Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 253 Encountered danger on the way

Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, April 3rd, sunny.

Last night was really thrilling. This was not my first time camping in the wild, but it was definitely the most dangerous one.

In the past, we had to go camping frequently when conducting excavation work in Eurasia, but the beasts there had been almost killed by the Red Dragons and the Beast Tribe, so we usually did not encounter any danger.

But this is different. This is primitive North America, with all kinds of dangerous beasts. In the first few days after setting foot in North America, although there were many snakes, insects, rats, and ants in the dense tropical rainforest, there were no large predators.

Now in the open grassland, danger can be seen everywhere.

We were surrounded by wolves last night. There were more than twenty of them. Their green eyes appeared in the darkness, which made us feel very nervous.

It was our guide Gasang who asked us to stand up and take out various long-handled objects with him, making an intimidating gesture to confront the wolves. The Prussian bodyguards had already taken out their firearms and were preparing to give these guys something good to eat.

Perhaps fearing our numbers and the bonfire, the wolves did not really take action in the end, but slowly retreated into the darkness.

Based on the vague outlines I saw yesterday, as well as the footprints and hair left on the spot, I roughly guessed the identity of these wolves, big bad wolves.

Fortunately, it's not a big and ferocious guy like the Dreadblade Wolf.

The big bad wolf is the descendant of the blade wolf. It may be said that all wolves today, no, the wolves, wolves, dogs, and dogs are all descendants of the blade wolf.

Sword wolves first appeared in the Late Jurassic, and the ancestral branch should be Morganotherium from the Early Jurassic. However, there is no intermediate clade between Morganotherium and Sword Wolf. We have no way of knowing what the bulk of the Jurassic wolf was. How rats evolved under the pressure of dinosaurs, the earliest carnivorous suborder Caniforms.

The blade wolves later split into two. One faction became the ancestors of today's wolves, and the other became the ancestors of dogs. The specific differentiation should be between the Late Jurassic and the Early Dragon Age. The specific reason is a mystery. It may be It may be due to the Late Jurassic extinction event.

The extinction of the Late Jurassic is still a mystery. We know nothing except that there was a sea retreat event, but the retreat of the Guangguang Sea cannot explain why it caused such a large-scale replacement of dinosaurs.

There are so many mysteries in the Mesozoic Era. I don’t know if I can ever discover the true history in my lifetime. Even if I don’t discover the mystery of the origin of the dragon people, I hope I can see this day before I die. .

Wolves are one of the top predator groups in the Mammalia family. Among them, the terrifying blade wolf, which appeared in the Late Dragon Age and has long been extinct in Eurasia, is known as the most powerful predator of the wolf tribe.

According to fossil discoveries, the largest fossil of a terrifying blade wolf is five meters long and weighs more than two tons. Fortunately, these guys all live alone.

Gray wolves are much smaller, with few individuals exceeding two meters. They have amazing reproductive capabilities when living in groups, and are not uncommon in Asia and Europe. Although they are not considered top predators, they are still very difficult to deal with.

During the day, I followed Gasang listlessly and continued to move forward. After walking for a while, he asked me to hide.

We were hiding in tall bushes, and with the gray wolves' sense of smell, they would still detect us no matter how well we hid.

As a result, we were surprised to find three tall terror birds.

What kind of terror bird is this? Ordinary terror birds are generally one to two meters high. Even the tallest Titan bird is at most three meters. This terrifying terror bird can actually grow to four meters, and there are three of them in a row. It seems I can publish new discoveries about paleontology when I get back.

According to the rules of naming by discoverers, I decided to call them tall giant birds. These three tall giant birds with a body length of four meters did not seem to notice us. They just walked past us and happened to encounter the gray wolf following us. .

There was a good show to watch.

As the top predator in North America, the giant bird was not frightened when it saw more than twenty gray wolves. Instead, it chirped happily and flapped its two small wings.

Compared with their bird relatives, the wings of tall and large land birds have basically degenerated, and have basically no use other than being cute.

The three tall giant birds moved their strong and slender thighs and pounced towards the gray wolves. Their hook-shaped beaks were like maces, and they could kill a gray wolf with one strike.

The wolves are very smart animals. After seeing the giant bird, they lost the desire to attack and ran towards the rear. But how could they outrun the racing champion landbird on the plains.

They were soon overtaken and started a bloody massacre. In the end, the gray wolves abandoned six corpses of the same kind and ran away with their tails between their legs.

The three tall giant birds also began to lower their heads and eat the corpse of the gray wolf. Taking this opportunity, Gasang immediately led us to run towards the north.

While I was running, I looked back and happened to look at the tall bird that was looking up at us. Suddenly I felt my hair standing on end and my heart almost beating out of my chest.

Are these apex predators so scary? It feels like in its eyes, I am just food that is eaten at will, cold, emotionless, and chilling all over my body.

Fortunately, there was Gasang, otherwise the group of guys we just encountered would have been completely wiped out.

The outline of Mount Kalajal has already appeared in front of us, and we should be able to reach there soon.


Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, April 5th, foggy.

For some reason, it was foggy today, and the field of vision became very narrow. In this dangerous grassland, there are things that can kill us at any time.

Not long after they left, a pair of green eyes loomed in the fog. It was the group of gray wolves, and they hadn't given up yet.

Canis are very intelligent species and are among the best in the entire class of mammals. Among them, the wolves are very vindictive. I think they blame us for the murder of their kind by giant birds. What a pack. A bastard who bullies the weak and fears the strong.

Soon the wolves began to approach, Gasang bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and the bodyguards began to load bullets.

Here they come!

Gray wolves rushed towards us one after another, and the number was even much greater than before. After Gasang shot three arrows in a row, he put down his bow and arrow, picked up his spear and faced the enemy at close range.

The firearms of the four bodyguards began a continuous bang bang bang symphony, followed by the gray wolf whining one after another and then falling down.

Soon we were surrounded by the corpses of gray wolves, most of which were killed by bodyguards with guns. Sure enough, no matter how powerful Gasang is, it cannot compare with the firearms developed in the era of great development.

The Gray Wolf King, who was commanding not far away, knew that he had encountered a tough situation. He ordered all the gray wolves to retreat with a Ooo~ sound. This operation could be said to be a complete defeat.

After this battle, Gasang was obviously very interested in the firearms in the hands of the bodyguards. After all, the Yamalong people were still in the primitive post-Stone Age and had never seen such a powerful weapon.

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