Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 231 Gully Development

Look at the color of the coal. If it is black, it is not inferior lignite.

Unexpectedly, I brought back some bituminous coal. The bituminous coal is definitely better than the wood originally used, but the black smoke is indeed troublesome. I just need to wait for some charcoal to come out. At this stage, there is enough wood anyway. It's enough to use it. Let's keep the coal for making pottery.

After going back and sleeping for a night, Xu Dong stood on the wall of the Royal Court early the next morning and stared at the numerous ravines in front of him, choosing a place where he could make pottery.

The advantage of making pottery in ravines is that you don’t have to work hard to build a cave dwelling. You only need to modify the pottery and it can be used.

This place where pottery is made is not so particular. Several sections of ravines with severed heads were selected for landfill.

The sunbeam of the Riyan Dragon King was a bit fierce, and it shot down at least a hundred meters deep. It was not easy to bury such a deep trench just enough to make a cave dwelling.

The first is the issue of soil. The solar beam is not digging a hole. As much soil as you dig, there will be as much soil on the side.

Its terrifying thing vaporized everything directly, leaving no soil behind, and it had to be dug around to fill it in.

The only good thing is that the place to dig out the soil is not far away, and only the soil exposed by the drop in the level of the lake needs to be excavated.

After several days of exposure to wind and sun, this mud is no longer as black and rotten as it was at the beginning. This lake mud is rich in nutrients and is an excellent fertilizer for growing food. The only drawback is that it smells a bit.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong couldn't help but have a headache. It would be great if there were plants that could be planted now, even a fruit tree. All this nutritious soil could only be wasted.

Farming was not feasible, so Xu Dong suddenly came up with the idea of ​​raising animals!

That's right, it's breeding.

Different from the captive breeding of the Feilong clan, what Xu Dong wants to carry out is real breeding.

The previous captive dinosaurs of the Feilong tribe were actually more like the way nomadic people herded cattle and sheep. They basically relied on the weather for food. When the dry season came, the dinosaurs moved away on their own, and they came back again when the rainy season came.

What Xu Dong now wants to carry out is the raising of chickens, pigs and dogs in the process of civilization, just like raising chickens, pigs and dogs in later generations.

It's definitely impossible to raise a large Diplodocus or Brachiosaurus, even if it's so big. However, you can raise small dinosaurs such as Maniraptor, Troodon, Teratosauridae, and Ornithomimus. You can catch them and throw them in the tunnel. Here, feed them some food every day to help the Velociraptors grow flesh and reproduce.

Aren’t the ancestors of chickens that have skyrocketed in number, reproduced quickly, grown meat quickly, and laid nutritious eggs in later generations, these maniraptoranoid dinosaurs?

Since future generations have this talent, then as their ancestors, they should also have this genetic talent, and it is perfect for them to be used as the daily rations of the velociraptors.

In addition, he also thought of an animal, mammals that should not have appeared in this era.

According to the historical trajectory, this group of guys will have to wait at least 80 million years later during the Cretaceous period to judge from heaven and destroy the dinosaurs before they see the light of day again.

But the original history has been changed beyond recognition by magic. The pterosaurs were completely replaced by the flying dragons and almost became extinct. The crocodiles were borrowed by the dragons to occupy the magpie's nest. Even on land, the original three giants of North America, Allosaurus, Barbarian, Ceratosaurus could only tremble under the feet of Velociraptor and Thunderosaurus.

In this case, it is not surprising that mammals reappeared in the world.

At this time, there was a creature in North America that lived in its den during the day and came out at night. The blade wolf was only two meters in size and was very suitable for being raised as a dog.

It can be said that in this prehistoric era, being a dog to the overlord Velociraptor was their greatest honor.

In this case, the ravine in front of us needs to be re-planned and a part of it can be used as a breeding base.

Xu Dong just jumped up and flew into the tunnel which was not very spacious.

The average width of these tunnels is only a little over ten meters, and the sides are very smooth, as if they have been cut by lasers, well, they have been cut by lasers.

After going down for hundreds of meters to reach the bottom, Xu Dong looked at the surrounding environment. Although it was not dark, there was no sunlight. He immediately shook his head. This place cannot be used as a breeding base.

There are three reasons for this. The first is that the tunnel is too deep, which is not conducive for the Velociraptors to pay attention to the physical condition of the animals at any time.

The second is that this place is narrow and closed, and there is no daylight. Although the maniraptorosaurs and teratosaurid dinosaurs are small, they are still one to two meters long. They are not mammals in the soil. They probably cannot survive in this environment. How long will it take for him to die of depression?

Even if they are really raised, how do you catch them when you want to eat meat? Is it necessary to build a staircase at such a high place?

Some people may ask why not fill the tunnel with soil to make it higher?

This is not one of those cave dwellings that only takes up a little space. There are quite a lot of tunnels needed for the breeding farm. So many places need to be elevated. With so many repair and development projects in Xunlong, how can it be spared?

Combining scientific breeding methods and saving dragon power as much as possible, Xu Dong could only think of raising them on the ground.

Previously, due to the indiscriminate shooting of Sun Flame Dragon King, countless messy ravines were swept out on the plain west of the Royal Court, just like children's graffiti. However, among these messy graffiti, many connected plots of land can still be found.

These plots of land, either square, rhombus or triangular, can be used as breeding grounds for raising prehistoric pheasants and wild dogs.

These ten-meter ditches are natural fences. The two-meter-long blade wolves may not be able to guard against them. They may be able to jump over them, but those small dinosaurs may not be able to prevent them.

But there is no need to worry. As long as the outside of the tunnel is raised and a fence is built, it can prevent the chickens and dogs in the animal enclosure from escaping, and also prevent sneak attacks by wild creatures.

As he thought, he did it. Xu Dong called a thousand more velociraptors in the royal court and asked them to build a wall around the animal enclosure selected by Xu Dong.

Don't be too tall. Small predators are generally only one or two meters in length and less than one meter in height. Just make a three-meter-high and half-meter-thick fence is enough.

As for medium-sized and large-sized predators, do they think their lives are too long, so they go to Velociraptor territory to steal food?

This kind of small fence does not require much energy. Two to three hundred Velociraptors can complete it in one day. However, Xu Dong is impatient and directly asked them to complete it in two hours. Using this area as a pilot, he saw It depends on whether the feeding plan works.

The velociraptors built a wall here, while Xu Dong flew to the woods to the south to catch small dinosaurs.

At this time, we were in the period of great prosperity of dinosaurs at the end of the Jurassic, which was considered one of the peak periods of the dinosaur era. No matter in the sky or on the earth, every ecological niche had its own place.

The little dinosaurs living peacefully in the jungles of the south never dreamed that they, harmless to humans and animals, would one day be targeted by the King of North America.

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