Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 239 North American Diary

Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, March 18, sunny.

With the rare good weather, we did not expect to have an unexpected harvest as soon as we arrived in North America. Yesterday we discovered a bagpipe road, which is a very ancient and special spirit-inducing ceremony.

Cut a few holes in the bamboo and insert it on both sides of the road. Whenever the wind blows through the holes in the bamboo, it will make a pleasant clear sound. The ancient dragon people believed that this bagpipe road can guide the souls who died in other places home.

According to Omaha, the Yamasaur people who left North America for the New World all set out from here, and they will also come back from here after they die.

Traveling all over the world, his soul returns to his homeland. This is really a sad legend.

This kind of ritual was very popular in Asia a thousand years ago, and I have always found these cultural relics and records in my previous excavations.

It is a pity that with the advent of the era of large-scale development 500 years ago, these ancient traditions gradually faded and disappeared. Until now, except for a few inaccessible remote mountainous groups, not many people remember them.

With this bagpipe road, even Omaha, who has been away from home for ten years, will not get lost in the virgin forest.

We headed west on this bagpipe road while listening to the melodious sound of bamboo flutes blown by the wind.


Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, March 20, sunny.

This bagpipe road is so long that we didn't finish it even after walking for three days. It's hard to imagine how the Yamalong people built this road in such harsh conditions.

Although you don’t have to worry about getting lost while walking on this bagpipe road, snakes, insects, rats, and ants in the tropical rainforest are still a big problem. Fortunately, the repellent we brought is very effective, so we don’t need to worry too much.

Well, the bodyguard was bitten by a small dinosaur. It's really amazing. There are actually dinosaurs here that have not evolved into birds. Think about it. They were so prosperous in the Mesozoic Era, how could they become extinct?

Although the Draconian mass extinction six million years ago was terrifying, our ancestors survived. How could they be extinct?

Nowadays, many people on the Internet always think that dinosaurs fell together with the great extinction of the Dragon Age. However, according to my many years of paleontological research and excavations, I found that in addition to birds, dinosaurs have remaining descendants.

It has just changed from its previous dominant position to an insignificant role. Perhaps in their perception, the dinosaurs are still those arrogant behemoths that have dominated the world for more than 100 million years, and they cannot accept that their ecological niche has dropped to the same level as lizards. Descendants.

To be honest, I have always been puzzled by those red dragon people on the Internet. Although we are both members of the dragon family, we have long been separated from the archosaurs where dinosaurs belong. Dinosaurs have nothing to do with us at all.

Although one is a dinosaur that dominated the Mesozoic era, and the other is a velociraptor that can only live at the feet of dinosaurs in fear, whoever it is will want to recognize dinosaurs.

But this is not a reason to ignore the facts. Besides, the discovery of ancient dragon people means that our ancestors were not necessarily at the bottom during the Mesozoic Era.

I have complained too much in my diary. The main reason is that the anti-intellectual trend in recent years has made me a little resentful. Forget it, just eat the dragon broth and go to bed. Dinosaurs are rare animals in Eurasia. Since they are dead, they cannot be wasted. .


It rained heavily on March 21, Year 8126 of the Red Dragon Calendar.

It rained heavily all day today, so we could only stay in the tent for one day. Fortunately, there were still a lot of animal and plant materials for me to study, so it wouldn't be too boring.


It rained heavily on March 22, Year 8126 of the Red Dragon Calendar.

Continue studying extinct plant specimens found in the tent.


It rained heavily on March 23, Year 8126 of the Red Dragon Calendar.

We were studying a round-haired animal that resembled a bamboo rat. Ever since we discovered that it would not go hungry if we followed it, this fat rat became completely dependent on us. It is not afraid of people, so it was a good choice for research.


Red Dragon Calendar Year 8126, March 24, sunny.

The heavy rain finally stopped. After the rain, the weather finally cleared and I could continue my journey. The past three days have been very tiring for me.

After the heavy rain, the road was muddy, so we put on our rain boots and continued moving forward, but the speed could not be compared with the previous days.

While passing through a relatively slippery uphill road, something unexpected happened, and Dr. Moore who was following him accidentally rolled down.

Prussia quickly sent a guide and two bodyguards to search. In this primitive jungle, doctors are very important and nothing happens.

However, after waiting for more than half an hour, one of the bodyguards ran back and reported the situation to Prussia.

I found a strange place, and I need Mr. Scott to go take a look.

I immediately became interested and took Yosela down carefully along the route of the bodyguards. Prussia also came down with the remaining men.

When I came to an open space, what appeared in front of me was a white foundation stone exposed. Three consecutive days of heavy rainfall washed away the soil on this flat land, revealing such a ruin.

Great, I squatted down and touched these white stones exposed from the soil, and I could vaguely see that they were connected together.

After walking along the white stones for several hundred meters, it runs north-south and is very straight. It doesn't look like a natural formation, but it looks like it was intentional.

The bodyguards began to dig hard. If it were in the past, I would have used a small brush and shovel to dig slowly to avoid damaging the cultural relics.

But I didn’t have much time on this trip. As time went by, it would be easy for people to discover that I had come to North America. This was a serious crime in the Red Dragon countries, and I would have to be imprisoned for decades before I could come out.

Therefore, I can only be rude, and I bow to this ruins and apologize for my behavior.

This wall is probably very deep. The bodyguard dug several meters but still couldn't see the base, but it was enough for me to carefully observe the situation on the wall.

Cut off a piece and observe carefully. This wall is made of rammed earth, which is a mixture of red mud, coarse sand, and lime blocks. Although the strength is not as strong as today's concrete, it was already very strong in ancient times.

This can basically conclude that this wall is definitely a man-made creation. The question is when was this thing built?

According to documentary records, rammed earth first appeared in the early Neodragon people seven thousand years ago. It is said to be the work of Tao Lie, a great scholar of the Dragon people. It was used until a thousand years ago when it was replaced by the pouring method.

So the wall dates back between a thousand and seven thousand years ago? Was it a creation of the Yama civilization at that time?

No, that’s not right. The Yamasaur are the original race of dragons in North America discovered three hundred years ago. Allen, the secretary of General Joseph, the colonist of the Red Dragons, once inspected their architectural style, historical customs and living habits, and also published I wrote an introductory book called Yama Scenery. Their architectural style is completely different from this earth wall.

Then you can only excavate the stratum first, or measure it with carbon 14 after discovering the charcoal.

Based on my many years of inspection experience, I think the construction age of this earthen wall will be far beyond our imagination.

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