Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 251 Heading to Mount Kalahar

Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, April 1st, sunny.

The one-day Water Splashing Festival was held yesterday. Several girls in the expedition team went to participate in this grand event. After all, they are young people, full of vigor and energy. I really envy them.

There are no battlefields during the Water Splashing Festival. It can be said that the whole village is a battlefield. There are young people splashing water everywhere. The two old guys Prussia and I were scared when we walked on the road, for fear that some rash guy would splash water on us.

The most eye-catching thing on this day was naturally that the new chief heir Gasang confessed his love to the tribe's little princess Niya, the daughter of the old patriarch O'Hara.

Amidst everyone's blessings, Niya shyly agreed to Gasang's confession. It is estimated that the young couple will be able to get married in a short time. It's great. Young people are romantic. If I had been then, I wouldn't be where I am now. Still alone.

Forget it, this is fine now. We majoring in paleontology are idle all day long, digging for fossils all over the world. If we really agreed at that time, it would be a waste of others' lives.

The three girls in the expedition team are young and beautiful. They attracted many young people yesterday. They were confessed to them no less than ten times. Unfortunately, none of them agreed. Let them take care of the young people.

Prussia and I went to O'Hara's house, and happened to encounter Kuo Liang who came out angrily. I didn't know what he was angry about.

After O'Hara saw us, he covered up the remaining anger on his face and turned it into a smile. He invited us to sit down and made a brown drink unique to the Yamaron people. According to him, it is a plant-based coffee bean unique to North America. Made from grinding, it can refresh your mind.

I took a sip and it was a bit bitter and I couldn't get used to it. I still prefer tea.

But Prussia liked it very much, and O'Hara immediately offered to give us some. After some refusal, we accepted it.

I came here today to learn as much as possible about the destination with O'Hara. Tomorrow I will set off for the Kalahar Mountains to look for prehistoric stone walls. Naturally, I also want to ask O'Hara about the Karahar Mountains. history and environment.

O'Hara tells us a legend about Mount Kalajal.

Legend has it that a long time ago, the second generation of dragons ruled the entire continent. They learned the lessons of the previous generation of titan dragons and treated all things equally. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Monsters suddenly descended from the sky and attempted to destroy the entire world.

Well, it sounded like a washed-up Hollywood blockbuster, but I didn't complain and continued to listen to O'Hara's explanation.

One of the monsters descended on Kalahar Mountain and turned the surrounding animals into puppets under its control. The tribes around Kalahar Mountain, the ancestors of our tribe, were wantonly slaughtered by the puppet beasts. Swallowed, the blood dyed the entire earth red.

At the time when the race was in crisis, Yi, the great hero of the Dragon Tribe, stepped forward, broke into the group of monsters alone, and shot the extraterrestrial monsters with one arrow in the Chouhua Plain north of the Karahar Mountains.

In order to commemorate the life-saving grace of the great hero Yi, our remaining ancestors carved Yi's deeds in the caves of Mount Kalahar.

Um. . . The legend passed down by the ethnic group describes it like this. When I was young, I also went to the cave to see it. There was indeed a scene of Yi shooting monsters, but I didn't know anything about the rest of the murals.

Any other murals? I was shocked and asked quickly, and I learned from O'Hara that there were actually three murals in the cave. They couldn't understand the other two. There was no such legend left in the tribe, and O'Hara didn't know either. How to describe it.

After chatting for a few hours and getting a lot of useful information, I left O'Hara's room, and Prussia stayed behind to say that he still had something to talk about.

I wasn't interested in hearing about Prussia's business experience, so I just left.


Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, April 2nd, yin.

It’s finally time to set off for Mount Kalajal, and I can’t wait to see the legendary murals.

As the trial leader of the reserve tribe, Gasang will replace Omaha as our new guide. Having this powerful and familiar warrior lead us is much better than Omaha, a middle-aged man with a big belly.

The road to Kalahar Mountain is not smooth, and there is no specially built soul-drawing road. They are all hunting or trading trails. There are plants and insects everywhere on both sides, making it very difficult to walk.

Fortunately, we paleontologists have to run around all the time, so I can hold on, but the old guy Prussia can't survive after walking for two hours, and there are bodyguards behind him who alternately carry him forward.

After walking for a long time, we finally walked out of the dense jungle and came to a grassland densely covered with low shrubs. If we want to reach the Kalahar Mountains, we must cross this vast grassland.

After arriving at the grassland, we were finally able to escape those annoying bugs in the rainforest.

Gasang was not as happy as the expedition team. Instead, he hunched over and took off his bow and arrow in a defensive posture.

The grasslands at this time may not have annoying snakes, insects, rats, and ants, but they do have the deadliest predators in North America at this time.

Horrorbirds and Direblade Wolves!

These remnants of dragons and beasts from the Dragon Age quickly occupied the empty ecological niche of North America and evolved into the top predators today. It can be said that except for the Yamasaurs, they are invincible.

At Gasang's reminder, the Prussian bodyguards took out their firearms and assumed a defensive posture.

Under the leadership of Gasang, we walked carefully on the grassland and continued to move towards the north.

Gasang, who was leading the way, suddenly turned around, aimed his bow and arrow at a distance of 100 meters to the west of the expedition team.

A golden-haired beast was hiding among them. It was frightened by Gasang's arrow and jumped up. Seeing its appearance, I knew its identity. It was a saber-toothed cat, a relative of the European cat tribe.

There are no saber-toothed cats among the mammals in Europe today. They were extinct long ago in the Dragon Age. Unexpectedly, these guys are still living well in North America.

Different from the intelligent members of the cat tribe, these relatives who separated into families in the Dragon God Era are extremely ferocious. Although their body length is only more than one meter, their sharp fangs will bite even the bear tribe. Life and death.

After being frightened by Gasang's bow and arrow, the saber-toothed cat lowered its body and bared its teeth, making a threatening sound of Wooing, but I knew that this guy would not really attack. Judging from the saber-toothed cat fossils excavated in Europe, They all act alone, sneaking up on their prey.

As solitary predators, they generally do not attack group creatures, let alone us Red Dragons who are much larger than it.

Sure enough, although the saber-toothed cat looks fierce, it is slowly retreating, allowing it to attack by surprise. If it confronts it head-on, its head will be broken.

We have survived the saber-toothed cat crisis without any danger, and the sky will be getting darker. We have to set up camp here. We hope it will be a stable night.

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