Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 245 The Dragon God’s Exploration and the Paka Ceremony

Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, March 30, sunny.

Continuing with the previous topic, fish competition, oh, fish competition.

The first round is the double sacrifice ceremony, that is, worshiping the dragon god and worshiping the ancestors.

All the Yamalong people were wearing the traditional costumes of the Yama tribe. Even Omaha, who had been away for ten years, was wearing his own clothes, which were a little tight. It seemed that this person had gained weight in middle age after going to Europe.

The traditional costumes of the Yamalong people are very colorful. They wear a white shirt on the upper body, a wide shawl and a short cloak on the shoulders, which hang down to the chest. The shawl is decorated with complex patterns and colors, and the lower body is covered with a long skirt. to the ground.

All the dragons gathered in the big square. I didn't notice it before, but now at a glance, there are more than three thousand dragons. O'Hara's tribe is really not small.

After waiting for a moment, an elderly dragon man wearing extremely exaggerated clothes came to the stage. All the Yama dragons bowed their heads and saluted her, even O'Hara, the leader of the clan, was no exception.

Even though I couldn't understand the language of the Yamaron people, I guessed her identity. She should be a priest in the tribe. In the tribal era, sacrifice was a very important position. The status of the high priest was even higher than that of the clan leader. , more respected.

The costumes of the elderly priests are very exaggerated. The basic costumes are the same as those of ordinary tribesmen, but many fancy things are added to the basics.

For example, there are various gems, jade, animal teeth and bones hanging on the shawl. There are long feathers attached to her side and the inside of her arms, which look like they belong to some large birds.

The most eye-catching thing is her tall hat, which is covered with long pheasant tail feathers. In the center of the hat, on the forehead of the high priest, there is an upright eye drawn with feathers, with bright inlaid in it. Yellow gemstones for eyes.

According to Joseph's research, some relatively reliable commonalities have been found in the legends about the Dragon God from various tribes of the Red Dragon people.

Get rid of those nonsense illusions about creation and destruction of the world, omniscience and omnipotence, and control of all things. The common characteristics of dragon gods are huge, capable of flying, red scales, one eye on the forehead, two horns on the head, etc.

In this regard, Joseph also participated in the documentary Searching for the Real Dragon God of the Red Dragon Kingdom. In this documentary, Joseph compared the wings of various birds and found the closest bird. Craniformes are the largest species of flying birds.

Although the rest, such as the Terror Birds, are huge, they no longer have the ability to fly.

The research was very reasonable, but after all, Joseph was not a paleontology major, and he never asked me about it during the show, so he naturally missed the flying pterosaurs.

The fossils of pterosaurs are very fragile and difficult to preserve, so the number that has been excavated so far is only single digits, but there is a shoulder fossil among them. If converted to a Beitian pterosaur at the same scale, it would be a big guy with a wingspan of at least ten meters. Of course , a similar shoulder bone alone can't prove anything, there are many satellite fossils in the paleontological world.

As a result, Joseph, a mythological expert, just made random guesses, pieced together an ugly guy, and even swore that he had restored the true image of the Dragon God. This was simply a suicide attempt.

Just imagine, you point at a passerby with a photo that is ugly to the core of your soul and say, this is your ancestor, see if you will get beaten.

The tradition of the Red Dragon people is to respect their ancestors. Although they have paid less and less attention to it after the era of great development, the Dragon God is after all the recognized origin of the dragon people, and his status in the hearts of the Red Dragon people is so high that it is unimaginable.

As you can imagine, Joseph was nailed to the pillar of shame because of this documentary. He was insulted and scorned by everyone. Two years later, some people found out the omissions in his previous work, and he was directly canceled by the highest school of the Red Dragon people. Qualified as a professor.

Joseph's status in mythology research is obvious to all, but the problem is that he is a bit stubborn and dares to do things that others dare not do, and naturally he is in bad luck.

I'm digressing again, let's continue talking about this double sacrifice.

The high priest led all the dragons to the ancestral temple of the Yamalong people, a Stonehenge built of stones. In the center of the Stonehenge was a huge stone statue of the Dragon God. The big stones on both sides were ancestral tablets. The names of the ancestors of the Yamalong people are engraved on it.

There is no need to walk into Stonehenge to hold a memorial ceremony. The high priest can walk in alone, while the rest of the dragons stay on the plain at the entrance of Stonehenge.

The big leader O'Hara personally carried a wild boar to the stone platform at the entrance of the ancestral temple. He raised his knife and chopped off the pig's head. He placed the bloody pig head respectfully on the stone platform, then clasped his hands and bowed slowly. Retreat towards the rear group.

All the Yamaron people were waiting quietly outside Stonehenge, waiting for the high priest to finish the sacrificial dance and please the dragon god and ancestors, and then they would give a respectful paka ceremony.

When it comes to the Paka ceremony, it is also a point that is difficult to explore. Logically speaking, this should be regarded as something related to folklore or archeology, but the problem is that the Paka power appeared too early.

A hundred years ago, the archaeological community generally believed that the Paka ritual began with the great philosopher Iyamo Asra 6,000 years ago.

Because the word first appears in a sentence in Life and Immortality written by Iyamo Asra.

With this paka ceremony, your soul will be immortal.

But five years ago, Slavs unearthed the tomb of Kama II, the old red dragon. The Kama dynasty dates back about 10,000 years, ten years before the great adventurer Santayana wrote Travel to the Four Worlds So fortunately, Santayana witnessed the gradual burial of Rama II after exhausting people and money in Travels to the Four Realms.

After carbon 14 testing, it was finally determined that the tomb belonged to Kama II. The cultural relics and treasures in it had been stolen long ago. Even Kama II’s body was not spared. Only his coffin was left. Unable to move, he stayed there.

When Slavic inspected the coffin, he found that it was engraved with the ritual of the old Red Dragon people using the Paka ritual to worship the Dragon God, proving that this tradition can be pushed back at least four thousand years.

However, Slavic once published a paper saying that the scale of the Paka ceremony recorded on the coffin was very large, and the etiquette system was very standardized and rigorous. It could not have been created by the Kama dynasty, because it was only twenty years after the establishment of the Kama dynasty. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was impossible to have such a complete ceremony.

Therefore, Slav speculated that this ritual may have come from an earlier era, and it may even have existed before the birth of the old Red Dragon people.

I have indeed found murals of primitive dragon people from 40,000 years ago. The content on the murals is indeed a scene of them worshiping the Dragon God, but I can't confirm whether this action is a Paka ceremony.

As for why Dragon God is in quotation marks, it's because the Dragon God on this mural is completely different from our current image of the Dragon God.

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