Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 250 Chains of iron ropes, burning Red Cliff

It took two days to finally transport the remaining four hundred cylinders of oil back to the royal court, but the team carrying the oil on the ground hadn't arrived yet. It was really too slow.

With so many oil reserves, Xu Dong has enough confidence to deal with the crisis of living plants. If he dares to come, he will burn one, and if he comes, he will burn one.

There are communication channels between plants, which are the mycelial network or air underneath them. Plants can communicate and communicate through the mycelial network and the transfer of chemical substances in the air.

Trees can warn each other about the arrival of leaf-eating insects and even call predatory insects with volatile organic compounds.

When encountering herbivores, some plants will also alert their companions. For example, acacia trees produce tannins to prevent animals from eating them.

Nibbled acacia leaves release an odor that is recognized by other nearby acacia trees, releasing tannins before predators arrive.

They can even communicate through mycelium to know which land is more fertile and where to throw seeds to grow better.

Although communication is common, as a medium for transmitting information, whether hyphae or air, they face a big obstacle, that is, the transmission rate of information.

Needless to say, the transmission of chemical substances in the air has a huge loss rate, which is equivalent to human oral communication and is only used for small-scale communication.

As for the existence of underground mycelium, which is similar to the physical network cable, it is much stronger than air conduction in terms of transmission rate and information volume, but it can only meet the regional-wide conduction.

If you want to transmit from this forest to another forest hundreds of miles away, the Velociraptor may have to go back and forth more than ten times, but they may not be able to transmit it, and there is still packet loss.

If this problem is not solved, plants will have no choice but to sprout in enclosures and become small circles that do not communicate with each other.

But today's active plants are out of control, and the communication barriers between various circles have been broken. Although they cannot communicate with each other as smoothly as in the same forest, they can still communicate quickly.

In this way, the plants in the entire world are a whole, and they all prosper and suffer. This is the reason why the living plants are not only not eliminated, but also become more and more prosperous.

After receiving the news that the woods around the Land of Thousand Rivers were completely wiped out by fire, the united plants suddenly became restless. They are now crazy. They don't care whether the cause of the fire is related to Velociraptor. As long as they are close and within reach, Then just kill him.

Just like how they deal with animals, they don't care about everything. No matter whether they have eaten plants or not, as long as they come across them, they will kill them for food.

Countless plants began to spread towards the court of the Velociraptor King, and they wanted to avenge the deaths of their kind.

Xu Dong thought that after burning a forest, he would be stable for a while, but he didn't expect that just after transporting all the oil back to the royal court, he woke up the next day and was surrounded by trees again.

These plants seemed to burst out of the black-gray scorched earth overnight, and the outside turned green again.

But when these plants reached the burned to death, they were surprised to find that they couldn't get through.

Yes, they are blocked from the Thousand Rivers Plain, and the crisscrossing waterways here have become the biggest obstacle to their spread.

The river is nothing. The land moistened by the river is rich in nutrients, and they grow more lush. But the problem is that the river is too deep.

At that time, the Sun Flame Dragon King might not have thought that the power of the sun's beam would be so powerful, directly opening a tunnel of hundreds of meters.

It's hundreds of meters long. No matter how fast the roots of the living plants grow, it won't be possible to drill through a river channel that's hundreds of meters long.

Of course, they can also blow the seeds to the other side of the river, but the problem is, how to promote growth on the other side of the river where the mycelium network is cut off? Do we have to wait for more than ten years for them to grow up?

When the plants surrounded the royal court, Xu Dong had a headache. These guys blocked the door every three days. How could the velociraptors go out to hunt? Sooner or later they would starve to death if this continued. They had to find a way to solve the plant crisis once and for all.

But before that, kill the group of active plants blocking the door, otherwise you won't be able to get out again.

Continuing the same pattern as last time, the colorful oil rain fell, and the seemingly tall and dense forest had no resistance at all. It continued to shrink and fall under the burning flames.

The sea of ​​​​fire lasted longer this time, because this time it was not just a circle of forests. Plants had completely covered the land outside the Qianhe Plain, like a chain of iron chains, creating the burning red cliff.

The red flames ignited the sky and burned for more than a month, and also burned out the sky for more than a month.

No matter how dark the night is, it becomes as bright as day and as warm as the sun under the burning flames of the Burning Sky, but this is not a good thing for the velociraptors.

Even if nature knows how to blow the northwest wind and drive the flames toward the western forest belt, the toxic gases caused by the burning flames will still drift to the Velociraptor.

In this era, there were no wet towels to cover their mouths and noses. All Xu Dong could do was to make the Velociraptors lie on the ground as much as possible and wait until the first wave of poisonous smoke passed.

Simply because of the tall city walls of the Royal Court, most of the toxic gases were diverted to both sides and into the sky. The open environment of the Royal Court also minimized the power of the toxic gases.

In the end, except for a few cases of coughing, there were no casualties in the Velociraptors.

Xu Dong finally felt at ease. The royal court was fine, and so were his people, but what should he do in the future?

With the number of living plants, it is estimated that there is not much food to be found in the outside world. The velociraptors are now relying on reducing the daily food amount to avoid large-scale starvation, but they cannot last long.

The active plants must be disposed of as soon as possible. He stood on the ground, closed his eyes, and penetrated the ground under his feet with his mind, thus connecting to the mycelium network.

After several exchanges with active plants, Xu Dong was now able to climb over the wall and enter the biological network.

After connecting to the earth network, continue to search for options in the complicated mycelium network channels.

As mentioned before, the mycelial network is just like the network cables of later generations, which can communicate with all things, but it is also divided into public network and local area network.

Plants originally used local area networks everywhere, but now the mutated active plants connect the local area network to the public network so that all plants in the continent can communicate.

There are also intranets and darknets that most living things cannot access. Of course, there is also the lowest level logic of the mycelial network, which can control all things and is an administrator network that only nature can use.

During the war with the Zerg, nature temporarily granted him the permission to log into the network using an administrator account. Through this unique channel, he could control thousands of fungi in nature.

And Xu Dong was looking for the fungus management network that he had access to.

Got you!

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