Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 242 Which company has the best bulldozer technology?

Rock dragons belong to the clade of sandstone lizards, and are also descendants of velociraptors. They are related to velociraptors, but they never care whether these relatives are related or not. In fact, in nature, the same kind of food is everywhere, let alone relatives. .

If you meet these guys normally, you don't have to worry, but now Xu Dong's telekinesis is exhausted and he no longer has the fighting power he had before.

Fortunately, he also has the sharpest weapon in the world today, a half-edged steel knife.

Xu Dong held the handle of the half-edged steel knife with both hands and stabbed it towards the head of the rock dragon beneath him.

The outside of the rock dragon's body has a solid rock shell, and even its head has a not-too-thin layer of stone to ensure its safety.

What's more, this one is so big, it should be a legend. Although Xu Dong's steel knife penetrated the stone skin, it did not hurt the root of the rock dragon.

Green blood flowed from the broken hole, but the big guy underneath him was still full of energy. The steel knife was too short and couldn't penetrate it, so he had to use more force.

Xu Dong closed his eyes, held the steel knife tightly with both hands, and fixed his body firmly on the big rock dragon. No matter how it swayed left and right, Xu Dong could not get rid of it.

The mental power in his brain was constantly aroused, and Xu Dong squeezed his mental power desperately. As long as he could control it a little and push the steel knife downward, he would be saved.

Sure enough, mental power is like that, you can squeeze it and it will be there. The power of telepathy appears again, but it is not the same as the massive telepathy power in the past.

If Xu Dong's telepathy in his heyday was as strong as the large lake where Wang Ting lived, then Xu Dong's telepathy now is equivalent to the ditch at the entrance of Wang Ting, which can only flow slowly.

Relying on this trickle of thought power, he pushed the steel knife forward into the head of the big rock dragon little by little.

Such pain was simply inhuman torture. The big rock dragon struggled more and more fiercely. The steel knife had penetrated completely. Xu Dong had to grab the two raised rocks on the head of the rock dragon to keep from being thrown off.

In, in, Xu Dong could already feel Yanlong's brain flickering with neuron currents.

Finally, with the last surge of telekinesis, all the sharp steel knives sank into the big rock dragon's brain.

Under the pitiful roar of the rock dragon, Xu Dong was confused, exhausted and fainted.

The big rock dragon under him also continued to take two steps forward after Xu Dong fainted before finally falling down.

These two terrifying creatures just lay on the ground. If all the animals around them were not killed by dynamic plants, they would never wake up.

When Xu Dong woke up again, he opened his eyes and found that his field of vision was slanted. He quickly straightened his head. Why did his head feel a little heavy?

When I tried to sit up, I found that my body was too heavy and I couldn't sit up at all. I turned around and looked around, but what I saw was a completely different scene than before.

Xu Dong had a bad guess. He quickly raised his hand and looked at it. It was a huge rock arm.

He became a rock dragon? It's not so outrageous.

Perhaps he was frightened, Xu Dong was startled, his vision changed again, he got up from the ground, it was indeed the original Velociraptor body. What happened just now? Hallucination?

No, probably not.

Recalling the situation before he fell into coma, he exhausted all his mental energy and finally inserted the steel knife into the rock dragon's head. Then he fainted with a tilt of his head. When he woke up, he saw the scene just now.

So is it possible that my mind power entered the rock dragon's brain and controlled its body?

This would be awesome. Xu Dong thought of a later movie in which the bald man had the ability to control other people's thoughts. Coincidentally, the telepathic person who used the Great Annihilation Domain could also do so. Methods such as controlling thinking and reading memories.

The magic of the brain is unimaginable. All speculations in later movies and TV shows have become Xu Dong's reference. The main reason for all these changes is that Xu Dong tried to control his mind in a more subtle way.

In this case, let's try to see if we can control the body of the big rock dragon again.

Xu Dong pressed his hand on the hole opened by the steel knife in Yanlong, and most of his recovered mental power rushed down the passage, and finally plunged directly into Yanlong's brain.

After a while, the rock dragon that fell to the ground actually opened its eyes again, supported the ground with its limbs, and got up again.

This feels like playing 3D games in later generations. The main body can see things, and the perspective of the character in the game can also see things.

Xu Dong regarded it as a computer game with a strong sense of substitution and began to control the giant rock dragon to crawl. At first, his limbs were not coordinated enough and he often fell down, but Xu Dong soon mastered the control skills.

Playing games requires the use of different buttons or mice to control the character's actions. The same is required here, but there are many more buttons to control than in the game.

Essentially, a ray of mental power is used to continuously wander around the brain of the rock dragon, pretending to be the brain to issue orders, and deceiving other parts of the body.

This involves various brain areas and corresponding sensory neurons, which continuously travel to transmit instructions through electrical signals.

This feeling is really amazing. Xu Dong's body is sitting on the neck of the big rock dragon, and the huge mountain-like rock dragon moves forward step by step.

I tried to get entangled in the ferns along the way, but found that I couldn't tie them up or pierce them.

The tree men in front had no ability to resist at the feet of the big rock dragon. They were all pushed down and crushed to pieces. This was like driving a bulldozer in prehistoric times.

Soon Xu Dong discovered another ability of the rock dragon, that is, it can burrow into the ground, dig its limbs and head into the ground, and crawl in the ground with a big turtle shell on its back. From a distance, it looks like a moving mountain.

Of course, this thing is not without its shortcomings. On the contrary, there are many shortcomings. One of them is its clumsy movements. The huge body and the thick rock armor make it difficult to be flexible.

The second is vision. The rock dragon's vision is quite poor. During the day, it can barely take two steps as a short-sighted person. At night, even if there are stars shining, it will still be dark.

Also, if they stay huddled in the soil for a long time, their natural vision will be useless. It is estimated that within a few thousand years, they may become blind.

After a night's rest, Xu Dong's telekinesis had fully recovered, but he did not fly back directly. This big guy was a good thing, and he might be able to eat components after taking it back.

The remaining meat can also be shared with the tribe. After all, they have probably never eaten rough-skinned and thick-fleshed relatives like the Rock Dragon.

The journey went very smoothly after dawn. Xu Dong became more and more proficient in driving the Yanlong bulldozer, and could even make it run.

Although the movement of the rock dragon is clumsy, its running speed is not slow due to its mass, and it does not need to pay attention to the obstacles in front of it. It can just run rampant and be done.

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