Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 232 Death Base, the opponent first appears

This forest belt is home to small dinosaurs such as Prosodon, Ornithomimus, Fruitodon, and Tricuspidosaurus.

The largest of them, the Prosodontosaurus, was only one meter long, and they were all omnivores, making them easy to raise. They would eat anything and not pick anything.

What should I do if my child is picky and refuses to eat? Most of them are squeamish and just need to be hungry for two days.

There was no such thing as squeamishness in prehistoric times. It was good to eat something, so there was no need to be picky.

The weight of these small dinosaurs is generally about ten kilograms. It is no problem for Xu Dong to control a thousand of these little guys at a time, but there are probably not as many as a thousand in this forest.

A Fruitodon carefully emerged from the fern, trying not to disturb the Jurassic dragonfly hovering on the plant.

It suddenly spread its legs and ran quickly. After a few swipes, it approached the little bug and bit it before the Jurassic dragonfly could even react.

Fruitodontosaurus is only 60 to 70 centimeters long and weighs less than one kilogram. It is one of the latest members of the family Teratosauridae to survive.

This guy's perception was very keen. When he stuffed the dragonfly into his mouth with his little paws, he suddenly turned his head and looked around, clearly aware of Xu Dong's appearance.

Such a big velociraptor suddenly appears nearby, just like a Godzilla suddenly appears near a human being. It's still eating a piece of wool, so run away.

Fruitodon obviously did the same thing, but how could it run away in front of Xu Dong.

Xu Dong just stretched out his hand, and his telepathy instantly surged out to wrap around the escaping Fruitodon. No matter how much it moved its legs, it still couldn't take a step forward. Instead, it slowly floated up and approached Xu Dong.

Seeing that the big monster was getting closer and closer, Fruitodon looked extremely panicked and kept squeaking.

Xu Dong just had a thought, and the Fruitodon dragon floated above his head. What the little guy didn't expect was that there were dozens of small dinosaurs here that had the same encounter.

These are the first batch of broiler chickens from the Velociraptor breeders, and they will be waiting for them to bloom and provide food to the Velociraptor family in the future.

After catching them for two hours, there were more and more small dinosaurs behind Xu Dong, totaling more than 400.

One takes an average of three minutes to catch. It doesn’t take much effort to catch them. They can be caught with just a roll of telekinesis. The main thing that takes time is to find them. Each of these little guys is harder to find than the last. They are either hiding in the ferns or hiding in the trees. , some even got into the cracks of the rocks, which made Xu Dong have a good time searching.

Xu Dong flew back to the royal court with this pile of harvests. At this time, the breeding pens had been initially completed under the rush of the dragons. It was naturally not good-looking and flat, so it was good to be able to barely surround it.

Xu Dongfu nodded with satisfaction. The main height and thickness were already revealed. He didn't ask for it to look good, as long as it could prevent the little dinosaurs from escaping.

Gently place the little ones on the flat ground in the center of the animal pen. This flat ground is still a bit small and crowded compared to their No. 400 dinosaur, but now they can only make do with it here.

Once all the fences are built, sort them into categories and put them away. Let them be cultivated for a while to see who can win the title of prehistoric chicken and enjoy a comfortable life of eating and mating.

When the little dinosaurs came to this open space, they were extremely confused. Who am I? Where is this place? Why am I here?

Oh, I was arrested, so it’s okay.

Why are there so many similar and different types? It's great, finally I'm not the only one dying.

After entering a strange environment, the little guys huddled together among their own kind. At this moment, only these same kind can give them a sense of peace of mind.

Xu Dong nodded, as long as there was no fighting, he was really afraid that these little guys would start fighting to death before the fence was built. Each of them was the seedling of the future broiler chickens, so they couldn't let the internal damage happen here.

How about dividing them directly? After all, some of them are big and small. The big Tricuspidosaurus is one meter long, while the small Tricuspidosaurus is only fifty centimeters. The Tricuspidosaurus is fully capable of killing Tricuspidosaurus. Eat.

It's better to stop them. There won't be any disputes when they first arrive, but when they feed them later, it will definitely be a bloody storm.

The power of thought surged out, and countless iron stones appeared, flying directly to the middle of the breeding ground. Several towering iron walls were erected, dividing the flat land into four pieces. Among them, the largest number of Fruitodontosaurus was relatively larger, and the West Bird was larger. The number of dragons is the smallest, and the space is also the smallest.

The next step was to feed. Xu Dong controlled a large amount of minced meat, fern roots, fern leaves, bark and other food to be sprinkled on the breeding ground. The food was scattered like rain.

Dragons will never be slaves? Unless they have food and shelter, these ancient creatures have a woolly self-esteem. Basically, they are mothers if they have milk. They will listen to whoever can give them food.

At first, when the food fell to the ground, they cowered and didn't dare to move, but brave dinosaurs finally appeared. After trying it and finding that there was no danger, these small dinosaurs fought for it one by one, for fear of missing a bite.

Xu Dong smiled slightly, what he wanted was this effect. Nothing can stabilize people's hearts more than food. These little guys will soon fall in love with this kind of life where they can have something to eat without having to do anything.

The ravine surrounding the breeding area is ten meters wide. Xu Dong can of course ignore feeding in the air, but ordinary velociraptors cannot do that. They have to build an aerial platform for them to remind them to come and feed every day.

In fact, the velociraptors were somewhat dissatisfied with Xu Dong's actions. They could understand repairing the city wall and building corridors, but they couldn't understand the behavior of building a fence to shut in the small dinosaurs and feeding them every day.

How could such a precious thing like food be wasted on these useless little dinosaurs? This meat was enough to feed a dozen tribesmen.

However, given Xu Dong's prestige, no dragon would directly question it without opening his eyes. They would just wait and see in the future whether it would become the granary of the velociraptors as Xu Dong said.

At this time, suddenly a velociraptor ran in panic from the east. Xu Dong remembered it as the dragon that followed Fury to build the bridge.

Why do you look so nervous? You must be in danger.

Its cry soon confirmed Xu Dong's guess that the bridge-laying team was attacked.

Xu Dong could not sit still after hearing the news, and quickly took the velociraptor and flew in the direction of the bridge-laying team.

Soon they came to a forest. According to the velociraptor, they would go to the forest to cut down trees every day to get wood in order to build a bridge. They had always been fine, but today for some reason the trees in the forest seemed to be going crazy. The branches and roots can actually move to attack them.

Are trees going crazy? Xu Dong's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't really have guessed it. This time, the opponent of Changshengzhong was a plant?

It would be difficult to deal with it if it were a plant.

Letting the velociraptor stay outside, Xu Dong chose to go in alone to find the furious dragon trapped in the forest.

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