Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 228 Future Development Plan

How can angiosperms rebel? The fern chaos in the Devonian period was mainly due to the fact that land plants had just appeared and no living creatures could digest them.

Even the fungal lichens that can corrode stone and turn it into soil are unable to do anything to them. This allows ferns to reproduce and expand without limit, and eventually the oxygen content increases significantly, leading to the Devonian mass extinction.

But after the earth system is reset, nature will obviously no longer eat their way. Zerg mushrooms can digest ferns, and the earth's ecology has regained balance again.

Flowering plants obviously do not have the ability of ferns. They are much weaker than the Devonian ferns with thick trunks and covering the sky. Not to mention the mass extinction, they did not even trigger minor extinctions. Such a guy can trigger immortality. Xu Dong didn't believe in this kind of expedition.

Of course, these matters in the top circles of the earth have nothing to do with him now. He is not an immortal, so there is no need to be nature's thug.

By the way, weren’t legends the tools to maintain balance before? How come it has sunk to the Immortality Seed now?

Xu Dong estimated that the legendary creature may be an experiment of nature. It was already powerful enough, but with the integration of Zerg genes, the immortal species that gained superpowers can beat the former immortal species.

If another legendary creature with special powers appears, it will be a disaster. Nature will definitely tighten the threshold and try not to let immortal species advance.

Just like when an ancient dynasty was first established, it was best to upgrade, but in the middle and late stages, it would become increasingly difficult to upgrade to the top position. The same is true for the earth's ecology.

When there are not many legendary creatures, pseudo-legends can only be used. Just like when the last Zerg was encircled and suppressed, the Immortals were used.

Nature is also constantly improving the way it maintains balance, and the entire earth's ecology is developing towards order and refinement.

What Xu Dong needs to consider at this time is matters within the Xunlong clan, such as repairing the city wall, developing the fish pond economy, and developing pottery.

Yes, develop pottery. Ever since the velociraptors ate delicious boiled fish, they have been obsessed with it. If you want to eat boiled food, you must develop utensils.

With the flexibility of Xunlong's fingers, it is natural that he cannot make delicate tasks such as wooden pots and basins. However, pottery is still solid and easy to make.

Xu Dong played in the mud a lot when he was a child, so he still has some knowledge in this area.

The most important thing in making pottery is clay, and the temperature is secondary. He doesn't need to make any crafts, as long as it can be shaped and used.

In Xu Dong's impression, clay is the kind of reddish-purple clay, which is not uncommon in the wild. He had seen it on the way to Wangting, but in the mountains nearby. Xu Dong thought he could go and have a look. , if possible, transport it back to make pottery.

At this moment, the big guy ran up the city wall to find Xu Dong. He came to give Xu Dong advice.

Nowadays, the Thunder Dragon's army is unbearable, and the Thunder Dragon tribe is full of martial virtue. It is time to defeat the enemy that has existed for thousands of years in one fell swoop.

Of course, these descriptions are all made up by Xu Dong's mind, but the meaning is that.

Taking advantage of the heavy losses of the Thunder Dragon army to pursue them, it is not a big problem to defeat them. With the current morale of the Thunder Dragon, the Thunder Dragon army can completely do it.

But what Xu Dong wanted to do was not to exterminate the Lei Xunlong clan.

The Thunder Dragon and the Thunder Dragon have a feud that lasts thousands of years and are hostile to each other.

But Xu Dong knows best that the Thunder Dragon is actually a branch of the Thunder Dragon. Is it possible to merge the Thunder Dragon into the Thunder Dragon and merge them into one body again? This would greatly expand the strength of the Thunder Dragon clan.

Think about the almost identical appearance and ecological niche of Thunder Dragon and Velociraptor. It’s not that the two dragons can’t tell the difference between them. Even though they fight constantly with each other, they hardly eat each other’s flesh. In this way It seems likely that Thunderosaurus and Velociraptor were not reproductively isolated.

For example, although Homo sapiens in later generations exterminated other human races during their expansion, some human races were still integrated into Homo sapiens and transformed into chromosomes that have been inherited until modern times.

Homo sapiens can do it, but Velociraptors can't. This large group of thunder dragons are the best experimental dragons. If there is really no way to integrate, then you can only try the young dragons among them.

After thinking about it, Xu Dong was about to appoint the big guy as the main force, but he held back the words. It was better to wait for Tietou and Fury to come back and let them go.

Xu Dong wanted the Thunder Dragon alive, and as a big guy who had a vengeance against the Thunder Dragon for genocide, it was difficult to guarantee that he would capture a few alive.

Although Tietou and Fury also hate thunder dragons, they have lived in the royal court all year round and have not had much contact with thunder dragons, so they will not have unnecessary thoughts.

In this way, the entire royal court's dragons moved again. This time, the main thing was to repair the city wall. Their own safety was the first priority, and then they would carry out the gully reconstruction project.

The next day, Ironhead and Fury came back with loads of prey. As soon as they reached the plains, they discovered countless wide tunnels, which frightened the two velociraptor leaders.

Is this the thunder dragon coming in? In their impression, only the electromagnetic gun can create such terrifying ravines, right?

Suddenly he couldn't care about anything and ran back with his own Velociraptor.

The further you go toward the royal court, the more ravines there will be, which will seriously affect your army. It will take time to cross these bottomless gullies.

When they finally rushed back to the royal court, what they saw was the earth split in two and the city wall cracked. At this moment, both Iron Head, Fury and the adult Velociraptor behind them went crazy.

They rushed towards the royal court as if they were flying. This is their home, here are their relatives and children. They were able to die with their relatives during the Golden Lion Rebellion last time, but now they are allowed to see dead bodies all over the ground. ?

As a result, I rushed under the city wall and found the velociraptors busy at work. They didn't look like anything was wrong at all. What was this situation?

Finally, with explanations from the clansmen, they realized what major events had happened during the two days they left.

Tietou and Fury immediately beat their chests and lamented that they had missed the battle to defend their homeland.

Of course, it won’t be necessary immediately. Xu Dong’s order has been issued, asking Tietou to lead a thousand tribesmen to hunt and capture the scattered Thunder Dragon army. Now repairing the city wall, making fish ponds, and future cave dwellings for firing pottery all require labor. Can Drawing out a thousand people is not bad.

Fury suddenly became unhappy. How could it miss such a chance for revenge? However, its request was directly rejected by Xu Dong. Now it was the time to employ people. He wanted to use five or six of them. How could he send two of them? A leader who can act independently should do this.

The big guy had requested many times before, but was still rejected by Xu Dong. He understood his desire for revenge, but when it came to the racial integration plan, naturally he couldn't let the big guy vent his anger.

I can only aggrieve him a little more.

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