Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 252 All the way east

Xu Dong was not looking for the administrator network to hack into it. With his current ability, he couldn't hack into it. He just wanted to attract the attention of nature and ask the veteran to apply to fight.

If those young people's immortality seeds were reliable, he would certainly be happy to watch the show in the royal court, but the problem is that the food crisis of the velociraptors is imminent. If these active plants cannot be solved, the velociraptors will all starve to death.

Faced with such a situation, Xu Dong could only be forced to participate in the war to fight for a glimmer of hope for the Velociraptors.

Soon he discovered the administrator network between existence and non-existence. This was a special channel that only nature had the right to use. Once it was touched, it immediately caused a backlash.

Just like directly attacking the firewall, it will naturally be discovered by computer owners who are proficient in hacking techniques.

Soon an invisible force descended on the sky above the Royal Court, manifested in the thickening of the clouds, which ordinary velociraptors could not detect at all, and only those with super mental strength like Xu Dong could sense it.

Xu Dong yelled towards the sky and used his mind power to say I apply to fight. He clearly felt that the invisible presence was a little surprised and soon disappeared without a trace.

After Xu Dong came to his senses, nothing happened. Only a group of velociraptors around him looked at him in surprise, wondering how crazy the big leader suddenly became.

There was no movement for a long time. Did you fail?

Just when Xu Dong felt that he had failed in his self-recommendation, the cry of a velociraptor suddenly came from the side. When he looked closely, he saw countless freshwater fish emerging from the large lake and entering the river that ran through the royal court.

Their number was almost endless, and they soon filled the land of Thousand Lakes in front of the royal court.

The little dinosaurs in the animal pen were surprised to find that the river surrounding their habitat was actually densely packed with fish, so many that they even jumped to the shore.

The little dinosaurs, blade wolves, and thunder dragons whose meals had been reduced due to the lack of food in the royal court excitedly devoured the fish that was delivered to their door.

The velociraptors cheered and accepted this gift of nature one by one, and swallowed strings of grilled fish and pots of fish soup.

Ever since the food shortage began, the velociraptors have not been this happy for a long time. As a leader, the most important responsibility is to keep his men fed.

This point even runs through ancient and modern times. In the feudal dynasties of later generations, the emperor would rebel if he did not let the people have enough to eat, and the gangsters would be suppressed if they did not let their subordinates have enough to eat. Eating enough is always the most essential requirement of life.

Xu Dong smiled. He knew that this was nature accepting his self-recommendation and giving him money for his life. This time the plant crisis has lasted for so long. It is estimated that it will not be much worse than the Zerg war back then. If you participate, you will have a narrow escape. ending.

He and the velociraptors ate to their heart's content for a whole day. Early the next morning, Xu Dong woke up many of the leaders, and in the puzzled eyes of the dragons, he gave up the position of the big leader to the big man.

This is from the comprehensive perspective of intelligence and combat power. In terms of intelligence, the big guy is not weaker than Tietou. In terms of combat effectiveness, with a body length of 18 meters, it is completely invincible to Xu Dong.

Coupled with the fact that the big guy is still an angry younger brother, it is natural for him to take over the position of leader.

Controlling his telepathy, Xu Dong turned around and headed towards the east with one last look back at the sleeping dragon and the sad leaders.

Great Sage, what are you going to do here? If you step on the southern sky and break the sky, if you never come back? You will never come back!

Flying in the air inexplicably thought of a sentence in the biography of Wukong, although the place he went to was the east, not the Nantianmen.

Following the inspiration given by nature, Xu Dong flew all the way to the east, flew over the vast lake, flew over the green land, flew across the intermittent Atlantic Ocean, and once again flew to the land of Europe.

This place is no different from North America. It is also full of green and seems to be full of life, but there is no sign of animal activity.

Europe is not the end, nature leads us further east.

Xu Dong flew like this for half a month. Regardless of whether he was hungry or not, he would kill and eat animals on the ground when he saw them.

Nowadays, it is very rare to find food in the land occupied by plants. Naturally, he will not miss any opportunity to fill his stomach.

Once again, once again we came to the Ural Mountains, and this ancient battlefield was no longer the same.

The Ural Mountains used to be \\ shaped and inserted diagonally into the Tethys Ocean. Now they are beginning to evolve into a | shape. Continents are not static. They will also change with time. It just takes time. There is much more to it than biological evolution.

Flying over the Ural Mountains is the familiar Asia and the familiar Siberian plains. The situation here is much better than in Europe and the United States. Because of the cold, the number of plants is scarce. The scarcity of plants naturally brings about the prosperity of animals.

Xu Dong, who was hungry and full, could finally let go and have a big meal.

There is a rare Mamenchisaurus here in Europe and the United States. It was a giant dragon discovered in Xudong's motherland. Together with Diplodocus Brachiosaurus, it is also known as the three major herbivorous dinosaurs of the Jurassic. Among them, there is a Chinese-Canadian Mamenchisaurus with a body length of more than 35 meters. Rice's top Big Mac.

Although Mamenchisaurus can be called a national dragon, Xu Dong will not have trouble with his stomach.

During the flight, I saw a huge Mamenchisaurus. It was probably not a Chinese dragon, but probably a giant dragon from Xinjiang. Because it was not even thirty meters tall, this giant dragon from Xinjiang was obviously not in good condition. The sky was vast and wild in Siberia. It was the only one on the plain.

After flying close to the ground, I was shocked to find that there were some unseen predators beside this Xinjiang dragon.

They are about thirteen meters in size and look similar to Yongchuanosaurus. They should be the descendants of Yongchuanosaurus that evolved to prey on large dinosaurs.

But I'm sorry, this Xinjiang dragon is what Xu Dong likes.

What? It didn't matter that this group of downstream Yongchuan dragons came first, Xu Dong was interested in him.

The power of thought quickly surged out and directly hit one Yongchuan dragon. He lifted it up and used it as a hammer to hit the other Yongchuan dragon. How could there be any chance of surviving after being hit by a three-ton heavy hammer? The two Yongchuan dragons collided with each other. His bones were broken, his mouth was vomiting blood, and he could no longer die.

The remaining three Yongchuan dragons were startled, gave up the pursuit of the Xinjiang dragon, and attacked Xu Dong, who was half floating in the air.

As a result, Xu Dong just waved his hand, and all three Yongchuan dragons flew out. After drawing a parabola in the air, they hit the ground heavily. With their weight and the potential energy of the fall, their bones would be broken even if they survived.

Xu Dong looked at the panting Xinjiang dragon, and then at the corpses of Yongchuan dragon on the ground. He saw that there was enough food, so he no longer wanted to hunt it. He waved his hand and handed it out with telekinesis.

It can be summed up in one word.


After receiving Xu Dong's information, the Xinjiang dragon spread its legs and fled into the distance as if it had been granted amnesty.

Xu Dong fell to the ground and started to raise a bonfire, using his mind to control Yongchuan Dragon to barbecue, but his mind drifted to the southeast.

As the place guided by nature gets closer and closer, Xu Dong can't help but recall the adventures he had as a flying dragon.

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