Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 241 Why not study archeology?

Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, March 27, sunny.

We didn't have much time in North America, so we only stayed at the earth wall for three days. During these three days, we were limited by the testing equipment and couldn't do isotope testing. However, I roughly determined the age of the earth wall through the stratigraphic distribution. .

It’s really shocking. It turned out to be the current period of Fanlan located in the Early Dragon Age, which was roughly 7 million years between 80 Ma and 73 Ma. To accurately determine which million years, we have to go back and use professional equipment to detect it.

(ps: The Dragon God Period is the Cretaceous Period, named after the Red Dragon people)

But even the results of a rough test are astonishing enough. In previous explorations and excavations, the genetic similarity between us red dragons and velociraptors is the highest. It can be concluded that we evolved from velociraptors. However, due to the six million years of During the previous mass extinction at the end of the Dragon Age, too many intermediate links were missing in the evolutionary process.

Even after this century of rapid development, the earliest intermediate stage of evolution we can find is the fossil of a semi-upright lizard from 5.4 million years ago.

From this, the paleontological community has put forward a hypothesis that the velociraptors took advantage of the empty ecological niche to rapidly radiate and evolve after the Draconian mass extinction, and then slowly evolved into the red dragons.

This is very common in the history of biological evolution. Every mass extinction of species is both destruction and rebirth.

Later, as the fossils of primitive dragons from 50,000 years ago and early dragons from 20,000 years ago were discovered, the chain of evidence gradually pushed them towards this possibility.

I once made an analogy in class that the evolutionary chain of biology is like a person's life. This little guy takes a photo every year since he was born, and it continues to this day.

Assuming that the current Red Dragon Man is a photo of this creature when he was 18 years old, the old Red Dragon Man eight thousand years ago is a photo of him when he was 16 years old, the Semi-erect Lizard is a photo of him when he was 10 years old, and the Velociraptor Lizard was a photo of him when he was two or three years old. photo.

Most people may think that it is not possible to deduce that this is the same species based on bone fossils, but it is indeed possible. Although the photo of this creature when it was 18 years old is very different from when it was two or three years old, it is the same person after all, and the same characteristics can be found.

What paleontologists need to do is to dig out the photos (i.e. fossils) of this creature every year, let them form a logical and self-consistent evolutionary chain, and witness the step-by-step growth experience of this creature through each photo.

This is the case with paleontology. You can make bold assumptions, but you cannot be ignorant and anti-intellectual.


Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, March 28, yin.

We set off again and continued walking for about two hours. Omaha said that we were almost reaching his tribe. He had not been home for ten years. This middle-aged Yamaha dragon man was obviously a little excited and a little timid about his hometown.

It's just that he may have been away for too long and no longer knows the way.

The so-called not long time in Omaha is that we waited until the sun was setting before we finally saw the curl of smoke. There was finally someone in front of us.

For the first time in our lives, we stepped into the unfamiliar territory of the Yamadragons and had real face-to-face contact with these primitive dragonmen.

It is said that the Yamaron people are a very barbaric and ferocious race, and they still retain the custom of cannibalism and human sacrifice.

Oh, what a mind-numbing custom. Asia abolished it six thousand years ago. I hope that with Omaha as a middleman, we will not be treated like this.


Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, March 29, sunny.

I was drunk and slept until midnight. I retract my previous evaluation. The Yamalong people are a very hospitable ethnic group. The current clan leader is actually Omaha's brother, and the previous clan leader who died was their father.

Unexpectedly, this dark-skinned, decadent middle-aged dragon man is actually a second-generation official. Also, in the isolated North American continent, only people of this level have the opportunity to access information from the outside world, and only those who have access to outside civilization. , these Yamasaur people would risk death and cross the sea to reach Eurasia without hesitation.

After Omaha and his brother recognized each other, the patriarch named O'Hara immediately said that he would hold a party to welcome his brother and his friends who had returned from afar.

The Yamalong people are best at grilling and boiling meat. It was so delicious that I almost bit off my tongue. It is said that this is a craft left by their ancestors and has been passed down from generation to generation.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but sigh. Although the advent of the era of great development has made the Red Dragon people soar into the sky, the things left by these ancestors have almost been lost. Unlike the Yamalong people, they still maintain the customs passed down by their ancestors. .

These people are favorites among us paleontologists and archaeologists, because these traditions provide a glimpse into the lives of our ancestors.

It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten so happily. Now when I think about the roasted mutton until it’s juicy and oily, and the tender, glutinous, melt-in-the-mouth fish, eating them together is simply a hundred times better than the industrialized junk food I’ve eaten before. times.

No, ten thousand times!

Of course, there is also their fruit wine. I don’t know what kind of fruit it is made from. It is green and slightly sweet at first, just like drinking fruit juice. However, after drinking it, the energy comes back and now my head still hurts.

Niya, O'Hara's daughter and the most beautiful pearl of the ethnic group, came out to dance for us in person. My eyes widened and I refused to let go of any movement from top to bottom. Of course, it was not because of Niya's appearance and figure, but because of her appearance and figure. I have seen this dance in ancient books.

If I read it correctly, this should be the ancient fire-stepping dance recorded by Santayana, the great adventurer of the old Red Dragon people thousands of years ago, in his Travel to the Four Worlds.

It's a pity that only fragments of the three ancient books handed down from the old dragon people before the Dragon God's era remain. Otherwise, we would be able to restore the customs and appearance of the old dragon people ten thousand years ago with the help of Travel Notes on the Four Realms.

According to the Chronicles of the Dragon written by our old friend Slavic:

The original dragon people appeared 50,000 years ago, the early dragon people appeared 25,000 years ago, and the old red dragon people appeared 13,000 years ago. The old red dragon people are considered to be the beginning of the red dragon people's civilization. It lasted from 3,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago.

I don’t know what happened eight thousand years ago, but the civilization of the old Red Dragon people was completely destroyed, and the new Red Dragon people took their place and became the masters of the earth.

The New Red Dragon people also started the tradition of writing history, and the Dragon God Calendar came into being, which has been recorded year after year until now.

I didn’t expect that the fire-walking dance that was lost in the history of the old Red Dragon people could be seen again. If Slavic saw it, he would definitely not leave. Unfortunately, I am not an archaeologist. To me, it is still an Old Dragon people. Previous history is more attractive.

I originally thought that there would be all kinds of hardships in the exploration trip, but there is still such a day. Last night's indulgence was just this time. The purpose of my coming here was to find the fragments of the stone wall I found. I just happened to ask O'Hara to see what he knew. Don't know what information.

Yosela, what's wrong?

You mean there will be a fish competition and a water splashing festival later? There is actually a fish competition here? Oh my god, why didn’t I study archeology?

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