Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 243 The Legend of Fish Competition

Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, March 30, sunny.

Today is a big day for the O'Hara tribe. The first record of the fish competition comes from Travel to the Four Realms. In the book, even the great adventurer Santayana marveled at this ancient ritual. His original text was translated That's what it says.

I'm so lucky. I was lucky enough to see the legendary fish race in a small remote tribe in the south of Haras. It is said to be a sacred ceremony to compete for the position of leader. The only record of this legend is Hong Shi Tuo. I didn’t expect that I would actually see him one day.”

Haras in the original text should be a place name, but it has long been impossible to verify, and the Hong Shi Tuo mentioned by Santayana has completely lost its trace, and even the archaeological community cannot even translate all the names.

The word Shi Tuo is just the most likely guess based on the shape of the glyph. As for 纮□, 纮 is because there is this character in another ancient book that has survived, while □ is completely incomprehensible. Unable to identify it, Slavic guessed it might be the name of a certain tribe or place.

I didn't expect that today's North America would actually inherit this ceremony. I will definitely record it carefully and give it to Slavic people. I will definitely shock this old guy's jaw.

After we went out, we met O'Hara and Omaha. The middle-aged Yamaha dragon leader greeted us. With a guide as a translator, I asked him some of the most critical questions about this trip. Now we will The conversation is recorded below for future generations to know.

Good morning, stranger. It seems you slept well last night.

Of course, thank you Chief O'Hara for your hospitality. That's it. I have some questions that I would like to ask you for advice.

Hahaha, just ask, I will definitely answer you if I know.

This is a fragment of a stone wall I found in Asia. I wonder if Chief O'Hara has seen it.

There are not many patterns on this stone wall fragment, only half a black firewood figurine. However, after isotope identification, the age of this fragment is frighteningly old. It comes from the Maastrichtian period at the end of the Dragon God Period. The age is determined. It was six million years ago, at the end of the Dragon God Period, when the mass extinction occurred.

Therefore, the information contained in this stone wall is very important. It may very well record what happened six million years ago, what caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs, and information about the prehistoric Red Dragon civilization.

O'Hara held the fragment and looked at it for a long time before finally saying:

I don't know why you are looking for this. There are many such fragments in the caves of Kalahar Mountain. After the fish competition, I will send the winner to experience it. You can take it with you.

That's great. I wonder if I could ask about the specific process of the fish competition.

Speaking of the fish competition, Chief O'Hara's face was full of smiles, and he said proudly:

The fish competition is a tradition we inherited from the Dragon God. Only the strongest warriors are worthy of eating the most delicious fish caught when the fish are spawning. Only such warriors are worthy of inheriting the future of the tribe and the future of the tribe. Worthy to be the husband of my daughter Niya.”

I'm a little confused. The fish competition is just about competing for a fish to choose the heir to the clan leader. Why has it been circulated for so long? Is there no allusion in it?

Is there any legend about the fish competition?

Legends, of course there are.

A long time ago, the Dragon God created the world, but felt that the world was too desolate, so he created the Titanosaurus based on himself. It is said that the Titanosaurus is as tall as a mountain, with the power to lift mountains, and can span dozens of miles in one step. Will be hungry, will not be tired, will not die.

But the world was too monotonous with only Titanosaurus, so the Dragon God spent another seven days creating all living beings, and the first one he created was fish.

After the creation of the world, the Dragon God disappeared, and the earth was dominated by thirteen titan dragons, among which the Great Titan Thunder Dragon King and the Second Titan Fire Dragon King were the most powerful.

After the Dragon God disappeared, they all wanted to become the leader of the Titan Dragon Clan and the successor of the Dragon God, so they launched a protracted war, involving the entire Titan Dragon Clan.

As a result, the scale of the battle was so huge that almost all species created by the Dragon God were exterminated. The Dragon God was furious and took action again, using fire to destroy all the sinful Titans.

Facing the empty earth, the Dragon God created the second generation of dragon people, our ancestors, and set the rules. Whoever can take away the fish in the pot will be the next dragon king, so the fish competition was born. , has been passed down to this day.

It's a legend I've never heard of.

This legend is very ancient, and has little overlap with the legends handed down from the Red Dragon nations. The only similarities are probably the giant dragon and the destruction of the world by fire.

Oh, there is also the Dragon God who exists everywhere. If there are legends, inventions, and creations that you don’t understand or don’t understand, you can just blame them on the Dragon God.

Joseph mainly studies myths. He has examined the myths of European beasts and found that their myths are more primitive than the myths of the Red Dragon people, but they are similar to the myths of the Red Dragon people.

Therefore, he speculated that the old Red Dragon people 8,000 years ago probably had their own set of ancient myths. The beast tribe was influenced by the old Red Dragon people and evolved the dragon god myth into ape god, cat god, cow god and other myths. It is spread among the beast tribe.

However, since the old Red Dragon people’s myths have not been handed down, Joseph can only speculate that they are older and simpler myths and legends than the beast tribe’s myths.

The current mythological system of the New Red Dragon people is speculated to have been modified by the New Red Dragon people from the remaining old myths when the generation changed eight thousand years ago, so it is the most different.

In the book Introduction to Old and New Dragon Myths published by Joseph, several similarities are put forward, such as The Creation of the Dragon God, The Legend of the Thirteen Titans, The War of Thunder and Fire, The Great Fire of Destruction, etc. It was probably brought over from the old Red Dragon mythology.

Closer to home, today's fish competition is naturally different from the competition for a pot of fish in ancient times. According to O'Hara, this ceremony can be called a fish competition.

Although there are fish competitions every year, what is going to be held today is a grand fish competition that takes place every twenty years, which is also the fish competition festival.

The fish festival consists of three steps. The first is double sacrifice, offering sacrifices to the dragon god and ancestors of the dragon people.

The second is the fish competition. Anyone who is qualified can go on stage to fight for the position of the leader's heir.

As for the third one, it is the Water Splashing Festival. In order to thank the Dragon God for the food and life, all Yamalong people will jump into the water and have fun, and by the way, they can also find their favorite spouse.

I have to sigh again, why I am a paleontologist instead of an archaeologist or a mythologist. Otherwise, what I have seen and heard about the Yamasaur tribe in the past few days can completely write an article Yamasaurus. ——The paper Mythology and Historical Research of the Old Red Dragon People Period.

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