Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 240 The Great Annihilation Realm

During the search, Xu Dong was stunned to find no trace of the blade wolf, and even other animals were very rare to see.

He found that the plants on the ground were completely crazy and basically attacked any animal indiscriminately. In this primitive era, there were not many others, and plants were the most numerous. The number of animals was only a drop in the bucket compared to the plants, except of course insects.

Insects are natural enemies of plants, and it is difficult for huge plants to hurt them. After all, they are so small that it is difficult to catch them.

But now that the plants have preliminary wisdom, they will naturally not let their natural enemies show off their power.

The best way to deal with bugs is to bring poison. Killing this area of ​​poison will kill a large area, successfully turning the situation around.

So today's North America, no, the entire continent still seems lush and full of vitality, but from a subtle point of view, it is terrifyingly quiet and has lost its previous vitality.

Xu Dong felt that the plant crisis was getting more and more serious. Why hadn't nature and the immortal species dealt with them yet? If the dynamic plants are allowed to spread, the royal court will eventually be difficult to preserve.

I have to find a way to protect myself.

Fire is always the best way to deal with plants, especially today's gymnosperms and ferns. When nature comes to an igneous province like the Early Jurassic extinction, it will basically knock out 99% of the plants. .

But this is not something that nature can control. The explosion of a mantle plume is a problem within the earth.

All Xu Dong can think of now is oil.

With oil, there is basically no tree that cannot be burned. When the time comes, it will splash in the air, and the velociraptors will throw torches and burn as many plants as they come.

It seems that oil has been seen in that mountainous area before, but the Velociraptor is still far away from the oil age, so Xu Dong has no idea of ​​touching it. Now it is not known whether the mountainous area is controlled by the tree people. .

Soon he flew over the mountain forest, and the woods below were completely silent, with no sounds of animals.

Xu Dong made the worst plan in his mind. This woodland has been controlled by the tree people.

Even if he is controlled by the tree people, Xu Dong will not give up the idea of ​​​​looking for oil. This is an anti-army weapon. It can burn all things and must be in his own hands.

Falling at the foot of the mountain, the plants on all sides are like flies smelling the fragrance, with branches, vines and ferns stretching towards Xudong.

But under the protection of the steel knife, anything that was stretched out would be cut into two pieces by the steel knife. Nothing could withstand the second blow of this most powerful weapon today.

A thick tree root dived out of the soil, but Xu Dong's telepathy noticed it in advance. He turned sideways to avoid the attack of the tree root, grabbed the root with both hands, and tore it into two pieces. .

Looking towards the direction where the tree roots extend, it is the tallest pine tree. The diameter of the trunk is estimated to be tens of meters.

If you want to avoid the harassment of these dynamic plants, you have to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys, so that these tree people will retreat when they are faced with difficulties.

As soon as Xu Dong stretched out his hand, the steel knife flying in the air stabbed directly towards the big tree as if under command.

This iron tree was obviously extraordinary. The two thick trunks turned into arms and swung towards the steel knife.

But it was useless. It took no effort at all for the sharp steel knife to cut through these branches. It penetrated straight into the trunk of the big iron tree, but it got stuck in the thick and hard trunk and was unable to move.

Looking at the plants coming from all directions, Xu Dong shook his head helplessly. The steel knife was a little helpless against these thick trees.

Just in time, try out the new skill he just developed, a method of using telekinesis learned from later movies, the Great Annihilation Field.

By continuously refining the control of mind power and manipulating objects from a microscopic level, you will gain unexpected and terrifying power.

With Xu Dong's current ability, it is natural that it cannot be as detailed as molecules and atoms. It can only reach the millimeter level at most, but it is enough to deal with these plants.

As soon as the Great Annihilation Domain opened, Xu Dong's body seemed to have become a restricted area. Anything that reached over would be minced into millimeter units and turned into tiny particles of dust driven by Xu Dong.

The dust surged into a brown mist, rushing towards the tall iron tree in front.

No matter how strong the tree man is, as long as he can't run, he is a living target.

Brown dust particles quickly covered the whole body of the big iron tree, constantly disintegrating new dust from it. Under the constant devouring and disintegration, the big iron tree was twisted into a pile of sawdust.

The branches, leaves, branches, and roots were all destroyed, and finally only a large pit was left on the spot, showing the traces left by the iron tree.

If plants could scream, then the iron tree would have wailed in pain before it died.

Xu Dong's ruthless methods obviously frightened these crazy trees. They just acted crazy, but their minds were still very clear, and they gave in decisively when encountering beings that they couldn't beat.

Once again connected to the earth network, Xu Dong's meaning was very clear. He should not kill animals like him in the future.

This time the plants agreed without hesitating for too long. If there was a ranking of plant hatred, bugs would definitely rank first.

The various plant-eating animals that feed on them, the omnivores that eat them once in a while, the fungi that grow on their bodies, etc. are all on the list.

On the contrary, they are predators at the top of the food chain. Because they are all carnivores, they usually have no enmity with plants, and it doesn't matter if they don't attack.

Of course, it's not that they won't attack without hatred. These dynamic plants hate the entire animal group. When they went on a rampage before, they didn't distinguish whether they were plant-eating or carnivorous. They just attacked indiscriminately.

After the plants gave up, Xu Dong came to the steel knife and pulled it out and held it in his hand. Although the Great Annihilation Field just now was powerful, it also consumed a lot of mental energy. Although Xu Dong has not lost his combat effectiveness now, his mental energy is basically exhausted. In this state, he could only hold the steel knife with his hands and walk away.

According to previous memories, Xu Dong quickly found a place suspected of containing oil. Perhaps the biggest advantage of prehistory is that there are so many resources everywhere, and no one has grabbed them.

There is a cave on a bare rocky mountain, with black oil seeping from the cracks in the cave. No wonder there are no trees growing on the mountain here. It is estimated that it may have been burned in the past, which made the plants afraid to take root here.

It's okay, so much oil can be transported back to the royal court, but it doesn't seem to be easy to transport, so the tribesmen have to carry big tanks to fill it.

After resting for a while, Xu Dong's recovered mental power allowed Xu Dong to fly again, and he directly took off and flew towards the royal court.

After all, his telekinesis was not fully recovered, and he had to stop and rest for a while halfway through the flight.

This is a stone forest, with no trees and only big rocks. It also saves the trouble of provoking those crazy plants. His current telepathy cannot support him to fight again.

Just as Xu Dong was sitting on the rocks to rest, the rocks on the ground suddenly moved, and a huge dragon head emerged from the soil. No, it was a rock dragon!

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