Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 230 Treasure Forest Farm

Xu Dong never dreamed that this little four-legged snake, which was only ten meters long, could actually produce components.

As we all know, the probability of drawing components depends on the difference between Xu Dong's own size and the opponent's size.

In other words, the probability of winning a prize for a creature smaller than Xu Dong can be said to be very slim, or it can only rely on quantity. Just like when Xu Dong once drew the hermaphrodite component, he even ate bivalves for half a year. I'm allergic to clams myself.

Xu Dong's current body size is almost fourteen meters, but this four-legged snake is only ten meters tall. In theory, it is almost impossible to extract components.

I thought it would be great to be able to eat a mutated pronucleus, but I didn't expect that it was actually extracted.

[Acquired component: The flexible spine of the basilisk]

Judging from the name, it should be a spine that can twist and twist like a snake. There is nothing surprising about this component alone, but the problem is that this time it actually has a double cannon.

Abnormal, very abnormal. How could he be so white? Could this be the result of Zhe Yangshou?

etc? If it is possible to exchange Yang Shou for it, Xu Dong just wants to say, exchange all my Yang Shou for it!

[Acquire temporary special components: Danger Instinct Gene]

This is why the four-legged snake was able to dodge his flying knife just now. From a practical point of view, this ability should be similar to Spider-Man's danger perception, which can avoid crises in advance. After getting this thing, Xu Dong is no longer afraid of sneak attacks. .

After solving this small episode, Xu Dong began to focus on the future development of the ethnic group.

Flying in the air and inspecting this large mountain forest, you will not know it until you see it, but you will be shocked when you see it. This mountainous area is very rich in mineral resources.

In addition to the pottery mountain in front of you, there are actually several identical pottery mountains. Some of the pottery clay is white. This is higher quality kaolin clay. The soil is soft, has good plasticity and fire resistance, and the pottery produced is also better.

In addition to clay, iron, copper, coal and other metal resources have also been found here. Especially coal, there is a huge amount and it is open-pit coal. It can be said that you can pick it up by walking a few steps.

With such high-quality mountain and forest resources, Xu Dong did not need to consider the development of ethnic groups in the past. Naturally, Xu Dong would not pay attention to it. Only when he really paid attention did he realize that this prehistoric era is full of treasures.

There are all kinds of metal deposits that Apithecus erectus developed and thrived on.

The only thing worth worrying about now is the transportation line. This mountainous area is located to the east of the main road of Xunlong. It is not a route that Xunlong often takes. There are many trees and mountains, and the transportation is very inconvenient. Not to mention transportation, just a trip may take a day. , the efficiency is really poor.

If we want to rationally develop this forest land resource, we need to clear the mountain and cut down the trees, and build a smooth traffic road to facilitate the transportation of Xunlong.

Even if the roads are built, how to transport them is still a big problem.

Weaving baskets from tree rattan? The gap was so big that all the clay leaked out when it was shipped back.

Put it in a basin? Clay is needed to make a pot, and pots are needed to transport the pottery. It’s an endless cycle.

I've been thinking about making a wooden cart.

Although Xu Dong did not know the mortise and tenon structure of later generations, he had never seen pigs running and had eaten pork. He could understand it by imagining the assembly of building blocks in his mind.

With such a huge treasure, as long as the roads are repaired and the transportation tools are completed, the mountain forest resources can be fully utilized for hunting, logging, mining, etc.

At the same time, the development of all aspects of Xunlong's life must be accelerated. Xu Dong must promote the process of Xunlong civilization as much as possible before dying of old age.

For example, although the walls of the royal court are built but they still live in the open air, it is time to build houses for the tribesmen. After all, with the development of civilization, big pot rice will definitely not work. There will always be class and distribution according to work. Condition.

Since this is chosen as the material collection point, a small habitat needs to be established nearby for the accumulation and transportation of materials.

Xu Dong remembered that when he was fleeing, there was a small group of Velociraptors nearby, but they didn't stay long and left. Later, they were probably destroyed by the Golden Lion. If this place is to be developed, this small group's settlement must be fully utilized. stand up.

But this is all a thing for another day. It is better to complete the renovation of the ravine outside the royal court first, and then consider developing this place. Before that, Xu Dong has to rely on manpower to transport the clay and bring some coal back.

This time Xu Dong controlled about forty tons of clay with his mind. Xu Dong's current ability limit should be able to reach hundreds of tons, but this is only the extent that he can lift, and it cannot last long.

Just like you can lift two hundred kilograms of something with your teeth, but it's just a lift, but you can lift it for a hundred kilograms and walk a distance. This is what Xu Dong's situation is now.

But even though he could lift forty tons of clay, Xu Dong couldn't move to Wangting in one go. He rested about ten times on the way and finally transported the clay to the open space in the middle of the ravine before dark.

It was already dark when we returned to the Royal Court, but the velociraptors were still busy repairing the city wall. With the flames, the velociraptors could see things even at night. As long as they could see at night, that would be for the capitalists. squeeze space.

So you can’t escape the 996 night shift, nor can you escape prehistory.

These prehistoric dragons will not complain like the erect ape, because every velociraptor knows that the safety of the royal court depends on the strength and insurmountability of the city wall. Now that there is such a big gap, they will not feel at ease.

Just like sleeping with the door open at night, no one else would be able to sleep well.

Xu Dong put down the heavy clay, shook his head to shed the sweat, and went directly to the city wall. At this time, the big man was still working diligently with the velociraptors.

Why leaders in ancient times were more prestigious and convincing is that they did not just stand at the scene like today's leaders, that is, they were personally involved in the work.

What's more, they didn't even go to the scene and just came up with various plans without understanding the reality at all. They were of no use except dragging down the front line.

Whether they are great men such as Yao, Shun, and Yu, our ancestors, or leaders among animals, the most respectable thing about them is that they share the joys and sorrows with the group, personally participating in hunting, traveling across the land when controlling floods, and even working harder than ordinary people.

The big guy does have the potential to be a leader, but he can be cultivated as a successor.

Seeing Xu Dong's arrival, the dragons who were repairing the city wall shouted to express their welcome, but their hands did not stop at all. Xu Dong responded and did not join in. Instead, he came to the earth pit where the bonfire was lit and put it in the open air. The coal mine was thrown in.


The flames expanded violently, and the light became a bit brighter. Although the quality of these open-air coals was average, they were much stronger than the burning wood.

This movement caused the Velociraptors to stop what they were doing and use coal to make fire. Not only was it brighter, it burned longer, it also produced a higher temperature, which was essential for making pottery and making weapons in the future.

Now that coal is available and an earthen kiln is built, the pottery produced may not be the soft pottery that Xu Dong originally expected and could only be used reluctantly. Maybe it can be done in one step and fire pottery that can be used all the time.

It's just that the black smoke seems a bit big.

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