Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 244 The essence of survival is to eat and

During this rampage, the Big Rock Dragon driven by Xu Dong arrived near the royal court.

At this time, the ditch in front of the royal court had been dug, and the water from the big lake had poured in to fill the entire ditch, turning it into rivers.

Not to mention, this place is much more beautiful than before, with sparkling rivers, gurgling streams, and countless criss-crossing rivers. In the future, Wangting may even have a City of Thousand Rivers or a City of Water nickname.

When Xu Dong arrived, the velociraptors were busy building bridges for the rivers. These bridges were made of big trees, with thick trunks tied together with vines. Rafts similar to those of later generations were placed across the rivers. superior.

The logging team led by Fury brought back the felled trees one by one, and the clansmen in the royal court tied them up and laid them in the ditch.

Xu Dong had been doing this work before when he was teaching pottery skills. Because the trench was too deep, two people fell to death. When Xu Dong learned about it, he asked his tribe to dig the connection between the trench and the lake. Allowing the lake water to flow into the channel.

The huge rock dragon came from the south, and the first thing it discovered was the watchtower on the wall of the Royal Court. The Velociraptor warriors inside immediately lit black bituminous coals, blew their horns, and warned the tribesmen outside the city wall to hurry up. Evacuate.

The velociraptors who were immersed in their work immediately put down their work when they heard the horn. They turned around and looked in the direction of the royal court. They saw black smoke rising continuously. This was an enemy attack!

The Thunder Dragon workers commanded the Thunder Thunder Dragon slaves to retreat quickly, and the Thunder Dragon Guards led by A Niu immediately caught up and blocked the direction of the Rock Dragon.

Three hundred Xunlong warriors loaded their spears into the spear-throwing device. The team leader, the coward, took the lead in firing at the predicted point. The spear landed not far in front of Xu Dong. According to the speed of Yanlong, although the prediction was not The calculation is very accurate, but it is already very good to be able to achieve this step with the intelligence of the velociraptor.

Then there was a rain of gunfire all over the sky. The black guns flew up into the sky and fell downwards in a parabola due to the action of gravity.

The position of the big rock dragon was shrouded in the rain of guns. After a rough estimate, the hit rate was about 30%, which was much more accurate than when the gun thrower was first made.

Facing the falling gun rain, Xu Dong raised his right hand, and his mental power surged out, fixing them all in the air.

Riding on the power of telekinesis, they floated up to the sky and saw Xu Dong flying in the sky. The velociraptors who were still a little panic suddenly cheered. It turned out that this big rock dragon was the prisoner of the big leader, and the big leader was indeed invincible in the world.

After withdrawing his telekinesis and pulling out the half-edged steel knife, the dead Big Rock Dragon fell to the ground motionless. It was already dead. It was just Xu Dong's telekinesis that turned into nerve signals to deceive its body.

Now that there is no transmission of nerve signals, the dead body now reflects, oh, so I am already dead, and then necrosis occurs rapidly. The speed of necrosis is even several times faster than normal.

After all, no energy has been taken in in the past few days and there is no way to form an energy cycle. The Big Rock Dragon controlled by Xu Dong's telekinesis is equivalent to consuming body energy for exercise, so when the telekinesis is withdrawn, the body that has lost a lot of energy will completely collapse.

Xu Dong looked at the shrinking rock dragon, which was a full circle smaller than before. When controlling animals in the future, he should consider how to balance the energy in their bodies so that they would not die as quickly as the rock dragon.

Now, we need to eat meat as soon as possible before it is completely necrotic. In another day, the meat will probably smell bad.

Xu Dong cut open the rock dragon's body with a half-edged steel knife and took out the mutated pronucleus from its body, but did not eat it. This one was intended to be left to the next successor.

For Xu Dong, the strength that the mutant pronucleus can give him now is not as fast as the research on telekinesis. In addition, this thing is nominally a powerful thing, but it is actually a responsibility given by nature.

The more responsibilities you have, the greater the responsibilities you will naturally have to bear. He even felt that nature might have added something to the mutated pronucleus, otherwise how could the Immortal Seed be obedient.

At the bonfire party in the evening, Xu Dong ate two pieces of roasted rock dragon meat. Bah bah bah, it had a rotten earthy smell and was unpalatable. However, the boiled one was much more delicious. The meat was tender and gelatinous, and the taste was different from that of later generations. The soft-shelled turtle soup has a lot to offer.

It's a pity that I didn't draw any components. Xu Dong was very calm about this. Don't get involved in the lottery and just let it happen. This is the attitude of senior African chieftains towards life.

After a night's rest, Xu Dong went to inspect the breeding farm. The baby dinosaurs were now completely unafraid of animals. They liked it so much that they regarded the animal pen as their own home and acted very comfortable.

Xu Dong once considered transplanting some trees and ferns into the bare plains of the animal pen, but later the rampant revitalized plants made him give up this plan, so he moved some common stones and put them in to decorate the facade. .

The environment has been set up for the little dinosaur, and the quality of life is also good. He eats enough, sleeps well, eats enough, and has nothing to do all day long.

The two major instincts at the biological gene level are survival and reproduction. Now that survival is fully guaranteed, the reproduction part of the gene naturally begins to emerge. So when Xu Dong came to inspect, he discovered this sacred scene.

The wall where the baby dinosaurs were kept was not high, only three meters. Xu Dong stretched out his hands and lay on the top of the wall, exposing his head to observe secretly.

Sure enough, the little dinosaurs in the animal pen were in pairs, performing one of the greatest behaviors in nature, mating and reproduction.

Unexpectedly, he would lie down in the corner and watch dragon movies one day.

The little dinosaurs were getting bored enough to mate, but the Saberwolves were not so bored, and instead seemed peaceful.

Due to the craziness of active plants, there were not many animals found near the royal court. Xu Dongfei searched for several days in the air and only managed to gather three nests of blade wolves, which totaled only more than fifty.

These more than 50 blade wolves come from three families and have three leaders. Fighting will inevitably occur when they are in the same place. In addition, they have no place to vent their energy after eating and drinking, so it is basically a small dozen every three days. One beating for five days. For the Velociraptor, as long as the wolf is not killed, they can beat it however they want.

As a result, during the two days that Xu Dong left, the three blade wolf families had a huge brawl, and the entire animal pen was turned upside down. Both females and cubs were basically affected.

The battle between the blade wolves was quickly discovered by Xunlong. Aniu's guards immediately entered the scene and beat up all the blade wolves. After counting the casualties, there were three dead in total, all of which were half-sized and small blade wolves. Wolf.

In order to reduce their exuberant experience, dog raising has entered the second stage in advance, taking them out to hunt, of course, the dog must be on a leash.

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