Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 238 Raising a Dog

The saberwolf is quite similar to the jackals of later generations. The only difference is that it has a pair of long teeth similar to that of a saber-toothed tiger. The whole thing is a collection of cats and dogs.

With their size, weapons and numbers, even the new generation after the extinction of the dinosaurs can become the overlord of one party.

But I'm sorry, the world is now dominated by the Dragon Clan, and the Beast Clan can only be controlled by me.

In terms of body size, even Ceratosaurus was six meters tall, while Saberwolf was only two meters tall.

Compared with weapons, the dragon clan is full of weapons. A single step on it can crush a blade wolf to death, not to mention the sharp teeth, claws and bite force.

Than quantity? Let’s compare it to Allosaurus first.

To sum up, Blade Wolf does not sit very firmly even in the position of medium-sized predators, basically at the bottom.

But it would be different if it became a Velociraptor dog.

This is just like the dogs of later generations, who invested in potential human beings in advance and earned a bright future. Apart from being robbed of some favors by the cat mistress midway, it did not affect the dog's status in the heart of the upright ape.

Xu Dongfei began to search for traces of blade wolves in the air. There were so many of these guys when they were not looking for them. How come they couldn't be found when they looked for them? It's not like they are all parasitized by fungi.

There are tens of thousands of blade wolves in North America. Even if the fungus can really control some blade wolves, it cannot control all of them. Xu Dong searched for a long time and flew hundreds of miles to finally find a small team of blade wolves.

They were actually being attacked by stone ferns at this time, their limbs were tied up by stone ferns, and the fern branches around them were constantly beaten, leaving blood marks on their bodies.

The blade wolves whined and kept biting the ferns with their teeth, but they couldn't keep up with the speed at which the stone ferns wrapped around them.

This group of plants is really crazy. Any living thing nearby will be attacked by them. No wonder they are punished by nature.

Aroused by the powerful thought power, the stone fern was torn apart in an instant, and the dozen blade wolves were sucked into the air at once.

These animals, which have lived on land all their lives, have never seen such a scene. They were all so frightened that their limbs became weak and they did not dare to move.

After Xu Dong rescued them from the ferns, he placed them on the ground. His huge figure came directly in front of one of the blade wolves.

He raised his right hand and reached towards the ordinary blade wolf. It was frightened by the successive attacks and was floating there motionless.

Xu Dong's claws covered the blade wolf's head, and his mind power penetrated into its skull, creating a model of its skull in his mind.

Very good, no parasitic fungus, can be cultivated into dogs.

Perhaps because the blade wolf looked so much like a dog, Xu Dong couldn't help but touch its head.

The trembling Blade Wolf was tensed up at first, but soon he narrowed his eyes in comfort, and it really felt like petting a dog.

Xu Dong inspected them one by one and finally determined that none of the dozen blade wolves were parasitized, which was easy to handle.

Controlling these blade wolves to follow him, Xu Dong patrolled the surrounding area, looking for the habitat of these blade wolves. There should be some young wolves inside, so they should be packed away together.

Under Xu Dong's mental scanning, he quickly found the wolf den hidden in the cave. Although this group of blade wolves had set foot on land, they still couldn't change the mammal habit of digging holes.

These cubs are now staying in the burrow under the big rock. This is not the habitat of the blade wolf. It is just to prevent the cubs from being stolen during hunting. They put the little guys into a safe burrow and go home together when they come back. .

After discovering that Xu Dong was approaching the cave, the blade wolves were very excited. Even though they were unable to move under Xu Dong's telepathy, they still grinned and tried their best to protect the cubs.

Just imagine that if Xu Dong had not appeared, the final outcome of this group of blade wolves would be to become nourishment for ferns, and these cute little guys would eventually have to face the crisis-ridden nature on their own. Xu Dong could be considered a good thing.

After packing up and taking away the twenty or so small and large blade wolves, Xu Dong returned to the royal court again and placed these little guys in the prepared animal pens to be fed by the Velociraptor.

Blade wolves are different from the small dinosaurs that serve as broiler chickens. They are meant to serve as Velociraptor assistants, so naturally they cannot be raised to waste.

Xu Dong plans to train in three stages.

The first stage is to keep them in a pen and feed them every day until they get used to having food here.

The second stage is to keep the young blade wolves and release the adult blade wolves, and the velociraptors will lead them to hunt and fight together.

If the first two stages are successful, then in the third stage, the Blade Wolf can no longer be restrained in the pen, and they will become the Velociraptor's most effective assistant.

The twenty-odd large and small blade wolves were extremely vigilant when they arrived at the breeding ground, huddled together and did not dare to make any move.

The Velociraptor in charge of feeding walked up to the high platform carrying a jar of raw meat, and poured down all the fresh meat that was still stained with red blood.

This tank of raw meat is only enough for two velociraptors to eat in one meal, but it is enough to feed more than twenty blade wolves for a day.

After all, the difference in body size is there, and the difference in food intake is naturally huge.

After seeing the flesh and blood falling from the sky, the vigilant blade wolves naturally did not dare to step forward for fear of any danger.

But the hungry cubs screamed Oww and Oww. The adult blade wolf had gone to find food for the children before, but was attacked by active ferns. It was good to save its life. Naturally, the food was not found.

Now that the smell of flesh and blood is coming, they can't stand it anymore.

Among them, the leading male blade wolf took the first step, followed by two and three steps, until he reached the flesh and blood without any accidents.

It lowered its head and sniffed, but found nothing unusual, so it boldly took a bite and started to eat.

Everything is fine and there is no danger.

Although I don't understand what happened today, they were attacked by plants, flew into the sky, and dropped flesh and blood from the sky, leaving them all in a mess.

But this does not prevent the meat in front of me from being eaten, and it is no different from the usual flesh and blood.

He said Ouch to the tribesmen behind him, indicating that the meat was okay. Suddenly, more than twenty blade wolves regardless of size swarmed up and started eating the pile of flesh and blood in an unsightly manner.

After eating a full meal, their vigilance on the empty plain dropped a bit, and the adult blade wolves began to look around to see if there was any exit.

As a result, there is a bottomless abyss in all directions no matter where you go, and opposite the abyss is a high wall.

The five-meter-high wall stood there, completely cutting off their hope of escaping.

After investigating for half an hour and finding that there was no way out, the blade wolves had no choice but to accept their fate and return to their tribe.

Unexpectedly, the little blade wolves were already playing on the flat ground. Several fluffy little guys chased each other, rolled around, and nibbled lightly.

In their simple little minds, isn’t a place with food and parents a home? Then there's nothing to worry about.

In response to this, the adult blade wolf could only accept its fate and lie down on the ground to bask in the sun.

Now that the first batch of residents have been settled, let's go find the second and third batches of blade wolves.

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