes, but now they can be used by big trees. They explode, freeze, and are still hidden in the mist. It is really difficult to deal with.

The only good news now is that the big tree should not be moved. If it could be moved, it would not be trapped here by many immortal species, and they would have escaped long ago.

Then the flame explosion of the Sun Flame Dragon should be able to cause horrific damage to the big tree. Ordinary flames are naturally not very effective in the fog. As long as the big tree waves its branches, it can attract the air, and the abundant water vapor can extinguish the fire. .

But the Sun Flame Divine Dragon's venom is different. Once they are exported, they will explode when they touch water. They can definitely exert their strength in such a terrain. Can they not cause damage to the trunk of a big tree? So what's the reason?

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