Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 246 Little Xunlong, stole oil

Among the more than fifty blade wolves, there are about thirty adult wolves. They are now divided into three teams. One team is given to Big Man for hunting, one team is given to A Niu for patrolling, and one team is left for Tietou to let him come back. Then he was taken away to capture Thunder Dragon.

Sure enough, after the adult blade wolves were all taken away, without the restraint and hostility of their elders, the young blade wolves quickly got together and became good friends.

After all, there is no pressure to survive here. The food is provided by the Velociraptor, and there is no need for such a thing as territory.

But soon a Velociraptor came to report to Xu Dong that there was not much food in the royal court. This was the peak period of Jurassic species. How could there be insufficient food?

Soon he thought of a situation. The wanton killing of living plants still affected the ecology.

Today's animals simply don't dare to go near places with many plants. Even giants like Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus, there are many plants that are taller and bigger than them. On the contrary, their slow movements make them stand out in the face of them. Plants are living targets.

Not to mention small and medium-sized vegetarian omnivores, facing countless low plants is a death.

If you eat plants, you will be killed by them. If you don't eat plants, you will starve to death. Vegetarian animals will face a desperate situation like mass extinction.

If nature does not solve the plant crisis quickly, vegetarian animals will die in droves.

Carnivores may be able to enjoy a few good meals at first, but this is just their last supper. Without herbivores, carnivores will have no meat to eat. Without meat, they will only starve to death. Mass extinction is imminent.

It seems that we have to find a way to deal with the food crisis as soon as we finish getting the oil.

Xu Dong's breeding is undoubtedly a good method, but the results are too slow. It may take several hundred years to establish a scale sufficient to supply Wangting Xunlong, but now it will undoubtedly only be a waste of food.

Xu Dong led thousands of velociraptors carrying pottery jars all the way south. Under his command from the air, the velociraptors slaughtered toward the south in a mighty manner.

Due to carrying heavy objects along this way, the velociraptors expended more energy and walked slower. They walked for nearly four days before reaching the forest.

Although he was impressed by Xu Dong's strength and agreed not to attack any velociraptors, it was too many. So many velociraptors were enough to cause great damage to the forest.

The velociraptors were all very nervous. After all, there were countless tall trees in front of them. If they really wanted to fight, even if there were thousands of them, they might not be able to win.

The tree people on the other side are also very nervous. They are also afraid that the velociraptors will directly fight with them. Just one Xu Dong can easily kill their tribesmen, let alone the thousands of velociraptors here.

Amid the mutual fear between the two parties, the Velociraptors came to the bare barren mountain and followed Xu Dong to the cave where black viscous liquid was emerging.

Xu Dong placed his right hand on the mountain wall, and used his telekinesis to detect the channel where the oil gushes out.

Soon the almighty mind power found out the location of the passage. Xu Dong did not use the steel knife to break the stone wall because he was afraid that the sparks generated by the friction between the steel knife and the stone wall would ignite the tons of oil, which would cause thousands of them to They were probably all blown up to the sky.

He punched the stone wall directly, and with a bang sound, the hollow stone wall shattered.

Xu Dong had previously obtained the Golden Lion Devouring Gene. Although he usually uses his mind to solve battles, it does not mean that Xu Dong's hand-to-hand combat ability is not good. With his current body length of fifteen, his physical ability alone is definitely not as good as that of the Golden Lion, but You won't necessarily lose in a fight with ordinary longevity species.

With such a strong body, Xu Dong also used five punches to completely break open the tunnel. The oil that had slowly overflowed was like a fountain, spraying directly all over Xu Dong. He ignored the oil stuck to his body and took out a pottery The jar was placed under the oil fountain and filled.

Soon a tank of oil was filled, and the Velociraptor hurriedly tried to move the tank, but it dragged it several times without lifting it up.

In the end, Xu Dong used his telekinesis to lift the stone jar, and it staggered forward.

The oil tank is too heavy. Even though it can be moved with the strength of the dragon, it is still very difficult. It will take years and months to move it to the royal court.

Try not to leave such a dangerous thing in the wild for too long. Although you didn’t bring a flint torch because the oil is flammable when you came here, there are unforeseen circumstances. If there is a thunder and lightning or something, wouldn’t all the velociraptors be finished?

So under Xu Dong's order, the two dragons carried a tank of oil, and it was much easier.

The velociraptors started the assembly line work of taking away two dragons from a tank and replacing it with another. Seeing that the velociraptors were getting into a state, Xu Dong flew away, and he was going to wash off the oil on his body.

This dangerous thing sticks to the body like a time bomb, and you don't know when it will explode.

When Xu Dong was clean and returned to the barren mountains, one-tenth of the oil had been collected. Xu Dong tried these filled oil tanks, each tank weighed about two thousand kilograms.

On the basis of ensuring full flight, he can carry forty tons of weight, which means that he can bring back forty large tanks filled with oil.

There are at least more than 1,200 tanks here. The Velociraptors can transport more than 600 tanks in two groups, and Xu Dong will be responsible for the remaining 600 tanks.

Forty cylinders at a time, six hundred cylinders is fifteen trips. Xu Dong can fly back and forth in a few hours at full speed. If he wants to ensure that his telekinesis power is not exhausted, he can transport up to five trips a day, which means it will take three days to transport them all. .

Xu Dong thought for a while, and it was obviously too late to go to the royal court to call the dragon over. So Xu Dong had to work harder and spend three days carrying it back and forth.

Based on the weight of the oil tank, even if there are two Velociraptors in one tank, the speed will not be much faster than before. It will take about four or five days to transport them all home.

After making the calculation in his mind, Xu Dong had no choice but to immerse himself in the work. It doesn't matter if it is difficult or tiring. Labor is the most glorious, and only labor can build the Xunlong civilization.

In this way, Xu Dong began to move endlessly. When flying in the air, he also thought about getting a Diplodocus bus or something like that, but later he discovered that there was no Diplodocus in this vast land. Brachiosaurus, when will this damn plant crisis be over?

These Immortals are useless enough, just think of the battle he led to pacify the Zerg, and the battle with trillions of Zerg in the Ural Mountains.

How grand and heroic it was, the Zerg even used the corpse of a transformed legendary creature to destroy all the Immortals.

In the end, it wasn't him who turned the tide and helped the building to collapse, helping nature defeat the main force of the Zerg, and at the same time providing a way to deal with the large number of caterpillars, which ended the Zerg chaos.

Forget it, not to mention the hero's bravery in the past, Xu Dong doesn't want to get involved in these large-scale games now. He just wants to be a leader of civilization and guide Xunlong to embark on the process of civilization as soon as possible.

It’s just that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn’t stop.

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