Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 229 Red Clay Road

It is easier to run away when angry, and Xu Dong will not let his brother go because he is still a big brother. It is this guy Tietou. Although he looks silly, he is one of the few velociraptor leaders who can use his brain.

Fury and Big Man couldn't go for revenge hunting, so Xu Dong arranged for them to work and exert their unparalleled energy. Big Man directed the repair of the city wall, while Fury was responsible for cutting down trees to build bridges.

As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. There are so many ravines at the entrance of the royal court that it is difficult to walk, let alone go hunting. It would waste too much time.

Although there are so many dead fish in the lake that the Velociraptors can eat for a while, this will not last long. The vacancy in the ecological niche will soon attract other creatures to settle in. It can be said that in less than three years, the ecology of this big lake will be It will be restored to its original state, this is the wonder of nature.

Xu Dong planned to first pave a road leading to the salt lake in the west for hunting, and then start a specific plan to use the ravine after the city wall was completely repaired.

The tasks were arranged, and the entire royal court was running in an orderly manner. Xu Dong nodded, and it was time to go south to find clay.

Making pottery is also an innovation of ancient humans. It marks that humans bid farewell to the era of relying on natural materials for rough processing. They began to use their brains and hands to create things that are not natural, thus laying the foundation for humans to consciously create new materials. The initial cornerstone of practical activities.

Therefore, if you want to create a civilization, pottery is definitely indispensable. Although there is no cultivation now, and there are no fruits that can be collected, at least with pottery, the velociraptors can no longer stick to barbecue and can eat boiled meat. .

At Xu Dong's speed, it only took a few hours to fly to the mountains and forests in the south.

Pottery is widely distributed in every continent, otherwise it would not be possible for so many ancient humans around the world to have records of using pottery.

After Xu Dong flew over the mountain, he slowed down and looked closely at the ground. Although it was a quick glance before, he remembered that there was red soil here.

As the memory continued to go back, Xu Dong finally saw this piece of red soil and quickly fell to the ground.

He put his right hand into the red soil and dug out a piece. Comparing the appearance with the clay in his memory, he found that it must be clay.

Using his telekinesis to explore the mountainous area, he wanted to confirm the amount of clay. If it was too little, he would have to find others.

But as his mental power continued to deepen, Xu Dong was surprised to find that the mountains were probably all Taoshan, and there were plenty of them, which were completely enough for the velociraptors to use.

Suddenly, my mind touched a hard object, was it a big stone?

Quickly, I used my mental power to outline the general outline of the object. It turned out to be a lizard. Do lizards like to crawl into the mountains so much?

Xu Dong's telekinesis detection seemed to have disturbed the sleeping lizard. The lizard suddenly moved and dug towards Xu Dong's place quickly.

A gentleman would not stand behind a dangerous wall. If he knew that this big lizard was coming towards him, he would naturally not hesitate to fly up to the sky to see the situation first.

With a boom, clay flew into the air and a burst of smoke and dust was thrown up.

A big red lizard, no, a red four-legged snake appeared in Xu Dong's field of vision.

This four-legged snake should be in the transitional stage of evolution from lizards to snakes. Its body has been stretched very long, but its limbs are relatively miniscule.

This thing's body length should be about ten meters, but its four Q-version little claws are only twenty or thirty centimeters. This comparison makes this thing look a bit cute.

The four-legged snake raised its front body, and the small claws of its forelimbs also lifted up. Its vertical pupils shrank, staring at Xu Dong in the sky.

What are you looking at!

I'll look at you again.

The four-legged snake has no martial ethics. When Xu Dong was playing tricks, its long forked tongue shot out. The long tongue actually shot dozens of meters and almost hit Xu Dong.

The whole body is only ten meters long, but the tongue can spit out dozens of meters. Can the body accommodate it? Is it wrapping around the brain like a woodpecker?

But he actually took the initiative to attack him, so don't blame Xu Dong for being rude and raising his hand.

Here comes the sword!

An extremely sharp steel knife appeared beside him.

Under the control of telekinesis, like a swordsmanship, the steel knife shot down. Just when it was about to hit the four-legged snake, the guy twisted his body and got out of the way.

OK, good, continue.

The steel knife floated up again and pierced towards the four-legged snake, but was twisted away by it again. It stabbed four or five times in a row without hitting it even once.

Something weird!

Xu Dong discovered that every time the steel knife was about to hit its body, the guy could twist this part of his body in advance and dodge the steel knife by a hair's breadth.

One or two times can be said to be luck, but avoiding them all seems to be a superpower.

I originally thought it was just an ordinary pseudo-legendary that could be easily solved, but it turned out to be only an extraordinary species. As expected, there are many variables after adding super powers.

Xu Dong activated his supernatural power, and a huge amount of mental power surged out to tightly restrain the four-legged snake, making it difficult for it to move.

See how you still dodge now.

Here comes the sword!

The steel knife fell again, and the four-legged snake bound by the power of mind was indeed unable to move, but it would not just close its eyes and wait for death. It opened its mouth forcefully, and a stream of venom shot out towards Xu Dong.

Good guy, you are still playing dirty tricks.

The venom was easily blocked by telekinesis, and the steel knife cut off the four-legged snake's head with a vertical slash.

After all, it is just a long-lived species with no special powers, so it is naturally impossible for it to be Xu Dong's opponent.

After beheading the four-legged snake, Xu Dong lit a fire and prepared to roast the snake meat. Although he has eaten snakes in later generations, he has never eaten a four-legged snake. Now he will definitely try it if he has the opportunity.

Xu Dong didn't bother to put it in and roast it. He directly used his mind power to wrap the flames and the four-legged snake. Roasting the snake 360 ​​degrees without any blind spots felt like putting it in a microwave oven.

Soon a fragrant snake meat came out of the oven. I cut off a piece with a steel knife and put it in my mouth. It was a little hot, but the taste was still good.

The snake meat Xu Dong ate in later generations had many bones but not much meat. In comparison, the eel was more delicious, but this four-legged snake was huge and fat, and had more meat accordingly.

The taste is similar to that of eel meat, but it is chewier. If you have a pot at this time, it will be delicious if you braise it. Even if you add some seasoning and sprinkle it on it, it will be better than eating it dry.

The velociraptors had previously eaten raw meat, and they naturally couldn't put it down after being exposed to cooked meat. However, Xu Dong was a person who had been influenced by countless delicacies of later generations, and this taste was far from meeting the standards of later generations.

The only thing to eat is freshness. The rich people of later generations will eat those game meats, which taste worse than domestic chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep, but are sold for several times or dozens of times the price. What they eat is just freshness.

While eating snake meat, Xu Dong looked at the red soil on the mountain wall, imagining that in the future he could make pots and basins to cook and stir-fry meat. Food culture is also an indispensable part of the development of civilization.

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No way, your face is so pale this time?

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