Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 247 Fish Fighting Record

Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, March 30, sunny.

We’ll talk about the prehistoric stone wall later. Let’s continue with the fish festival. I got enough information in one day and it took me three pages.

The first round of the double sacrifice of the Fish Fighting Festival ended with the click ceremony of all Yamalong people. This action was very simple. Prussia and I also followed the same etiquette.

Although the ancestors of these Yamalong people basically have nothing to do with us, and they probably separated as early as the transition period between the old and new Red Dragon people, after all, they are also the ancestors who overcame obstacles and opened up the living space for the dragon people, and they all deserve our respectful bow. Worship.

After the double sacrifice, the old priest left Stonehenge with the support of the younger priest. She was too old. The dance to worship the gods just consumed a lot of energy. She did not have the energy to participate in the fish competition. The following two The granddaughter of the old priest and the next high priest participated in every link.

To be honest, I originally thought that the fish competition was just a competition in the ring, but it turned out that there were many things to compare with. These competition items were all survival skills of primitive tribes, which were very critical skills in the primitive period.

In this regard, I simply list the items of the competition:

The first item is the bow and arrow. There is nothing to say about this. It is a must for wild hunting.

The second item is spear throwing, which I don’t quite understand. Since we already have bows and arrows, would it be repetitive to take the spear throwing test again?

The third item is running, the fourth item is physical fitness, the fifth item is individual combat, and the sixth item is group combat...

There are a total of ten items in total, which are basically skills related to combat and survival. Omaha and I led the inspection team to a remote hillside with an excellent perspective. At this time, there were already some old dragons. Watched here , also featuring niece Nia of Omaha.

This is a location specially opened by the Yama dragons for the convenience of elderly dragons. Adult dragons cannot come here. Of course, as guests, we are qualified to come.

At this time, the contestants are engaged in the first event, bow and arrow. They need to hunt as many heavier prey as possible within two hours, and the winner will be determined by the total weight of the prey hunted.

Located on this not-so-high hillside, you can see the entire hunting ground. Among them there is a young man who is extremely outstanding. As long as you see him pulling the bow, there is basically no prey that will not be missed.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you are just good at bows and arrows. The main reason is that Omaha introduced that this young man named Gasang is the most favorable competitor for the next clan leader.

Whether it is bowing, throwing spears or running and fighting, he is almost the best among the young people. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is capable of decathlon.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is Niya's sweetheart. If he wins the first place in this fish competition, he will confess his love to Niya during the next Songkran Festival.

It's really a romantic thing, but it's a pity that I'm old.

Sure enough, two hours later, Gasang lived up to expectations and won by crushing twice as many prey as the second place.

The next step is gun throwing. The gun throwing competition is based on distance and accuracy. Targets are set up at different distances. The Yamalong who can hit the farthest and closest target wins.

I saw that all of them were carrying gun-throwing weapons, which are also used by some ethnic minorities outside the country. The folklore professor Kashir was once invited by a documentary to be a science popularization expert.

Generally, without a spear thrower, the world record for a Red Dragon spear thrown is two hundred and twenty meters. But with a spear thrower, even an ordinary Red Dragon man can throw a spear as far as five hundred meters.

In order to test the limits of the gun thrower, the program team specially invited the world record holder and asked him to use the gun thrower to throw the spear with all his strength. The result was that he actually threw the spear over 600 meters, which is simply amazing.

In today's Yamalong people's fish competition, the target limit is 700 meters. Is there anyone who can throw to 700 meters?

Not to mention, that Gasang was a monster. He actually threw the spear over 600 meters and hit the 630-meter target, breaking the world record.

This is simply shocking. The world champion's 600-meter throw has no designated target. He can throw it wherever he wants, so there is no need to consider the issue of accuracy. Now in this primitive land of North America, there is actually someone who can throw over 600 meters. A monster that can also hit the target.

Niya jumped up and down with joy, cheering for her sweetheart. She was just the first one. After a while, the whole place became excited. All the Yamalong people cheered for the powerful Gasang. As you can imagine, it is estimated that in Six hundred and thirty meters among them is also an astonishing number.

In the second event of throwing a gun, Gasang won the championship without any surprise. Whether it was long-distance running, physical strength, or climbing, etc., Gasang never lost a game, and he was defeated with an absolute advantage. Press to win.

In the end, only two of the ten items in the fish competition were the individual competition and the team competition.

In this regard, judging from his two-meter-two tall man, bulging muscles, and rich hunting experience, there is no reason to lose.

The singles competition is about fighting and defending. Only the person standing at the end is the champion of the singles competition. There is no doubt that the first defender designated by the big boss is Gasang. As the first defender, , he needs to win nine in a row to win the championship.

Niya didn't mean to worry about Gasang at all. For her, her sweetheart was the most powerful, how could she be defeated by an ordinary dragon.

Sure enough, the opponents in five consecutive games were easily defeated by Gasang, and each one of them was knocked to the ground by him in a few blows.

Gasang didn't look down on these losers at all. He picked them up one by one and encouraged them.

In him I seem to see the long-lost knightly virtues, bravery, justice, humility, honor and strength.

The sixth dragon man comes on stage. His name is Kuo Lie. He is the strongest person in the younger generation after Gasang. I don’t like his appearance very much. He doesn’t feel like a good person. He chose the sixth one to come on stage just to let the others The Yamalongs first consumed Gasang's physical strength, and then came out to confront the enemy.

Xiao Baanpan was very good at fighting, but the difference in strength was too big. To deal with the so-called second strongest person of the younger generation, Gasang only knocked him down with three punches, without any effort at all.

Gasang wanted to go up and help him stand up, but he slapped him away. He got up and left angrily.

The final winner of the single match is still Gasang, and the last match is the team match. Each contestant can choose ten team members to form a team with him, and then compete in pairs to determine the winner.

For fear of hurting the same kind, they cannot use spears. All Yamasaur can only use wooden sticks without spear heads. As long as they knock down all their opponents, or the opponents voluntarily surrender, the game will be won.

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