Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 249 The Fire Comes

Facing Xu Dong's decimeter-sized annihilation, the tree people had no ability to resist. The branches and roots that stretched out were all broken into pieces.

Xu Dong manipulated these fragments to hit the big tree on the right front. The immobile tree man was immediately hit by the annihilation field and disintegrated into decimeter-level fragments.

The tree people who could not speak or move could only watch helplessly as their kindred beings were completely wiped out. Unlike the old tree people in the forest, these new tree people were more aggressive. Not only did they not give in to Xu Dong, but they attacked even more fiercely.

radical? Then I'll beat you until you retreat.

Headstrong? Then I'll blow your heads off.

Xu Dong ran quickly like this, and all the living plants he passed were broken into fragments. It can control the fragments to form the debris tide during typhoons. It is very effective against groups of animals, but it is not very useful against trees. It’s also a waste of mental energy.

Therefore, Xu Dong basically did not control the disintegrated fragments, and let them fall to the ground after disintegration.

This attack directly killed dozens of tree people. Faced with such a ferocious guy, the tree people finally gave in.

Connected to the earth network again, Xu Dong asked them to send a velociraptor that looked like him in the woods. The situation was stronger than that of humans, so the tree people had no choice but to do so.

Soon, a Velociraptor tied into a bird's nest was passed from one big tree to another.

Xu Dong caught the big guy in the air, controlled it to land smoothly, and then removed all the branches and vines. As a result, what emerged was not the big guy, but an angry one.

What's going on? Why are you so angry? Where's the big guy?

Xu Dong quickly sent questions through the mycelium network.

He soon received a reply from the tree people, and a larger velociraptor broke through their obstruction and ran to the other side of the river.

Is the big guy so powerful? Xu Dong did not doubt that Shuren would dare to lie to him. His current relationship with Shuren was not cooperation, but coercion.

Asking the direction in which the big man was escaping, Xu Dong spread his telepathy and soon caught up with the big man wading in the river.

Now that the big guy is fine, he can rest assured. Xu Dong once again made a request to the tree man. He wanted to take the velociraptor outside the forest with him without any obstruction.

Although somewhat reluctant, the tree people photographed Yu Xudong's power, so they could only agree.

Xu Dong let Fury pass the way he came and led the bulky team through the forest, while he flew south to lead Fury's team through.

Flying in the air, I quickly found the angry logging team. They were all carrying tree trunks on their backs. They went in with these things, and the tree people were probably going crazy.

After asking the Velociraptors to place the tree trunks far away from the forest to ensure that subsequent fires would not burn these tree trunks, Xu Dong took the Velociraptors back to the royal court.

Walking through the forest that had turned into living plants, the tree people gathered their trunks and branches to get out of the way, hoping to get this murderous god to leave as soon as possible.

Soon he arrived at the Wangting Plain where rivers crisscrossed the rivers. He asked the Velociraptors to go back on their own while he flew up and went back to get the oil.

Although these active plants have just given up and let the velociraptors pass, they will go crazy again at some point.

Xu Dong didn't have much hostility toward living plants at first. When he was furious and trapped, he also hoped to turn these trees into a barrier for the royal court.

But who would have thought that plants would spread so quickly, and if left unchecked, the earth might dream back to the Devonian and Carboniferous periods.

It would be too wasteful to just spread the viscous oil. Xu Dong added water to dilute it. About one cylinder of crude oil was diluted into twenty cylinders, and the viscous crude oil inside also turned into a colorful liquid.

You don't need much oil, just enough to ignite it.

Bring these twenty cylinders of water and oil into the air, starting from the north, and pour them all over the forest.

Some small shower-shaped holes were made at the bottom of the first tank of water and oil. The originally transparent water and oil emits colorful light after being refracted by the sun.

Colorful water droplets fall like raindrops on the world, sparkling. These water droplets are so beautiful. If anyone sees it, they will be impressed by this romantic scene. Unfortunately, the more beautiful things in nature are, the more poisonous they are.

The tree people did not pay too much attention to the rain. They had no eyes and relied on the perception of roots and hyphae. They could not see Xu Dong sprinkling water from the sky. They just felt that the smell of the falling rain was a bit strange, completely different from the previous ones.

After all, how could they, who had never experienced the baptism of oil, know that this strange-smelling rainwater was the water of death that could kill them?

It was not enough to spread all twenty tanks of water and oil, only a small half of the forest.

Xu Dong went back and made thirty tanks of the same water and oil again, and completely spread them into the forest.

Putting the vat in the land of thousands of rivers, he took out the flint and steel, lit the stick stained with oil, and lightly tossed the burning stick, and the flaming judgment from heaven fell down.

It landed on the head of a tree man.


The flame exploded instantly, igniting the tree man. The trees in this forest are all gymnosperms, and the characteristic of gymnosperms is that they are flammable. After adding kerosene, they become flammable at a moment's notice.

The flames spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred, spreading instantly.

The flame is like a mouse, with only delicious fire oil in its eyes. Wherever there is oil and water, that's where it will go.

How could a tree man without legs escape from the burning flames? Each tree was burned with a crackling sound, completing the movement of death in the booming burning symphony.

The fire lasted for two days, fueled by fire oil, and spread so quickly that the forest that might have burned for ten and a half days was completely burned in just two days.

When Xu Dong set foot on this scorched earth again, the earth was still slightly warm.

There are charred tree trunks everywhere, which are charcoal which is an excellent material for burning fires.

Of course Xu Dong would not let go of such a useful material, and immediately mobilized all the dragons in the royal court, regardless of gender, old or young, to come and chop down trees for me.

The original pine trees were very hard. Like a logging team led by Fury, they were running here and there. They couldn't cut down a few trees in one trip, and there was no hope of covering the entire Qianhe Plain with wooden bridges.

But charcoal is different. Black charcoal is very fragile. An ordinary Velociraptor can break the charcoal by picking up a stone ax and hitting it hard two or three times.

The charcoal was placed in the pottery jar. After it was full, the Xunlong who was responsible for transporting it was transported back. When the charcoal was returned to the royal court, there were also supporting members to unload and store the charcoal. Everything was carried out in an assembly line.

After getting familiar with the process, Xu Dong no longer has to watch here. He still has to transport the remaining 440 cylinders of crude oil back, which is estimated to take two days.

Yes, he is just a brick in the progress of civilization. You can move it wherever it is needed.

On the way to the mountain forest, he saw two dragons carrying oil in groups. After saying hello to them and asking them to hurry up and transport it to the royal court, he continued to fly towards the mountain forest.

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